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A Manifestation of Love in Action

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and reflect light in front of all windows and doors. She managed to hang on to the screen door for about a minute and fell as I ran into the living room from my office. She lay there not breathing at the corner of the door. I stayed for a few minutes thinking that another bird died, especially since I saw the death shudder. I went back to work for about fifteen minutes and went to check again, no breathing, she was right next to the door, with only four inches separating us. something inside me took over and I found myself connecting to Gaia's core and the Great Central Sun and began to run the energy.

I consciously charged my palms with Divine Heart Flow and became one with the little bird. I then found myself begin to talk to the little bird, telling her how much I loved her song and was so thankful that she had graced my life with her joy and beauty. I told her that she had a choice, that she could choose to stay on earth for awhile longer or she could go back to Source. If she wanted to sing, play and live on earth for awhile longer to see the wonderful changes happen, i would help her. Energy began to poor from my palms. I sat in meditation for over fifteen minutes BEFORE anything began to happen (this little bird now had not breathed for almost 35 minutes).

Suddenly she began to shudder once or twice. I continued to tell her it was her choice to decide what she wanted. All of a sudden this little bird came alive! She opened her eyes and I continued to pour love into her along with Divine Heart Flow. We looked into each others eyes for quite awhile as she got her bearings again. it took her a few minutes to get enough strength to walk, and at first she just simply walked back and forth along the edge of the door.

When her strength was back, she walked away to the end of the patio and went and got water and food. She then sat where she could watch the house. When I had dinner she came closer to the door, puffed herself up (like birds do when mating) and watched me eat. Then back to playing with the other birds. Later I went out to fill the feeders. All the birds flew away, but she stayed. When I was done filling the feeders, I sat down on the edge of the patio, and she came up to me and was just about four inches away! She chirped at me several times and then showed me that she could still fly. This morning at dawn, she came to the patio to say good morning before going to feed. Now get this. Several doves watched the healing and several lizards that live in the yard.

Ever since the solstice, the lizards have been coming out whenever the yard is filled with feeding or playing birds, and they have played together with the sparrows and doves! That in itself is mind blowing, as some birds like to eat lizard for lunch (like blue jays).

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May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You! From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom. NESARA NOW WON! WORLD PEACE NOW WON!
