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Special Message On Looking At The Sun

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e Himalayas or to the darghas of India" to find such a great being. Many of us have this staunch impression that such high inspiration cannot be found here and now right where we live. Not here. Not easily accessible. It must be somewhere else, right?

How could it be so simple as to be found here and now in everyday life? It may never have occurred to us to look right before your very eyes every day, not hidden, and not requiring you to travel the world to find one of the most enlightened gurus imaginable, that great being, known by the Sufis as "Prince Horaj", aka the sun.

At this time it is important for people to communicate with each other and with higher consciousness. Even though using computers and meditation is effective and recommended, we all have direct access to another computer that is at least as powerful as daily meditation that should be used to heal and uplift Creation at this time.


The greatest computer of all is waiting for you.

The biggest resistance you are likely to encounter is fear, fear of being harmed by looking at the sun. We were all told inaccurate information, which, if it were true, years ago both Michael and I should have already suffered irreparable visual damage many times over by now. Nevertheless, the programming strongly has influenced us all. Instead of being taught that the sun is our guiding light of the earth, we have been discouraged from ever looking directly at it. We have been told that we will have our vision impaired.

We have been cautioned not to trust and not to access this great being, the Sun, within which live many other great beings, indeed, the spiritual hierarchy of the zone girdling the earth.

In any time of great persecution, one of the first things that a powerful dark controller will do is discourage people from looking directly at the sun. A dark controller does this because people are not only healed by looking directly at the sun, they also are enlightened and enabled to communicate directly with THE ONE BEING, THE OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT INTELLIGENCE AND LIGHT. Even though this connection with THE ONE BEING can also be done by going within to communicate in meditation, using the parasympathetic nervous system, it is also done by looking at the sun, using the sympathetic nervous system. In the time of the Aztecs, it was a capital offense for anyone other than the king or high priest to look directly at the sun. In our time grave warnings are put out about damage to the eyes from looking at the sun.

Even after many years of looking at the Sun, Michael reports that he still shudders to think that he may be "overdoing it" and is very careful to exercise caution when gazing at the Sun. Up until the present time he has still not been able to completely disregard warnings from those who seemed to have passed along false information [about many aspects of higher consciousness] from one generation to the next.

Still not knowing for sure if there is any truth at all to these long-held cultural beliefs about the sun, Michael routinely exercises several cautions, "just to be sure" that there is no risk of damaging his eyes. It can be likened to a long term process of putting a toe in the water to test it for a little longer and longer each time. The one idea that does seem plausible is the biblical warning about not being able to look directly at God without dying. Accordingly, Michael does not stare directly at full sun in brightest midday glare of an open cloudless sky.

For example, an alternative means of controlling the overwhelmingly bright exposure all at once is by regulating "bite sized morsels", i.e., limited and controlled glimpses. Among several ways of doing this are to not hold a steady gaze, but rather to move the head and eyes in a circle while looking through a "filter".

At first you might want to look at sunset or sunrise, or through the leaves of a tree that filters out a lot of the direct glare. Take it easy and follow inner guidance. If you have not been getting direct sunlight into your eyes before, it will be like taking first steps, go slow and take your time. Sunlight is actually good for the eyes and the entire body, stimulating the hypothalimus that is the master gland of the immune system.

PRAY WHILE LOOKING AT THE SUN, if you have very important information and requests for CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE OF DIVINE BEING, for yourself, for others, or for any part of Creation.

Be sure to remember to spend an equal amount of time after praying to RECEIVE THE RESPONSE into your pineal, pituitary, and hypothalimus glands. Empty yourself of mental and emotional chatter and become open and receptive to taking in information through the rays of the sun. This requires a paradigm shift.

It is good to make a triangle with your hands and frame your eyes and third eye. Put the thumbs together, touching each other tip to tip, and touch the pointer and middle fingers of each hand together, forming a triangle. Put the bottom of the triangle, the thumbs, below the bottom of your eyes so that you are looking through the triangle. The peak of the triangle is centered over your third eye. Do this to connect the third eye and the pituitary with currents in the meridians of energy in the body that create a profound bioenergetic feedback loop with the sun.

It is important to realize that human beings are the only red blooded mammals on the planet that have whites of the eyes.

That is because a Child of Light and Love's eyes both sends and receives light.

Light enters the pupil and is emitted from the whites of the eyes around the iris.

By looking at the sun, rays of light, carrying informational downloads from INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS, enter the optic nerve through the pupil and go directly to the pineal, pituituary and hypothalimus in the brain. These glands are directly connected to the optic nerve.

The pineal has over 20,000 psychoactive neuropeptides that are 1000 times more potent for altering consciousness than any other substance from any other source.

By looking directly at the light of the sun, a person not only downloads direct frequencies into glands that are responsible for consciousness and healing, but also SENDS OUT INFORMATION that returns along pathways on rays of light.

The sun is a stepdown transformer from the CENTRAL SUN, which is in turn a step down transformer from higher dimensional suns.

At this time, it is most auspicious for the Children of LIght and Love to hook back up, to become ONE through direct connection, with the first and greatest processor of information of ALL.

The more of us who do it, the greater and stronger the network.

