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re was a living dark side of reality in the 3rd and 4th density (dimension) worlds for as long as the earth was populated with people, until they finally were removed almost totally on 2/18/07. These dimensions are “duality” worlds containing both male and female life forms where reproduction can take place. On other higher realities reproduction is seldom granted. Since God is eternal, we are eternal.(We are made in the spiritual image of God)

4. From 5th density worlds on up, merging takes place. We still identify our gender nature, which we gradually lose as we become androgynous, merge with our soul mates, and ultimately ascend and finally merge with the ultimate God who is nameless, since a name is a limitation, and He is limitless. Aton (the God of this universe, and Creator (an individual entity) created all life forms, both good and bad, (spiritually light and dark)

5. The dark beings are useful in helping us spiritually grow and gain in unconditional love, which is God’s nature. As we grow, fear and ego, which are necessary to protect our physical bodies, eventually dissolve as we unite with the nameless one. “The weeds somewhat hinder the growth of the good fruit but later the weeds will become compost and nourish the soil. --- If it was not for the weeds which are made into nourishment, the fruit could not grow into perfection and abundance”. (Phoenix Journal Chapter 2, page 80.) But the DARK BEINGS HAVE FINALLY LEFT after resisting for years after they had promised that they would leave. That is what has delayed the government reform package (2/18/07).

6. God, who is limitless, experiences limitation by experiencing each of our limited life in a physical body, has now experienced enough limitation. So this is the last experimental free will life form planet created by God that its people have not destroyed. He had almost given up on us but we still have a chance.

7. Mother Earth (Gaia) describes herself as the organizing entity of all living things. She is sick unto death from our desecrating her body (earth). She is starting various means to clean it up.. Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes volcanoes, and moving tectonic plates are at her disposal. Gaia is ascending through the 4th dimension and ultimately creating a 5th dimension from it, which means melting the polar ice caps, covering land with water on which wars have been fought, starvation has been rampant, and the population has been subjugated by malicious and ruthless rulers, requiring cleansing by submersion for perhaps years. We have been advised to follow our intuition to move to another area if we are inspired to do so. .Atlantis and Lemuria will reappear, a new firmament(Psalms 19.1) will be formed over night from the melting ice caps. (Psalms 19.1,two transparent layers of ice at 30,000 and 33000 feet altitude like it once was, which will make the polar regions the same temperature as the rest of the earth, and there will be no more deserts. This will require the airlines to switch to space shuttles that can rise to a higher dimension and disappear before they go through the ice layers. All dimensions above 4th which has 6 harmonic levels,up to the 16th have 8 harmonic resonance points, making each point invisible to the adjacent points, the same as adjacent TV stations, thus hiding all higher dimension suns and planets. But their combined mass makes up the dark 90% mass of the universe that the astronomers have been looking for.

8. God answers prayers unless we have intentionally created the problem, then we have to fix it ourselves, especially if there is an important spiritual lesson to be learned. He knows we will reincarnate and get another chance if we die, which we have all done hundred of times before. Angels were created by God to answer prayers, but few pastors ever mention this. But even they cannot help us with those kinds of problems.

9. A new child’s spirit sometimes waits to enter the fetus until it is born, so it gets a chance to leave the body if the mother decides at the last minute to abort, or if it can foresee a life with more problems than it anticipated. So the mother should realize that baby’s aborted body has been terminated, but not its spirit which is eternal. Still-born babies decide to leave early. Its better to use any type of birth control method than to abort later.

10. When one dies, the first stop-over is an “astral hospital” called Nervana where Matthew, who has channeled through his mother on this subject, and describes having to re-educate most new arrivals to unlearn much of what he/she has been taught in their religious teachings, regardless of the denomination.

11. We were born to reproduce (a new dispensation was made on 4/5/07 that a couple could not conceive unles both wanted a child ) and ultimately ascend back to unity with our creator by learning to love unconditionally after many reincarnations. But now there is another way: by learning to transform by intending to, have our carbon-based body gradually CHANGE into a crystalline body that can sustain its life forever in higher spiritual levels starting in 4D. One source to learn about this transformation is Here you can learn of the spiritual purpose of crop circles.

12. . The power of intention is phenomenal. In fact, from 5D up, it is the ONLY power that gets things done or undone in the world we create for ourselves. As we bring to our consciousness to those unconscious thought forms that would prevent our manifestations from becoming realized, the intention to release it in full gets it done. Intention has the greatest power just before we fall asleep at night and as we awaken in the morning, when we are 'between' realities. (Astral plane while sleeping, 3D or 4D when awake.)

13. Christian ministers preach that Sananda (Jesus) is our Savoir. But He said he wants to be our brother, not our Savior. “You are my brother if you love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your brother as yourself.” SEE UP-GRADED 3RD LAW BELOW.

14. Sananda has returned to earth, in the spirit to start with, in case we might decide to do away with him again, and He will appear in the flesh at the proper time as he said he would. (http// His primary purpose is to correct the many distortions that have crept into the Bible in order to justify the need for different religions.

15. Benevolent space entities, such as Pliadeans, welcome the opportunity to help Gaia’s or Mother Earth’s problems but first we must ask, since this asking makes it our free will choice. So once that I found that was all it took, I’ve been asking for their help on all sorts of problems. Getting rid of mercury and other poisonous chemicals in the streams and oceans, cleaning the atmosphere of carbon dioxide. And closing the ozone hole. Many of our problems have been created by the dark side, such as AIDS, malaria and ticks and chiggers. So I have been asking God to take care of these through prayer. I have asked for changing poisonous snake venom to less poisonous variety that doesn’t kill or severely debilitate humans, and to banish other infectious debilitating diseases, and cold virus. The latest (4/14/07) was to banish all interest in child pornography and related subjects. This was a dark side thought form that was draging some people down needlessly.

