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Preparing ForTransition

Sage Garland

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e in heavenly rapture.

Those who use their tongues as daggers stab deeply into the heart and soul of humanity. Those who use their minds to bring mischeif upon the Earth are also steering humanity ever closer to the edge of the abyss.

Together, we can mend the crack in the Liberty Bell so that it may ring again this time for all humanity.

Turn off the televisions and go within. Meditate on how you can "make some, someone happy".

Begin to hug away the hurts we have caused.

This is the time of the separation. A transference in time is taking place: One world going up; one world going down. Which way are we each headed?

They say hindsight is 20/20 vision. Let us look back to see what we did that we shouldn't have and begin to change it with a loving heart and mind. It's all so very easy and it doesn't even have to hurt.

The thinker said, "The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next".

Remember, the death of the spirit is preceded by the poverty of the body and the mind.

When we begin to "think outside the box", we will begin to see the face of the Christ in everyone we meet and treat them accordingly.

They say the message is in the music:

Marvin asked, "What's goin' on?"

Tremaine Hawkins sings, "We're all in the same boat , brother. You gotta help me. I gotta help you".

Donny Hathaway sang, "Someday we'll all be free."

And James Ingram sings, "We can have whatever we imagine".

Teddy Pendergast warned, "Wake up everybody!!!"

Do some Monday morning quarterbacking and "play it again, Sam".

The old gospel song tells us "The storm is passing over". "Lord let it be ". "Hold on, I"m coming".

Look! Who is that angry one roving to and fro upon the Earth seeking whom he may devour."

A tiny crack is beginning to appear in the armor of the hard-hearted.

"Lord, let it be!"

The Bible speaks of twins and sacrificial lambs. Has the price already been paid with the Twin Towers for a new chance at a better world? Could Ground Zero be the place to begin? THINK!!!

The entire World is experiencing a serious spanking. Lord, please have mercy!

Somewhere in the Bible it says that we must be as wise as serpents, but as harmless as doves. We really need to think about that one today.

"Know the truth and the truth shall make you free".


Do good, let go and let God. It is a mighty fine feeling once you get in the flow. Just try it. You'll like it.