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Your Light Is Needed NOW !

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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er who we are and why we are here. Things are not what they seem. During this rare opportunity, it is vitally important for all Lightworkers to step back and look at the bigger picture.

Every single day, thousands of people are awakening and turning the focus of their attention to the Kingdom of Heaven within. As they do, the Light of God expands through their Heart Flames, and their God Selves are called into action. Their God Selves then join the legions of God Selves already working through the millions of awakened Lightworkers on Earth, and the Light of God exponentially expands through every facet of life.

This colossal expansion of God’s Light is pushing the negative patterns and archetypes of Humanity’s miscreations to the surface at an accelerated pace to be healed and transmuted. These humanly-created negative patterns consist of anything that conflicts with the archetypes of perfection pulsating in the Causal Body of God. They consist of anything that conflicts with the Immaculate Concept of Heaven on Earth.

Often when these negative patterns surface, the fear-based human egos of unawakened Humanity latch on to them and bring them into tangible form. These souls manifest the negative patterns as experiences in their lives and the lives of other people by accepting them as reality instead of acknowledging that they are only illusions surfacing to be healed. When we watch the nightly news, we can see evidence of this phenomenon happening all over the planet.

From outer appearances, it seems as though greed, violence and corruption are becoming the order of the day. If Lightworkers do not step back and look at the bigger picture, it is easy to become overwhelmed and filled with despair and feelings of hopelessness. This is the worst thing we can possibly do.

To avert the potential of Lightworkers falling into despair and hopelessness, the Company of Heaven is intervening in our lives as never before. The intent of this Divine Intervention is to remind us of who we are and why we are here. It is also designed to give us the maximum assistance that Cosmic Law will allow during the unprecedented purging taking place on Earth.

The Beings of Light have reiterated to awakening Lightworkers time and again that we have been preparing for aeons of time to be in physical embodiment during this precise moment on Earth. We are each here now because we have volunteered to assist this sweet Earth and all her life through the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted in any system of worlds. A great deal of our previous training involved learning how to be a Peace-Commanding Presence in the face of all adversity. Never have those skills been more necessary or more essential to the work we are being called to do now.

When we observe the negative situations people are living in and the painful conditions all over the world, it looks like the Lightworkers are outnumbered a million to one. What we must realize is that the vast majority of unawakened souls are not deliberately opposing the Light or striving to create pain and suffering on the planet. They are merely unaware of how to change their situations.

The people who are intentionally resisting the Light and trying to manipulate and control people in negative, destructive ways are only a minuscule fraction of the six-billion souls evolving on Earth. They are not nearly as powerful as the outer-world illusions make them seem. In fact, the fragmented, distorted behavior of their lower human egos is relatively powerless. It is only the fear of the masses that gives them the ability to succeed in their nefarious plots. It is time for the fear of the masses to subside. Then the misguided efforts of those who are deliberately resisting the Light will universally fail.

It is not the quantity of Lightworkers who will make the difference, even though we now number in the millions; it is our heart commitment. It is our dedication to the Light and our willingness to be the instruments of God we volunteered to be prior to this embodiment.

Every Lightworker who is a clear and open door for God’s Eternal Love, Peace and Light counteracts the fragmented, negativity of thousands of unawakened souls. Think about that for a moment. Every day that you consciously immerse yourself in the limitless Love, Peace and Light of God, you transmute and heal the effects of the negative behavior patterns of thousands of people.

It is time for the heart commitment and the willing dedication of Lightworkers to be kicked up a notch. We are moving forward at warp speed, and the faster we transmute and heal the surfacing negativity, the sooner we will begin to outpicture the wonder and beauty that is destined to manifest on this planet. Please read the following words through the full power of your focused attention.

We have all, at one time or another, thought about Love and its effect in our lives, but I do not think we have ever really grasped the magnitude of the power of this Divine Substance. I do not believe that we have truly comprehended the incredible transfiguring power of Love in the overall scheme of things.

The unique experiment that is unfolding on Earth at this time is to see if the Sons and Daughters of God can learn to Love powerfully and effectively enough to transcend all negativity. If we do, the Earth and every man, woman and child evolving upon her will Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Limitless Physical Perfection. That is the power of Love, and Lightworkers have the absolute ability to accomplish that goal through our unified efforts.

Through Love we can transcend all obstacles and transform this planet into her Divine Birthright, Heaven on Earth. As oversimplified and unbelievable as that statement may seem, it is an indisputable Truth and a Universal Law.

EARTH is an anagram for HEART. Our sacred heart contains our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame, which is the Divine Balance of Power—Father God—blue flame; Love—Mother God—pink flame; Wisdom—Sons and Daughters of God—yellow flame. The radiance of our Immortal Threefold Flame is the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity or the Circle of the Sacred Twelve. Our heart is the portal through which the Love of God enters the physical plane, and it is the instrument through which our Divinity expresses Itself in our daily lives. Our purpose on EARTH is to learn to open our HEARTs to the full power of God’s Love. The time for us to fulfill that Divine Purpose is NOW!

At this time, we are being given unique assistance to help us open our hearts to full breadth, so that we will be able to utilize the power of God’s Transfiguring Love to help unawakened Humanity transcend all negativity. The floodgates of Heaven have opened, and Legions of Light throughout the whole of Creation are standing in readiness to assist us. All they need in order to respond is our heartfelt beck and call.

As Lightworkers volunteer to help unawakened Humanity prepare for the greatest shift of consciousness ever known, we are being given assistance from On High that, if utilized, will assure our God Victorious success. This assistance is coming from the heart of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God—All That Is. It is the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love, the most powerful force of Love in the whole of Creation.

