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Come With Me Through the Veil

Gary McDaniel

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g into that which is within the veil; whither as a forerunner Jesus entered for us, having become a high priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 6:17-20 American Standard Version)

Greetings Lightworkers & Earth Angels!

This past week the Spirit has been upon me in a wonderful and uplifting manner. This morning the above scriptures were given to me by the Spirit as a way of explaining what was happening to me, and to all who are being prepared for the transition from a perishable mortal body to an imperishable Light Body. The veil that shields our 3D consciousness from the higher 4D & 5D consciousness is being rent asunder at this time.

This work of the Spirit is best illustrated in the Old Testament example of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. In the Tabernacle, which was setup up by the sojourning Israelites, there were three distinct areas; The Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. Between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies a curtain or veil was setup to keep the Holy of Holies hid from all the Israelites except the High Priest. The High Priest only entered into the Holy of Holies once a year on Yom Kipper, the Jewish Day of Atonement, to perform certain required rites set down by the Law given to Moses by God. The only piece of furniture in the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant which was highly revered by the Israelites as the dwelling place of Yahweh. The Shekinah Glory of the Presence was said to hover over the ark.

For me, the veil that divided the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies symbolically represents the shroud of darkness that stands between our earthly senses of reality (Maya) and the higher realities of Spirit and Truth. At the present moment the fabric of this veil is being slowly dissolved for some Lightworkers and they are beginning to sense and see the finer dimensions that lie beyond the 3D earth realm.

The scriptures above, which I started this message with, state that Esu Emmanuel 2000 years ago entered through that veil as a forerunner, or one who went before us to show the Way. As he hung upon the cross, and at the exact moment he gave up the Spirit, the veil or curtain that hung in the temple in Jerusalem was torn asunder from the top to the bottom. It is important to note that the scriptures state that the curtain began to rend at the top first and worked its way down to the bottom. This wording conveys the idea that the rending of the veil was a work of the Spirit and NOT of a man. For a man to have rent the curtain he would have had to start at the bottom and tear it upward to the top.

My beloved Lightworkers and Earth Angels the Spirit is showing me that the changing of dispensations from the Old Age to the New Age has now begun in earnest. The old paradigm is being rent asunder by the Spirit and the NEW Paradigm is manifesting. It has begun within us, as a divine movement of the Spirit, and is working its way out into our outer manifested reality.

Just this moment I heard the Spirit speak powerfully to me a verse from the Old Testament book of Zechariah

“Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, (Gary) saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6)

This is a wonderful confirmation of the point of this message. It is by the SPIRIT of His/Her Presence that we are being changed into the same image of Shekinah Glory as our Creator. It is not by mankind’s might or power that the Golden Age is being brought into manifestation. It is by a powerful move of Spiritual Light Energy that is transforming us from the inside out. THE VEIL HAS BEEN RENT!

If you are not personally feeling any particular move of the Spirit within you perhaps you are too caught up in the illusions swirling around you. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the cares of this world (Maya) and miss the subtle promptings and processing’s of the Spirit within. Most Americans have a million things pulling at them vying for their attention, particularly during the holiday season. People are in information overload with the sights and sounds of the season. It seems almost impossible to get alone for an hour to commune with our Spirit Presence in order to obtain guidance and receive encouragement.

I believe this is what Sanada Esu Immanuel was conveying to His disciples when He said that in an hour when ye think not I will come as a thief in the night. He gave several parables to them illustrating how they would not be ready at that hour when He appeared. They would be too involved in the clamor and riotousness of just surviving from day to day in a tribulation type environment.

At this time on the world scene the darkness still appears (Maya) to have the upper hand. We have promises from the Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation that this year will not pass without our seeing visible changes taking place in government and the monetary system. I AM choosing to accept these encouraging messages as the reality that is NOW showing up in our mutual experience.

It is perfectly natural for our earthbound selves to desire the financial relief we expect to receive when NESARA and related events come about. I, like I suppose most of you, never seem to have quite enough money to take care of all the expenses that are generated from living under the thumb of the financial overlords who control every aspect of our daily lives.

Still it is imperative that we allow time for the Spirit to rend the veil of the illusion of lack and want from our conditioned minds. The actual manifestation of the Golden Age still hinges on Lightworkers staying focused on a reality of their choosing, NOT the reality (Maya) that is constantly forced on us by the darkness.

Therefore Lightworkers and Earth Angels come with me through the illusionary veil of Maya into the glorious present reality of our Ascended Selves. The Spirit has prepared the Way before us by enabling our spiritual eyes to see beyond the veil to where Sanada Esu Emmanuel, Germain, Ashtar, Christ Michael and a host of others await us. We can meet them face to face in this very moment by ‘Getting in the Spirit’ and allowing them to appear to us in their glorified bodies.

Our physical bodies are NOW being transformed from glory to glory by the Power of the Spirit into a likeness of the bodies that the Ascended Masters now possess. As one stays focused on the ‘things that are above’ the cares of this world quickly dissolve into the Peace and Blessed Assurance that all is well with the world.

The Spirit even now in this very moment is proclaiming to me that ALL is happening in divine order.


May manifold blessings of Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Abundance and Wisdom be yours in this auspicious moment of NOW!

Gary McDaniel

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