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on the grand, global lie/bribe) but SOME of the oldtimers look disgusted as though many years doing this work has made them hardened and serious in demeanor, watch all these people closely and you can tell which ones know the truth and though they are being gagged, they are at least now reporting some of the truth and showing their shows on their faces. The ones that know the truth and cannot say what they want. Some of them really feel totally afraid to leave their jobs, others are afraid for different reasons as they know they are senior members and have sway and influence over the people and want to make sure THEY are there to tell the truth...I am hoping at least! Perhaps Walter Cronkite (who I believe claims to have had Extraterrestrial encounters) has spoken with a few of his colleagues, the senior newscasters he trusts and respects....'Cause Walt knows plenty of truth....:)

So much is going on behind the scenes, so many dastardly acts, we'd all lose it, if we knew. It is true that most cannot "handle" the truth, but some of us are truth warriors and that is all we know....Universal law and Universal truth and we are here to set things right and will not rest until that is so!

So with that, I bid you all blessings....Remember, no matter what you see on the 3D screen of life, know that there is a lot more that is unseen and because of that, all is not as it appears to be. We just do not have all the facts! For that reason, we cannot see the hidden gift within this mess. It is all coming down folks, because WE are making it so....We choose collectively to live a better life, a freer life with a LOT less government! First though for that to happen, mankind must awaken (third wave) unfortunately, most of mankind chooses to learn the hard way and fear change. Many of us do not hold those philosophies, we are the exception and not the rule! Keep doing what you are doing all, each in our own way, we are waking up the masses, which is what will set the stage for a new golden age of enlightenment and peace and unconditional love and acceptance of all life, simply because we are each a thread within it.

Do you know how we bring this all out into the open for full exposure, all of it? We shine our light ever stronger, ever brighter, into the darkest, hidden, secretive spaces on the globe, then we stand back and watch what happens!

Everyone, join in the wonder, when millions around the world celebrate Harmonic Concordance November 8, 2003 at 8:13 PM during the full moon lunar eclipse! You would not believe the configuration of planets in harmony on that day, WOWWie!!!

Love to all,