This sacred Flame was anchored in the heart of every man, woman and child on August 17, 2001, and it has been building in power and momentum since that time. Now, because of the need of the hour, our Father-Mother God is greatly expanding the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love within each person's heart.

This tremendous expansion of Light will help prepare all Humanity for the activities of Light that will take place August 16-21, 2003. Lightworkers are being asked to be the Heart, Head and Hands of God in the physical plane of Earth during these holy days.

During that time, Lightworkers from all over the world will gather within the portal of Healing through the Power of Limitless Transmutation and Transfiguring Divine Love in Tucson, Arizona. Under the guidance of the Company of Heaven, we will offer ourselves as a Cup, a Holy Grail, through which the Light of Transfiguring Love will pour to Heal and Transmute the negativity being pushed to the surface all over the world.

So far, we have Lightworkers coming to Tucson from Australia, Bosnia, Canada, Dominican Republic, England, France, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Namibia, Netherlands, Scotland, Switzerland and throughout the United States of America.

In Divine Synchronicity, the planet Mars will be moving toward its closest passage to the Earth in approximately 73,000 years. The blessings that are flooding the Earth from Mars at this time are specifically designed to assist Humanity in centering the energy of the Heart in the midst of change and in attaining direct union with the Divine. Could anything be more perfect? Mars will make its closest passage to the Earth on August 27, 2003.

The Beings of Light have said that the activity of Healing through Transmutation and Transfiguring Love will greatly assist unawakened souls to transcend the adversity in their lives, so that they will hear the still, small voice within and awaken to the guidance of their God Selves. Once this awakening occurs, they will be able to remember the Oneness of all life and transform their lives into the expressions of Divine Love they are destined to be.

There are still some spaces available at the Seventeenth Annual World Congress on Illumination which will be held in Tucson, Arizona, August 16-21, 2003. If you feel the heart call to join us, please listen and respond. Contact us as soon as possible for details on how you can participate in this life-transforming activity of Light.

If you are unable to join us physically, know that you will be in your right and perfect place for this event. Ask your God Self how you can most effectively add your energy to this unprecedented opportunity, and you will be guided as you join us in consciousness each day.

Throughout these holy days we will work in the Eternal Moment of Now, so anytime you project your Light into our Chalice will be perfect. As the Light of God builds in momentum day-by-day, pay close attention to the opportunities that are presented to you. Respond to the ones that resonate in your heart. Doors will open for you, and your path will be made clear. I truly appreciate you and your willingness to be an instrument of God for this vital facet of the Divine Plan.

Millions of people are so buried in the effluvia of their negative belief systems that they cannot raise their heads above the chaos and confusion effectively enough to reunite with their God Selves. These people have no concept of the Oneness of life, and they truly believe that they must lie, steel, cheat and kill for their survival. Those of us who have awakened from that nightmare and remember that we are all One have the responsibility of being our brother's and sister's keepers until they can awaken to that Divine Truth themselves. This does not mean that we are to just passively wait and watch for their awakening. It means that we are to actively be the instruments of God we have volunteered to be.

Those of you who are reading these words have been prepared to assist in the Divine Mission of helping unawakened Humanity get ready for the shift of consciousness that is now on the horizon. If that were not the case, your God Self would not have drawn this information into your sphere of awareness. This is a wondrous opportunity for you, and the Universe will joyously support your every effort in this essential endeavor.

To begin the process, we need to open our hearts to every evolving soul on Earth. This is not easy when we observe some of the terrible things people are doing to each other and to the other lifeforms on the planet, but it is a necessary step in becoming instruments of God. The most powerful awakening force in the Universe is the power of God’s Love flowing through your sacred Heart Flame into the sacred Heart Flame of another Human Being.

During the events that will take place August 16-21, 2003, our Father-Mother God will expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love within every Heart Flame the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow. This expansion of Transfiguring Love will lift Lightworkers into a higher frequency of energy, vibration and consciousness than we have ever experienced before, and it will empower us to be more effective instruments of God. When this occurs, we will be able to serve as surrogates on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth.

During the sacred conclave in August, as the activities of Light unfold step-by-step, the portal of Divine Love in the hearts of Lightworkers everywhere will be opened to full breadth. We will each be lifted into the full embrace of God’s Transfiguring Love, and through our unified hearts, ALL life will be lifted up with us. The portal of Divine Love within the Heart of the collective body of Humanity will be opened to full breadth as well, and every evolving soul will be lifted closer to his or her own Divinity.

The Beings of Light have said that once the portal of Divine Love is opened within the hearts of unawakened Humanity, their personal transformation will begin in earnest. Our responsibility as Lightworkers is to hold every precious soul in the Light and to keep clearing the effluvia daily and hourly, so that no one will feel overwhelmed with the awakening process.

Remember, the price for freedom is eternal vigilance. In order to keep us one-pointed in our spiritual endeavors of being our brother's and sister's keepers, the Company of Heaven is assisting us as never before. They have given us information, visualizations and spiritual guidance that will empower each of us to stay focused and teach us how to help the maximum we can in the awakening process of Humanity. These sacred tools are designed to hold the portal of Divine Love open in every human heart and to lift Humanity into the frequencies of Light that will enhance our ability to make the upcoming shift of consciousness effortlessly and joyously, on the wings of bliss.

Words cannot fully express what a joy it is for me to have the opportunity to join my heart with yours in this glorious endeavor. Thank you, and God Bless you.

We are all blessed beyond the comprehension of our finite minds to be able to join hearts with the Legions of Light in the Realms of Truth in fulfillment of the Divine Plan for this sweet Earth. From the very depths of our Beings we say, Thank you God!

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