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A Coming of More Light Energy

James Gilliland

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eclipse. It is one of many yet to come which will increase exponentially. Many of these shifts affect the Earth on many levels, Social, Economic, Political, and the Physical. It is hard to know how the Earth is going to react to this dispensation. There is a lot of choice in the matter especially mentally, emotionally, and within society. We can rise to the occasion and end the wars, competition and learn to cooperate in the highest and best good of humanity and the Earth or we can continue to be led down the path of devolution into social, economic andenvironmental collapse.

We can be part of the solution or continue as willing participants in the problem. This determines the reaction, karmic backlash and severity of these events. Physical Earth Changes are harder to change once set into motion due to the physicals slower vibration. We cannot deny or stand in the way of the Earth's healing process. Only a fool spits in the wind and to stand in front of a great wave or upon a major fault line and say stop will only speed up your journey into the heavens. We have to flow with these changes, release the past wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. The old grudges and hatreds must find the light of forgiveness individually and collectively. The lessons will come swiftly to those who live in denial and want to continue in the old ways of separation and competition. A wave of oneness is sweeping the Earth, cooperation in the highest and best good of all humanity and the Earth willallow this civilization to continue on the upward spiral of evolution.

Those who wish to continue in the lust for greed, power and the acquisition of wealth at the expense of humanity and the Earth; the war and disease profiteers leading us on the downward spiral will have their lessons. Those who align themselves with them and are dependent upon them will experience the same. The religious paradox and deception will also be revealed in the days to come. The immutable law of Karma despite our arrogance or ignorance will have its day. No matter where you go, there you are and there you will reap what you have sown. James Gilliland