. 16. The standard universal ET language is telepathy . ETs don’t use radio for communication. Telepathy is instantaneous. If you think of a person and start telepathic communication with him/her, there is no distance between you two. You are both “here” while you re communicating. In higher dimensions, distance is meaningless. And there is no time passage. It’s always now. Time can be understood like our watching a movie made of many still pictures. If the still pictures appear to be shown “often” enough, the objects in the still pictures appear to move. But what happens when the “time” that there is no picture showing? The answer, according to quantum physicists is that “reality” blinks off. And it could be for a nanosecond, or A MILLION YEARS. It would make no difference to the observer watching the movie, since he would blink off, and would blink on when the next still picture would be projected. So in upper realities, you are always “here” where your attention is and it is always “now”. There is no “then” only a new “now”. When we all ascend to 5D, Creator will turn off the movie and there will be no more 3D OR 4D.

17. The Pleiadeans have removed all the radiation from all the atomic bombs in the world. So we will not explode any more atomic bombs. The Pleiadeans and other space brothers will not allow it. They have also removed the radiation from the spent fuel rods from atomic reactors.

18. The Pleiadians have offered to use their space shuttles which use unlimited space energy (ala Tesla) to replace our passenger jet planes, and show us how to build them so long as we do not attempt inter-stellar travel until we quit making war. They also offered to replace our gas-guzzling cars with a 4 passenger “roadster” that floats off the ground, (ala Star Wars), that also uses space energy. They recently gave a sample and a set of plans to each domestic auto manufacturer. This helps compensate for the millions of jobs that have been exported. If a manufacturer cheats and sends their information to a branch plant overseas, the plans and sample will be “uncreated”. This had already happened to one well known manufacturer and when the plans and sample dissapeared they asked to be reinstated. which was granted, and were fined with a 1 year delay in start-up.

. 19. They also have started to provide plans and samples of space energy “table-top size” 15 kilowatt generators, for home use, and larger electrical generators to power factories which can feed excess power to the electrical grid, thus eventually replacing the grid entirely which will cut down on the earth’s oil consumption. They have agreed to give a sample and plans to any responsible group of people in any country who mentally ask, (remember, they speak telepathically). (If the group plans to make an enormous profit, or plans to hire cheap labor or do shoddy work, their request will be denied.) A reasonable profit will be negotiated.

20. They plan to have low level fly overs of space shuttles as soon as all military fighter planes and rockets are ordered to stand down. This has probably already happened by the time you read this.

21. Precious metals-backed colored “rainbow currency” is already printed and ready in 1800 banks in the U.S. and is in limited circulation, and is gradually replacing fiat Federal Reserve dollars, which we can exchange to this new currency.

22. Insights on 9-11:(excerpts from a letter to a newspaper editor by an airforce pilot) "I'll start by saying a few months prior it was announced by President Bush that Dick Cheney would be heading up operations over NORAD our North American Aerospace Defence Command. Along with many of my peers, we were shocked. Over the years, if you research NORAD, it has always been under the command of a Military Officer. It was done this way because the defence of this country has been in the hands of such. Prior to the months before 9-11 this was all of a sudden changed. For some strange reason Bush changed this and gave that power to a civilian person on his Staff team yes I know, very strange. Many of the planes sent to intercept the fake blips were scrambled from Andrews which an air defence AFB for the east coast. They were sent across the US and left very few planes to defend the capital. Then to top all of this Cheney gave NORAD the order to stand down scrambling jets to interceot. Only after the Pentagon was hit did he give the orders to scramble the jets to intercept the plane bound for the White House."

23. This might not be important to most people, but there is a race of large hairy humans dating back to the Ice Age called the SASQUATCH Adult males are over nine feet tall. They are shy creatures that move into a higher level of reality and disappear when frightened, which is why they are seldom seen. There have been hair samples tested and the DNA shows human DNA. They are intuitive. An adult male skeleton was recently placed on display in the Denver Colorado Museum.

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There are 18 Laws, not 10 Commandments. The Eighteen Laws are as follows:

These Laws were given forth by God Aton, God of Light, and Creation, and are also called The Laws of Balance.

1. You shall have no other gods than the Creator God before you and abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as the "Law of One".

2. You shall not make for yourselves idols and false images to worship as gods for therein you give power into the hands of evil.

3. You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and being (you must love yourself as God and God as yourself).

4. You shall not use the name of God irreverently, nor use it to swear to a falsehood.

5. Remember God's "day" and keep it holy. (Every day is God’s "day".)

6. You shall honor your mother and father.

7. You shall not murder your fellow man. (Killing to preserve your life or of your family is not murder)

8. You must not commit adultery.

9. You must not steal (materially or emotionally).

10. You must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor.

11. You must not impose nor force your free-will upon the free-will of another. Also known as "The Law of Non-interference."

12. You must not judge others, but you must wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of God and The Creation.

13. As you sow, so shall you reap. Also called "The Law of Cause and Effect."

14. You must honor all commitments made in service to God, the Father, the One within.

15. You must obey the wisdom of God for the responsible and balanced procreation of your species.

16. You must do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also called "The Golden Rule".

17. Evil (adversaries of God) must always wear a sign of their evilness. (By their fruits you shall know them).

18. You must not commit the act of slavery (physical or emotional) upon any human being of Creator God