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Message from Valerie Donner - "Straight From the Heart"

Valerie Donner

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n in the morning, sleep apnea or awakening with terror in the heart, feeling like being alone, need for nurturing, hopelessness, and helplessness just to mention a few.

On January 20 (Bush’s inauguration) there was a huge X-class solar flare that created high levels of radiation and other effects from the sun. These flares are interfering with satellites, computers and people’s energy fields. Often when these occur you can experience it in your head, feel sleepy and have a hard time staying in your body. They can also affect your moods. You can go to and see what is happening with the sun. They keep the solar activity updated every ten minutes. If you are feeling strangely it might behoove you to pay attention to what the Earth is doing.

I also recommend that you go to Charlotte King’s site ( and sign up for her regular updates. Char is a biological earthquake predictor so her body is sensitive to what the Earth is experiencing. She has been accurate for many years. She feels things in her body that correspond to different places on the planet. The symptoms also correlate to Earth changes.

Did you think our ascension would be easy? There is much more Light on the Earth at this time so that is why the dark forces are threatened. I have talked about this with other Lightworkers and we do feel that there is some attack being launched against us in the dream state. I would be interested in knowing if this has happened to you. Please let me know. It is important that you put the Light of the Christ before you prior to sleeping. This will assist you in being protected and in also staying in your soul energy while you do your Lightwork in Asia and other places.

Pay attention to your heart, the animals, your body and other sensitivities as you make choices daily about what to do and where to be. It is important that you be mindful every step that you take, ground crew. Follow the energy always. That means you pay attention to the flow. I like to use the words to the old song “You’ve got to know when to hold them and know when to fold them…” That means you walk away or make a new choice when the energies call you.

The other day I did a phone session with a lovely Native American man from Canada . He is a teacher of native studies but was also challenged with what it going on with the Earth. Most of the indigenous people are deeply connected to the Earth. He was feeling some challenges and many people were relying on him for healing and assistance. At the end of the session I told him that his heart needed “reassurance”. Right then he had a big healing and told me his Blackfoot name: “Shunkmanitoutanka”. That name means, “All is well.” I use his name Shunkmanitoutanka as a mantra whenever I start to feel challenged for I know that God is in charge and all is well.

It is important that we do not get caught up in fear, ground crew. If you find yourself focusing on what is going to happen next then you are not in the now moment. Going back to the now you can breathe in that energy and know that in this very now moment all is well. You are all right and will be all right. In the now moment you will always be guided and will know what to do.

Staying grounded and centered is necessary. That is why it is imperative that you meditate daily for at least ten minutes, 20 minutes is best. Ground to the Earth and to the Light Realms in your meditation. Breathe in the energy from both of these places. It will make you feel better.

I have found that watching inspiring movies helps me a lot right now. Doing things that are positive and emotionally healthy are highly recommended. Being around like-minded friends is advantageous. You can support each other as you go through your challenges together.

Use your affirmations. You might find some of these useful:

I am always in the right place at the right time.

I am in the flow. I choose the flow.

All is well.

God is in charge.

I am one with all of life.

I live life to the fullest.

I am in my truth.

I will always know what to do for I follow divine guidance.

I love and allow.

I always have choice.

I am here now.

I am guided, provided and protected.

I am in divine balance.

The Earth and I are one.

I love, honor and trust myself.

God is taking care of my loved ones. You can add to this list but this will give you a start.

Know these are the strangest of times. We are facing challenges that we never thought could happen. We want change but we don’t want it to be too hard or too much of a struggle. Right? Well, why do you think we are a part of the ground crew? We are powerful beings of Light who are now being activated into our roles. These are roles for which we have been duly prepared. It is only that we are not consciously aware of them. This is coming to Light and you will know clearly as time progresses.

Why I Love The Ground Crew

Why I love the ground crew

Is special and keen.

Some of you I have met before

And others in between.

We come from places far and near

Holding our beloved Earth dear.

We brought our special gifts

To heal energies and to clear.

Our languages may vary.

Our voices may be quiet or loud.

But on our missions we don’t tarry.

In the end we will be proud.

Some of us would like to live

On fairy dust or dew.

Many of us are tired of

This 3d hulabaloo.

There is some ground crew,

Not to mention any names,

Who are waiting for the ships

To amplify the games.

In the long run it doesn’t really matter

From what dimension or planet we arrived.

We are here to let our Light splatter

And to keep the Earth alive.

These are only a few reasons

That I think the ground crew is great.

We are playing in spiritual seasons

For which we will not be late.

I will always love you

>From the beginning until the end.

Our future is glorious

And on this we can depend.

I love the ground crew.

I am dedicated with all my heart

To return with you to the many mansions

From which we had our start.

In Conclusion

Let’s go for it, ground crew! We have a big job to do. We are not alone, ever, ever. We have an abundance of assistance from many realms. Things are getting more complicated yet simpler. Follow your heart. Listen to your inner guidance. Keep the faith. Wait for the plan to reveal itself. Stay on even keel. Live in prayer and meditation. Follow the energy. Be in your truth. Make empowered choices. Be in love not fear. Keep in the now. Be happy that you are a part of the ground crew.

Blessings, love and Light,

© 2005 The Ground Crew

Valerie Donner is the founder of The Ground Crew Website. She is a spiritual counselor, teacher, intuitive healer/reader, channel, writer and poet. Valerie has meditated twice a day for over 30 years. She worked in the corporate world for many years so she understands what it is like to be in the business world as well as being on the spiritual pathway. In her work she goes deeply to the heart and soul level where true healing is needed and given.

She is available for personal sessions and can be reached in the following ways:

866-281-2402 (toll free in the U.S.), 925-287-8976

P.O. Box 5705

Walnut Creek, CA 94596-5705


© 2005 The Ground Crew

The information on this website is presented for the benefit of humanity. All of this information is copyrighted by The Ground Crew and must not be used for any other proprietary purposes. Permission is granted for personal use only.

©2005 The Ground Crew. Permission must be granted for any use other than personal.
