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Creating A Body Of Light

Author Unknown

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This occurs when you become fully aware of WHO IN FACT YOU REALLY ARE, and that you are no longer subject to suggestions of death, suggestions of the so-called finite universe, the finite reasoning of man.

Einstein once told that space folded back on itself, and a reporter asked, "What lies beyond the fold?" The human mind finds it very difficult to accept space and time without limits, without borders. Yet the humanmind cannot even conceive of anything that is a final border, where nothing can exist beyond. The human mind cannot conceive of nothingness. For even that which is nothing, beyond the border, is something to the human mind.

When you can look at the infinite levels of consciousness, realizing that the physical body is only the reflections of the finite description of the mind, realizing that there is that which lies beyond the borders of the body, beyond the borders of one's life, which goes on beyond the parenthesis in which one's life is contained, between birth and death; when your consciousness begins to recognize the eternal ever present movement of the consciousness, of the soul - then the concept of an ever-living body will not seem so strange to you; and the concept of a physical body whose vibrations raise in light toward that which is the soul, so it does not become gross and decay, but rather begins to disintegrate into levels of light, levels of vibration. And where you can conceive of the possibility of a body being somewhere in-between, halfway between physical and light, where it does not decay but becomes a shimmering mass - this is that which becomes the immortal physical body which shall come into being. This is the reconciliation between the soul and the body, between the physical and the Spirit.

In your travels through time and space you have or will begin to glimpse these levels of development, of growth, of movement, and will find, continual progress even in those experiences which appear to be painful and difficult.

In surrendering to the Christ Light within, you begin to move rapidly toward that reconciliation of the Spirit and the body of the Divine.

(Author Unknown)
