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I"ll See It When I Believe It

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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August 2004 is all about change and I don't mean that loosely. Change, Change change is echoing in the chambers of our souls. Following the direction of our heart is not a job for sissies. It takes a tough dedicated spiritually strong person to do the bidding of the heart and soul. 2004 has been a time of metamorphosis. The hard way the easy way and every way. We have been stripped down to our barely human essentials. Standing in front of the great all seeing mighty Oz, we bare our souls, leaving them out to dry in the summer's heat like a wet ocean soaked towel.

Feeling so ready to shift, wanting to experience the shift in one quantum leap instead of one hundred baby steps. "Just jump" your Soul commands, you freeze like a novice skydiver, "just jump into the shift, into the change, into the divine plan that is waiting like a soft cushion". We have all intentions of moving forward quickly, silently, lovingly and happily. As we ready ourselves for change we expect all of our cosmic duckies to be in a row. Lined up and bobbing to our personal wavelength. We look to our world to reflect our creation but nothing seems to be reflected in it that mirrors the image in our mind. We then begin to question our abilities, our intentions, our prayers and our worthiness,

OK God you said SHIFT/CHANGE/MOVE FORWARD/GET OUT OF THE RUT. I'm ready, I'm able and l'm willing. Show me the rabbit hole in which this shift lives. The universe smiles from within and points to a clause we all signed before coming incarnating. What about the 'I'LL SEE IT WHEN I BELIEVE IT CLAUSE', GOD WHISPERS?

We have entered a new level, bigger doorway of Creational energy. No longer are we mild mannered humans praying, asking, or conjoling an almighty God to give to us as helpless little baby birds. We have achieved Creational Maturity.

>From this point forward in our evolutionary upgradement creations will only be birthed when we embrace the " I'LL SEE IT WHEN I BELIEVE IT CLAUSE". In this raised understanding of creation we are asked to be mature in our manifestations. To create concisely not haphazardly. Not to curse our creations when they do not appear on the date and time we expect them to arrive. Our curses send them immediately back through time and space into the ethers, to sit in the un-creational waiting room.

You are the Creator of your own circumstances. What you have created you can change. When we react to sudden chaos/or negative changes in our life we delay the purpose of creation. If we accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation, negativity will disappear. We alone determine the amount of time in which turmoil passes. It is time to stop poisoning our future with our doubt.

In this new level of Creatorship we cannot doubt any of our intentions no matter how slight. We need to ready our selves for the lessons in all situations, if your intention is to manifest a certain set of life experiences and you do not see the blueprint in your world, then understand the manifestation is large of molecule and must pass through several layers of light in order to be brought forth in concentrated form.

The summer sun will force us all into the shade of our new thinking, looking at how we have created and uncreated since the beginning of time. We truly are experts at this game of creation and it is time to remember that in our every thought.
