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The Coming Golden Age of Peace and Harmony

Dary McDaniel

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perience of duality. I know that the time has arrived for Mother Earth and humanity to rise above the duality into a higher dimension where only the essence of Love exists. We are in that transition time NOW.

Outwardly all hell appears to be breaking loose. The dark forces by all appearances are dragging the world daily toward an Armageddon type conflagration. The cabal controlling America has a stranglehold on the major media, thus keeping the vast majority of Americans oblivious to the nation’s apparent headlong plunge into financial ruin leading to a police state and one world government.

We can thank Creator Source that no matter how dark events may appear in the outer illusionary realm of duality at any given moment of time, the Truth is that the LIGHT IS PREVAILING! It has been predestined that the Light shall prevail. The Spirit has assured me beyond any doubt that the darkness is doomed and the present appearance of the darkness‘s invincibility is only that; an appearance.

Recently I asked the Spirit why the process of liberating mankind has become such a long drawn out affair. I felt that the Spirit said to me that the vast majority of the Lightworkers prayers have been directed toward bringing about the Golden Age with the least amount of pain and suffering to Earth Shan and humanity.

The Spirit said in answering the creative prayers of the Lightworkers the Host of Heaven have been longsuffering and patient with the recalcitrant dark ones. As a result the desired changes are slower in materializing, but many who would have perished in a more rigorous purification process are now being preserved alive unto the day of their bodily ascension to a higher dimension. Praise God! That is worth waiting for, Lightworkers, wouldn’t you say?

The Spirit daily replenishes my faith that the Day of Liberation looms ever closer. I find posted within the forums and websites of Light, messages filled with hope of the soon manifestation of the Golden Age. Almost every day messages show up in my email inbox reporting victories over the dark forces around the world.

My beloved Lightworkers, the Spirit has given me a foretaste of the Golden Age. Believe me it is worth waiting for. One of my favorite scriptures is:

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2: 9-10)

You see, my beloved, it is “by the Spirit” that enlightenment is granted to mankind. It is by my Spirit that I have been given a glimpse of the dawning Golden Age, and it is breathtaking in its magnificence. Peace and Harmony are all pervasive, and the love of one another comes as naturally as the sunrise. The glimpse I had was sublime, indeed.

The waiting for the manifestation of the Golden Age can be nerve-wracking, as each of us in different ways are suffering physically, emotionally, mentally and many of us, financially. Fear, doubt and unbelief crowd out Love, Faith and Hope. In our ego bound minds we have difficulty conceiving of a reality where duality does not exist. We read of the realms of oneness as described in many of the channeled messages from those entities, who dwell beyond duality, but that Golden Realm seems far off to us, who are presently held captive in the 3D matrix of duality.

Reading about the Lighted Realms is as nothing, compared to the experiencing of it! We are soon to experience it, my beloved. Many of us will experience it without going through the doorway of the death of the physical body. We will metamorphose into an immortal Lightbody of radiant glory. Each of us in this very moment is being prepared for this truly life changing experience. Pay attention to the synchronicities that show up in your daily lives. Your Sprit is guiding you, positioning you, placing you where you are best suited for your final ascent into immortality.

If there was ever a time to hold the LIGHT it is NOW! I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep the faith and visualize PEACE on Mother Earth and GOODWILL toward all mankind. TODAY is the Day of Victory,! TODAY, is the Day of our Salvation, and TODAY is the Day that the Kingdom of God shall manifest on Earth Shan in all of its radiant glory! TODAY, the Love of Creator Source rules supreme. TODAY, the Host of Heaven (the AM & GF) appears openly and freely to all mankind. TODAY, abundance, health, wealth and prosperity are shared equally among humanity.


May manifold blessings of Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Abundance and Wisdom be yours in this auspicious moment of NOW!

Gary McDaniel

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