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Shine Your LIght

A Message From Carol withrow

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e with great advice for all Lightworkers as we are going through changes now and moving into the Golden Age of Earth. I hope that you can share this with your readers.

With light and love, John Hall




Not only Frances, but also the one behind it is a concern at this time. As I have mentioned previously the necessity for all of us to be able to pick up and move; having all of our necessities and specialities packed and all things put in place in order to be mobile. There is an artificial effort to create destruction at this time. It is not normal natural earth balancing weather. Working with artificiality is different and requires a different grid pattern of sensory to read and effect. We need as many of the Lightworkers as possible - all we can get - to bound together to intend to dissimenate, dissipate, dissolve, evaporate these storms with the effect being for no intensity to go into the atmosphere or the earth or the waters or the land as the dissipation and dissolution takes place. Frances is going to be a testing as it can also possess destructiveness, but more of a testing to see what our efforts as Lightworkers will be in response to Frances. That is okay - we still have to do our stuff even if they (the manipulatory ones) are watching us - and they are. We cannot worry about them - we need to take care of ourselves - holding our light and our navigational speaking/intentions for total balance and harmony. We do not send out anger or panic, but maintain sovereignty, light and love. Remember, our divine abilities work when we are in a state of loving and assisting the storm and in decactivating the manipulative frequencies and the work being performed by the manipulatory ones. We claim the light to be before everyone whose mission is not yet complete upon this Earth and thereby to eliminate any blockages and destructive elements in our pathway; as we request the assistance of all divine spiritual beings to assist all of us in our pathways with our divine missions that we are here to perform. As we of course do this for ourselves we also do this for all others who desire and allow themselves to receive this assistance.

We are dealing with total manipulation from the lesser lights. This particular storm Francis is a wake up call to the Lightworkers to get their "buts" moving in regards to cleaning out, organizing, simplifying and purifying their lives, lifestyle, thoughts, feelings, beliefs into a harmonic direction of balance and harmony so that our sensing and knowing abiltities can operate, and so that we can receive intuitively and instantly in ascertaining our every move and action.

This is what we do: We perceive success and great feeling within our being at all times. We feel strong, healthy and wise within our beingness and our body at all times. We perceive divine organization, accuracy, effeciency in total balance and harmony in all duties and actions we tune into performing in accordance to where we are and how things in the next few days will be affecting each of us. This total perception will allow our sensing and knowing to be at its highest level possible.

Secondly, due to the generated manipulative frequencies being sent around by the manipulative ones - know that their intention is to zonk us out, creating feelings of drowsiness, non-alertness, disorganization in our thinking and perceiving abilities, aches and pains in the body and for those who are vulnerable - heart associated symptoms all designed to scare us and to take some of the weaker in health people out (not to be on the Earth any longer). We need to be aware of this and not jump into panic anxiety - the reactions they want us to jump into - because that is how we will bring on illness and separation to oursleves. We need to eat, drink and get our rest in proper balance and harmony and not engage in anything that is destructive or limiting to our bodies in any way share or form. This is not a time to splurge on foods and drink that do not assist us, that we have to have a few hours or day to recover from. The frequencies being generated at this time will magnify destructive tendencies and prolong any lesser actions we choose to engage in with reactions being more severe than we would anticipate.

Simply, take care of yourselves in every way through Francis and the hurricane following Francis - for the next two weeks at least. Preferably to continue ....without end. Do what you can, prepare, pack, organize, know where things are and what your plans are in being able to be mobile at a moment's notice. Do it calmly, serenely, divinely, and most important joyfully. For anyone who cares to know, we are moving into living and being as we are and how we work in the heavens. We are changing over into our divine lifestyle of sensing, knowing, intuiting, breathing and being as we are in the heavens. Our divine chakra blueprint was put in readiness 4/1/2003 and into activation and doing 4/1/2004 (this year). We, as LIghtworkers are now ON Duty and activation and use of our expertise that we came down here to this Earth with is active as we so choose to utiilize our expertise (sensing, knowing, breathing, perfectly being, creating and manifesting). We all know how to do this. We, however, need to choose to do it. And then believe we can and are doing it - perfectly.

Dump the belief in duality concepts and all of your pefection of who you are in the heavens will activate with you when you dump the duality concepts. Example: There is no patience concept because there is no need to have the word patience exist if there is infact no such thing as impatience. The concept of separation does not exist in the heavens, ie, no difference between going to work and being off work. Work and play are the same - our beingness does not change because we are at one or the other. We are doing "the work" all the time. There is no concept of on/off. Why think "on" when there is no such thing as "off". Our 3rd dimensional consciousness exists with us because of the language we choose to use. If we dis-allow ourselves to speak or think certain concepts - our language will change, the energies of our bodies will change, our magnetism and manifestations will change - our divine spiritual abilities will most certainly activate. If we have time for homework assignments - this would be a good one to spend time on and perfect in living/beingness as soon as possible. You can see how this goes way beyond positive thinking. In this regard positive thinking is not a concept because negative thinking is not a concept. What if you were so perfect in your beingness, thinking, feeling and knowing - you lived in such exactness, preciseness, strength, energy and vitality that the only emotion you knew was joyfulness and all characteristics and traits that connect to it - so much so that you did not even need to know the word "postiive". Just extend that concept to everything else you can possibly conceive of or think of - and then you'll have it. This is much simpler than it looks. In fact, its the simplisity that may cause some to say its impossible. But I say that the concept of impossible does not exist. I think you see what I mean.

All I can say is "go for it" and do not waste any time. We need to work fast and we need to work in our divinity - the perfection of who we are right now without hesitation. We're On Duty from here on out. Claim, speak, think, know, navigate and direct all that you perceive in your awareness to activate physically in balance and harmony - not allowing any excess destruction.

In light and love, balance and harmoy always!

Carol Withrow
