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Are You Watching A Country Commit Suicide?

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ibes disguised as political contributions.

6. Their Educational System is in Crisis.

7. Their Debts and Balance of Trade Deficits continue to Mount.

8. They are being Flooded with Irrational, Massive, Unchecked Immigration.

9. Their Trade Policies are the Laughing Stock of the World.

10. Their Income Tax System is Corrupt and Incomprehensible.

11. Their Medical and Retirement Systems are Not Sustainable.

12. Many of their Laws are Unreasonable and Selectively Enforced.

13. They Cannot contain Crime, and their Streets are Unsafe.

You might ask? "How did the hypothetical country get into such a mess?"

The answer is they did it to themselves: The Citizens have put little effort into electing decent reputable candidates. They have been more interested in their lives and pleasures than in the care of the country. They wave flags and buy bumper stickers that say wesupport the troops because that makes them feel good. They do nothing about the corrupted politicians they elect. Every problem they have was created by their elected politicians who bent and distorted the Constitution and the laws of their founding fathers.

One solution to this countries dilemma is to 'kick the bums out.' Both Major Parties have become corrupted. They have Lied to the citizens that voted for them and the citizens know it! If the citizens tolerate lies, then they are asking for more! What the citizen hasto acknowledge to themselves is that both parties have violated their trust and have intentionally helped to destroy this beautiful country of theirs ... the land they love!

It's Time for change! It's time to really study the issues and really know the candidates. If this isn't done, the good citizens will only get more of the same. They need politicians who keep their word not posturing windbags. Leadership means making hard decisions, not reading a speech that somebody else wrote. That's All that is coming from the Major Parties why ... because the citizens have allowed them to lie to them, still voting and supporting them. The citizens bear the fault. They failed to elect ethical candidates and to keep a watchful eye on them.

It's Time to Look at Third Party Candidates. We aren't endorsing any one Party. One of the definitions of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We know what we will get if we don't.

Will the Citizens of this hypothetical country wake up in time to prevent a suicide? In this century, we have seen countries disintegrate because of massive corruption. Can it happen to the hypothetical country? If the citizens fail to act intelligently, you bet it can...

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