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The Power of Affirmation

Charles Beach

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ring forth the changes I sought.

As I get deeper into this report, you will learn more of how to use affirmations to help in the healing process. Your healing, and the healing and the world as well. Isn't this what we are here to do. Heal ourselves of the many problems we have been plagued with in the past. Knowing that this healing is happening for us, we can then do our part to help others get their own healing too. This is a real form of service.

Our world is in one hell of a mess. Don't you agree? As truth students, Light workers, we have the needed tools to make positive changes happen in the here and "NOW" moment. Affirmations when used as directed, bring about benefits that defy description. Read on and learn how to help yourself and others.

The Middle East Needs Our Healing energy

In reference to what is happening in the middle east, I felt it my responsibility to share something else that has the power to make much needed change. This requires the use of a very powerful affirmation. A fellow Light worker sent me this and I have been using it for the last few days with dramatic results. I wanted to share it.

You all know that the conflict in the middle east, was designed to create more "FEAR" in the public. Right? Bush and his gang are up to no good. What's new! They are trying their best to hold on to their power. It won't work. There is Now enough of us believers, willing to help strip Mr. Bush of his power. It's just a matter of time (soon) before he leaves office. Or is removed, whichever comes first.

In the mean time let us diffuse the Hostilities in the middle east. I have a powerful tool that will help you, and accomplish this important job at the same time. As I mentioned above, A new Affirmation has been brought forth possessing unbelievable power. "I AM THE ABSOLUTE PERFECTION OF THE I AM THAT I AM". This comes from Master St. Germain.

In my last report, I tried to emphasize the value of Affirmations. I have used them with good results for some time now. You and I, are so much alike. We have all been programmed and conditioned from birth to believe and react in certain ways. According to directions given us from authoritive figures in our early lives. What habits we learned then, are for many of us still operational today. My point is, this can be changed with the reprogramming process known as affirmations.

My years in the ministry counseling others, has proven to me, just how potent affirmations can be for producing positive change. Once I was able to assure a client that they had nothing to lose and everything to gain, they grabbed ahold of this process and ran with the ball willingly. Many of the results achieved were dramatic to say the least.

The Technique

Let me explain what will happen using this powerful affirmation. What follows is extremely important and must be followed in detail. First, use a "MIRROR" for this exercise. While looking at yourself in the mirror say: "I AM THE ABSOLUTE PERFECTION OF THE I AM THAT I AM". "FEEL" the power of this statement with your entire being. "VISUALIZE" in your minds eye, peace and tranquility encompassing yourself the whole middle east.

Another recommendation. Do this exercise as often as possible. Anytime during the day find yourself a Mirror and perform the exercise. Remember, the mirror intensifies the power you are generating. The more you "FEEL" the power working in you, the quicker positive results are achieved. Feel it working and See the end results happening at the same time. This process can be used for personal needs or for helping countries like those in the middle east settle their differences peacefully.

What has been related thus far will help diffuse the tensions in the middle east. Remember dear friend, Your Light and Love possesses great power to change anything. There is another benefit your need to understand. by looking at yourself in the "MIRROR" while stating this most powerful affirmation, you are acknowledging your personal God self as well. Remember, as you look into your eyes you are looking into God's eyes too. This is what is meant by using "I AM THAT I AM". The first I AM is the recognition of your own god self. The Christ presence. The second I AM represents the Creator of all that is. Remember, You are God. God is you. What ever you do God does. It is your responsibility to see God in everything and everyone. Your brothers and sisters all possess the same traits you possess. This is the oneness of life, referred to by the greatest spiritual teachers we have even known.

Use This Affirmation And See How Well It Works

I have been using this simple yet effective affirmation for a few days now. The first thing I noticed was how good it made me feel to just say these words while looking in the Mirror. I could feel God's divine power flowing through me. I have two other friends who are using these techniques like myself. They all admit that the benefits they have gotten thus far, have exceeded their wildest expectations. Jack told me earlier today, he senses peace and happiness beyond anything he has ever known. He made the comment, "the dark side has lost all control over me. They will never again cause me to question my commitment to the Light."

I hope this short report has given you food for thought. As Light workers interested in self improvement, not only for ourselves but for mankind in general, we have accepted personal responsibility to bring forth the changes needed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

You are Loved and Appreciated

Charles -

P.S. For those of you who realize that what NESARA represents is desperately needed in the here and Now, I have a recommendation. Why not start using an affirmation like the one recommended above, to bring forth these blessings into your reality. If a number of us did this, I can guarantee it would happen a lot quicker than otherwise might occur. My personal affirmation. "I AM IN POSSESSION OF ALL BENEFITS NESARA OFFERS". Thank you God for this realization. Do this while looking at yourself in the Mirror. If you are so inclined, make up your own affirmation using the I AM. Remember, the mirror creates even more power for your good to manifest.