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The End Of Duel Times: Light and Dark Unite

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the true meaning of the Creators plan of manifesting a completely transformed physical world through meeting, communication and unification of "opposites". Now, the socalled dark beings accept their role, to reflect reality with a shadow illusion, and the socaled light beings accept the lessons they have learned in the experiences of the physical realms. The illusion was real for all of us. We thank each other and we regain full consciousness.

Naturaly you're free to check this with your own truth within. If necessary, ask Lord Kuwea and Lord Surea, or Lord Michael. The Anchara Treaty is HOLY for every creature in our milky-way.

Darkness IS the ultimate creation of a mirror of illusion - the physical - that gives new experiences and vital lessons that reveil the divine plan of physical existence. The dark Masters have given the Light the possibility to bring its creative powers to the physical world, and the light Masters have learned to stay in TRUTH in difficult circumstances. All are in the Spirit, the eternal wisdom of the divine Love.

All Masters empower all knowledge to transform all Matter. Live Heaven ! ! !

Luc P.intens (from Belgium)
