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Lightworkers, Hold the Line!


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tor. We are literally an extension of Light through our Higher Self and as such we are co-creators with our Creator God ofLight. With this knowledge and understanding, instead of doubt or concerns that the schedule Bellringer has provided for N.E.S.A.R.A. and our Abundant supply, may or may not happen - why not every reader that wants to believe or does believe join together in prayer, meditation - whatever means of devotion to God each feels comfortable with and claim this to be true. With all our hearts, all our Love, all our hopes and desires for the hightest good for all - let us see, pray, feel and meditate on this schedule being on time with no more delays. As above, so below. Let us put aside our human egos and pride, our fears and doubt and just know, believe that all things are possible with Creator God of Light and we are the physical vessels of Light if by our free will choice - each of us allow God's Will and Light to work through us.

Maybe our real test, is to see if we have enough faith, enough discernment, enough Love, joy and hope, enough desire to stand on God's Word and to co-create this schedule of God Victory, NOW.

Enough is enough, the children of Light must be set free and we have the right to demand it so, in the name of God, I Am That I Am, our Higher Self or in the name of God of Light that you use in your religion or faith. We have that right as children of Light. We can call to God, we can call to all our brother and sisters of Light and God's legions of Light to join us in this endeavor. We can say enough is enough - that the free will choice and the rights of all evil and their evil intent is not acceptable in our world anymore. That we have the right to make decisions based on true facts not their lies and illusions. Enough is enough. This is the children of Lights day, our time to stand up and be counted, to claim our God Victory, to claim our Abundant Life, to claim our Freedom and World Peace! WE HAVE ALREADY WON! We have already won if we believe it so with all our hearts, all our emotions and feelings, with a set and focused vision, with a determination unwavered. It is time for the children of Light to say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, WE CLAIM OUR GOD VICTORY NOW, WE CLAIM OUR ABUNDANT LIFE NOW, WE CLAIM FREEDOM AND PEACE NOW!" Creator God of Light has ordained it so, our ascended brothers and sisters of Light are giving us all the help we need.

Let's do our part, let's be those vessels of Light and change, let's pray, meditate, visualize, decree and claim our God Victory. Let's call for the Violet flame and God's unconditional love to enfold us all, Mother Earth, the United States of America, N.E.S.A.R.A., the prosperity programs and remove all opposition, all evil and their evil intent, all delays - once and for all. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER WITH CREATOR GOD OF LIGHTAND THE AID OF THE LEGIONS OF LIGHT - we are all ONE.

For all that want to participate, how about over the next few days we each pray, meditate, decree, visualize, try to stay focused on the schedule and its perfect out picturing physically. We can even call for the Violet flame and God's unconditional Love to enfold Mother Earth, each of us and every aspect of our lives and the United States of America, removing all delays and opposition. We can call for the assistance of Creator God of Light and the Legions of Light and ask that we all be joined together for the manifest of the schedule now and on time. We all have the power and light to co-create with God, not my will but Thine be done, Oh God. It is so, it is done.

Thank you for allowing me to share this vision, this suggestion. I do see us all standing as ONE IN THE LIGHT, holding hands together and through our combined efforts physically and the combined efforts of the Legions of Light (as above so below) joined with us - OUR GOD VICTORY IS NOW!

Love, Light and the Abundant Life,