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French Lightworker Asks For "Ground Crew "Action!

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We, the "ground crew", are here to help them, our action and power

of action is greatly asked for, and if the background news don't

come efficiently enough from the media, they can come and circulate

more freely from us, from the base, via the Internet web !!...

We have a real power in this to help awaken people, and so help

things to go forward.

This has the potential to raise people's awareness and

consciousness, to prepare them (as the Spiritual Hierarchy tries to

do) and by the mean, to significantly help in the easier acceptance

of the powerful events of NESARA. With all the great energies

recently released, people should accept and be opened to this more

easily !...

The time to act for this is really Now, and this action could really

help for the coming day and week's developments !!...

I suggest the following explanation message. If you could send it to

as much people as possible around you, and ask them to do the same

thing, and so on. I have done it today for France, it has been sent

to all the main associations, groups, . that can themselves spread

it to a great number of people. If each one of us can make a good

first level of spreading (first of all in America), it's almost

already won if the spreading then continues well !!

This can be a real significant action to prepare for the best

transition possible !!

Find a good title for the message when you send it.

Thank you to all, and good luck !!

In Love and Light,



We are an informal group of people wishing to take their

responsability of human beings and citizens, to highlight some facts

and levels of the current world situation that seem of great

importance presently.

Given the importance of all these facts, we think very useful to

spread this information and reflexion as far and wide as possible

via Internet, to as many people as possible, in the interest of all,

all across America (to your family, friends, work colleagues, list

members, .).

The current situation of international tension with Iran is of great

and strange resemblance with the one of Iraq, and the Mass

Destruction Weapons that never existed. With Iran, nuclear weapon is

the matter ; but strangly, as with Iraq, real proof and evidence is

so small, so little. And like with Iraq, without strong and

sufficient proof and evidence, the Bush administration begins to

talk openly of a pre-emptive war. Looking retrospectively at how it

happened with Iraq, this means in unveiled terms, that the Bush

regime aims to launch quickly a new war, totally illegal and of pure

aggression, for reasons once again very faraway from the lies

officially announced.

The deep reasons that lead this administration to launch "pre-

emptive" wars that are in fact opened aggression wars, are

elsewhere, at another level. It seems more about economic matters,

like oil and the Dollar hegemony.

Iraq and Iran are two of the greatest world providers of oil, so

precious for the States and world economy that they lead. And the

money for that is US money, the Dollar.

These two countries had a common point, before getting into the US

plans of war : to convert their oil trade to the Euro, to get out of

the strong US influence, and to turn to a more promising and strong

money than the declining Dollar.

These two countries having great buyers all over the world, this

change would strongly compromise Dollar hegemony, and America

leadership on the economical and financial world scene.

This is why the US administration is going on wars against these

highly strategical countries for her, simply because they can threat

the economical and monetary leadership of America.

Doing this, they can better control the country, its politics and

economics, and especially oil.

We are so faraway from the officially told reasons of "defence of

freedom", "restoring democracy and security", . !!... Totally on the

opposite. Awful lies.

These are wars of pure aggression, wars of "economic and monetary

punishment", totally without valuable reasons based on International


We are getting so faraway from the free, democratical economic and

monetary game, to step into the very dangerous and disruptive plane

of economical dictatorship and tyranny, with war and all sorts of

illegal and criminal acts.

The United States of these leaders don't want to simply be the world

first and bigger nation, they want to control and dominate the world

with tyranny and all violent and unlawful means they have. A clear

look at history since WWII clearly and sadly shows this very well.

This « American empire » ignores and openly rejects International

and Human Rights : illegal detentions of Guantanamo and in the

secret CIA prisons in Europe, widespread use of torture and human

abuse (the Abu Grahib scandal is just the top of the iceberg),

United States in the UN recently opposed to the creation of an Human

Rights Commission (why ?!...), refusal to adopt international

protection measures against global warming, .

Other scandals on US soil sadly confirm the illegalty and criminalty

of this administration : illegal massive phone hearings of

citizens ; the recent revealing that the Bush team has been

perfectly warned of the strength of hurricane Katrina, and that they

did quite nothing to take adequate measures : negligence, lack of

aid and rapid reaction, were indeed intentional and totally wanted,

to let the black population in as much chaos as possible. This can

be named a black genocide disguised.

