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Earthwork Shift Report Nov. 16, 2003: The Nautre Of Current Shifting

By Mark Stearn

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ing continuously. I am very aware of this energy. There is a major barrier to be pierced before the truth of all that is can be revealed. Its like a dreamworld reality. Its far from the piercing truth of the higher dimensions.

The mass consciousness is awakening but for the most part are still in a limbo of forgetfulness from the truth of what truly is. This is how I experience it. This might not be true for all. The entire ascension process is moving very quickly however so gently. The shifts happen almost unnoticeably. I am well tuned into the planet and always can discern when there is a shift in the planetary energy. The earth is now in a very beloved vibration. More of the old earth energy is now gone, being replaced by the glorius love energy of mother earth's true consciousness.

The planet has crystallised once more. Two more new grids that are bigger than the planet have come into manifestation. The higher dimensions are in a constant process of energetically merging more and more with our experience all the time. The earthwork really does feel like a dance now. This is how I think things are in the higher dimensions, full of grace and full of powerful movement. We are a dance in progress. We are leaving more of the sleepy forgetfulness each day. I think we are actually quite close now to really shifting into a new way of functioning. The mass consciousness is more open to change. The shifting is happening gently and subtly.

Heaven is orchestrating the whole process so very well. I pray for acceleration, and I know I am heard, for I feel this is the prayer of many. We are closer and closer now to the light realms. In truth we are already a part of the light realms, for we are one with this experience. However, I feel that we are becoming more a part of it now with all the veils that are dropping at the moment. There are the veils of the mass consciousness, and then there are the planetary veils. These are now fading.

The notion of there being seperate dimensions is an illusion. Giving them numbers and names is a human way of thinking. Categorising and classifying the dimensions is also fruitless, for each time you do this you are losing the truth of the experience. The nature of the 'all dimension' experience is that it is constantly shifting and changing all the time. There are so many different ways and means of experiencing the dimensions. There is truly one experience. Again putting the dimensions into levels or thinking of them in this way is a human way of understanding energy. Energy can be understood only when it is experienced, and the experience is the most important aspect here.

See us all as part of a dance of consciousness where we move in time with energy as our partner. We are all pieces that make up the puzzle and your IAM presence is the key to solving the grand puzzle. Your holy christ self is your true guide and will never lead you astray. Simply be open to IAM presence, and the most wonderful energies will flow into your experience.

The higher dimensions are producing and creating limitless amounts of light grids at this time, throughout the earth, the solar system, throughout the whole universe. Energy grids are the infrastructure for realities and we are in the process at this time of manifesting and creating the new energy information superhighway. There are many higher dimensional overlays to come into effect. Let's just say we are currently putting the bones of the new experience together. We are all doing so very well. New portals and vortexes are appearing all throughout the earth, all through our experience, being created tirelessly by the higher realms. There are truly wondrous things afoot now.

Blessings, Mark. Email: Creating the New Earth: Ishtar: Join Creating the New Earth: Join Heaven's Legions:
