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Spiritlife Newsletter, May 2003

By Issac George

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ds are singing it up, and every thing is appearing as new in the fullness of this day of Beltane, New Moon in Taurus. I am also charmed by the number of folks I see who are smiling, singing to themselves, or slightly swaying to some inner rhythm that only they can hear. My feet are tapping all by themselves in harmony to the Rites of Spring. “Happy feet” Steve Martin called them. “Feet’s don’t fail me now” was Stepin’ Fetchit’s snappy shout. And so, here I am on the road again, and all is well. My feet seem to know more about my journey than I do, and that’s all right by me.

If all this sounds somewhat down home and folksy, well, the Southern vibe has already made its mark. It is refreshingly clear that in spite of all of the causes and effects in the world (caused by US, and experienced by US), that wonderful Gaia, or Nature, is busy with Spring planting, Spring planning, Spring loving, and springing into action and beauty. Nature doesn’t give two hoots about nothin’ except growing and nurturing and being-ness. Talk about BALANCE!

The Road is a magical, enchanting experience. It also can present many an unexpected twist and turn. It is Life in microcosm, since it compresses and intensifies all that can be known about self-trust, self-reliance, self-love, and surrender. Nature acts very much like that…She trusts. Nature is like the Road, and the Road is like Nature. Both cause growth in trusting the Universal Love of All That Is. Nature assumes the best is always at hand. When one is allowing feet to lead, it is best to ask for a good pair of shoes.

Such is the planetary experience. Everything is magnified and intensified, and in response, Nature seems just get more invigorated. People that are resisting just get more edgy. Do not resist, but allow. Less edge, more grace.

When you and I stepped out onto this particular lifetime on this particular part of the Road, we asked for a big experience of Life. We trusted we would have the best shoes, the best companions, and the best support. At this particular time, I recommend you take notice of how well things are, in spite of appearances, and how a brief moment spent noticing that will steady your feet. Let Nature lead your feet into the noticing of where you stand. See how new Life is growing on and beside the Road. Take a gratitude break, and rest your weary dogs for awhile. Even Jeshua bar Joseph (Jesus) took a day off now and then. After all, he was the biggest promoter of allowing the moment to be what it is, and trusting the journey. (See the Sermon on the Mount for the details.)

We are all together on this Road, and more and more we are gathering with our tribes, our families, our allies, to walk in harmony with each other. It is very important that we recognize that we never walk alone, for the holy presence of Love is ever with us, indeed, it is in us. She (Nature-Goddess-Gaia-Isness) is like Frodo’s companion Samwise. She will never leave our side…no matter what. Promise!

So, keep on truckin’, and see you next month. In the meantime, hum a little song of the Road, and tap those feet. You just never know where they’re

gonna lead you.

Peace, Isaac