An international civil commission with high competent authorities in

various fields, and various direct witnesses of the facts, has

already investigated some acts of the Bush administration, and

concluded to the following (summarized) indictments :

war of aggression against Iraq, war crimes, crimes against humanity,

and other illegal acts

torture, abuse and violation of the international humanitarian and

human rights, illegal detentions and executions, murders

destruction of the global environment, denial and distortion of

scientific consensus and findings, obstructionism on international


attacks on global public health

for hurricane Katrina, abandonment of people, criminal negligence,

negligence in preventing a highly anticipable risk, obstruction of

adequate rescue, aid and supplies, repressive conditions and

separation of families

Other fields sadly exist, non investigated here, like the Bush

administration and CIA responsibilities in the 911 attacks,

suspicions of illegal elections of 2000 and 2004, the illegal public

outing of the name of CIA secret agent Valerie Plame, .

Given all this, it is important to be aware that we are not in a

free democratic free-trade society, but under a world economic

dictatorship of the American governing body and its networks (army,

secret services, multinational companies and financial networks, .),

that deeply pervade and manipulate all our society game, creating

big chaos everywhere...

With all this economic and financial system in their hands, they

only seek domination and control of the whole planet, unlimited

profits and wealth, total appropriation and exploitation of the

natural resources of Earth, .

This has lead to a now catastrophic situation for Earth and

humanity, where only the possibility of survival becomes the matter.

All the main fields that lead and make this economical society

living and expanding, are destructive ones, that deeply contribute

to the catastrophe : the all-powerful weaponry industry (wars,

terrorism, killing, .), the all-powerful chemical industry (has lead

to a totally polluted environment all over the planet), the all-

powerful non-renewable natural energies and resources industry

(reserves of the planet are now near zero, leaving an "empty" and

destroyed planet, and quite nothing to replace.).

A worldwide society where everything is based, at all levels, on

competition, rivalry, dominating the other, having more power than

the other, . can only lead to various escalations, war, illegal and

criminal acts, . finally leading to the planetary catastrophe we now


In such conditions of life, it is totally impossible to get peace,

justice, security, stability and a healthy and longlived


But as with the international commission of inquiry, various justice

courts and commissions are investigating and judging all the illegal

and criminals acts of the Bush administration, to stop and make it

fall, for obvious national and international safety and security


Each one of us becoming aware of this dangerous situation, and

acting in a more positive, responsible and constructive way is also

the best mean to stop this world dictatorship.

When a regime, a power doesn't serve the collective good of all, of

human being and of our life environment, it is the responsibility of

everybody, each of us, as human being and citizen, to react against

this, stop it, and then build a more sane, balanced and respectful


Being out of this dictatorship, another society model, well better,

is of course possible, it's still time for it if it begins very very

soon. Know that a lot of people, specialists, organisations, . all

around the world are working hard for this "behind the scenes" !...

America can become again the great and peaceful nation of freedom

and human rights that it was at its beginning with its original

Constitution !!...

A monetary equilibration and purification is possible, for more

stability and transparency, a very more fair redistribution of the

immense wealthes accumulated or misused , .

Free, natural and non-polluting energies, and also technologies

exist and are very efficient (like free energy). (They haven't been

disclosed just because of the enormous financial and domination

interest of the industry).

Simple, natural remedies and treatments for health, known since

ancient times, exist, without any traumatic or secondary effects,

and could heal all the major diseases originating from our corrupted

way of life (but again the powerful industry fights against this

kind of free and natural practises for big power and money reasons.).

Various other practises could make life and our environment well

better and constructive, the means are there, just waiting for

a "liberation" of the current tyranny and control.

Each of us individually, has a certain power of action, that

cumulated with the one of everybody else, make an overall very big

power, largely sufficient and strong enough to get out of this "no

way (back)", and build a more sane, stable and peaceful society,

really respectful of human being and Earth. It's now or never !.

Thank you very much for your attention, and for spreading this

information and analysis as widely as possible, in the interest of

all and everybody.