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From Spirit on 'Darkening Clouds'.


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Hello again, I have asked Spirit to comment on anything of importance at this time and although the following may not be the only valid opinion on this situation, we hope it is of some interest to you. "Well, yes, there is something we'd like to say here. And that is that to the casual observer, the world is getting worse, not better.

You see, there are clouds `darkening' on the horizon apparently.

And instead of the glorious `dawn' predicted, there are these `ominous' happenings.

Along with these ominous happenings, people are starting to become more afraid for their future, and the future of their children you see.

What we'd like to say at this time is that these are `symptoms' of the morally `corrupt' people who are `running the show' and who are in a state of abject `panic' you see.

They are `burning the midnight oil' trying to figure out how to maintain their `autonomy', their command of all situations for their benefit.

This has been the 'norm' for a long, long time, where they have had control in one way or another, of all the important `buttons', you might say, that activate the conditions in the world that affect the lives of virtually all.

But they know that things are not `going their way' any longer.

There's something wrong in the normal procedure that they've been used to and could depend on.

Now all of a sudden things don't `look right', and they don't `feel right' and because there is so much at stake for them, possibly even their physical lives, they are resorting to `grandiose machinations', or threats of this sort of activity in order to try to produce enough fear that they again can gain complete control of all situations in their interests.

Don't fall for it.

Don't think that there's something wrong with what you've been told, or in your belief that there is real Justice in the Universe after all.

Depend on it. Count on it.

These people are falling and they will continue to fall until they reach the bottom.

So it has started and that's why you see the panic before you.

Have no fear, it is only what you would expect of a `cornered' wild animal. This creature is going to use all of it's `wiles' and abilities to try and escape.

And that basically is what's happening to these people. They feel like all of a sudden they are in a corner and the walls are closing in on them now."

All the best to all. Lyle.