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A Multidimensional Perspective on Judaism for the Month of Av

By Rachel Fischer

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and a half, probably longer, I have been working on clearing my blocks that are related to Judaism and slowly learning more and more about who I am and what my mission is, which is partly to "set the Jewish records straight." I heard that a Melchizedek template was created at Wesak. I would like to thank all of those who helped to do that. It has made my clearing much easier. I have much to write in the coming years, a lot of which still needs to be remembered, but was inspired to start now by a workshop on the Avyon/Aln block and the discussion of polarity and the differences between 3D and MD.

I have been raised Jewish, am a 9D walk-in of the House of Lucifer (Carian), and have been immersed in the mystical Jewish world and the Jewish Renewal community for several years, one of my pet peeves has been the "misinterpretation" of Judaism by the western world, including many Jews, as lumping Judaism with Christianity and Islam under the category of Judeo-Christian. There is actually quite a difference between Judaism in its mystical and earlier form and foundation and Christianity and Islam. Over the years, halakhah, Jewish law, has been put into place in order to make it seem more Western, more 3D, for protection from persecution.

There is much value in this misunderstanding and persecution of Jews, for the protection of knowledge that would end the game, bring polarity integration, bring the Messiah, too soon. One of the most important teachings of Judaism is that good and evil were both created by good. Therefore, as Rabbi Akiva's teacher stated "Gam Zeh L'Tovah." This too is for the best.

The Sefer Yetzirah, Book of Creation, was passed down from all of the 12 races to Abraham, in written form. The true version of this book contains the knowledge on how to end the game. The most well known is the idea of the 10 sefirot as a model for polarity integration. One can look at the sefirot on physical, spiritual, and emotional levels. Two versions of this knowledge exists, one that is encoded into our DNA and the written form with many interpretation and commentaries on it. It was written down in a way that the messages would stay the same, but the codes changed around in order to protect the knowledge of how to end the game from being known. Since we contain the knowledge, the codes can easily be broken. In fact, there have been times when those did. So a further need for protection always came up. This is why there was a need for so much violence and persecution, which occurred for many reasons, but two of those are for protection and to bring in knowledge. We tried to find a good balance between the two.

At the moment, as I write, the night is moving into twilight. In Judaism, it's the time between worlds, neither day nor night, the time of balance. Dimensional gates are open. The Sheydim (elementals) are out and about and you don't want to piss them off. The month of Av began with the new moon at sundown on the 30th. This month symbolizes a balance between destruction and creation. It is the month corresponding to the sefirah of tiferet, beauty and balance associated with the heart chakra and the element of fire. The area of healing associated with this month is hearing.

Av is the 9th month. The first 9 days are a period of mourning and culminates with the holiday of Tisha B'Av, 9th of Av. This commemorates the destruction of the 1st and 2nd temples. This ends at sundown on August 7th leading into the energy shift of the 8th. With all of this coming together, we're in for quite a wild ride. Many are beginning to understand the destruction of the temples as symbolizing the need to feel God within and not be trapped by the external illusion of 3D.

Some of you might be familiar with concept of implants, behavior patterns, which are placed in the etherical body. There are implants in the hands and feet of all people on Earth. These implants are associated with the archetype of the crucifiction of Jesus, which never actually happened. Implants are not my domain, but my guides till me that they will be deactivated on August 8th. Having been raised Jewish, blocks about Christianity and Jesus's Crucifiction, have been quite hard to clear, hard to even look at any information that is written in the Christian paradigm, about ascension. A lot of emotional turmoil associated with the Jewish/Christian blocks will probably surface.

A meditation to help in the process can be done on the 8th at 8 am and 8 pm. It would be good to combine this with your own meditation technique that you might do for earth and humanity healing. The 10 digits of your hands and feet represent the 10 Sefirot. To learn more about them you can click on the link, but I don't want to go into detail. Lie down with the soles of your feet touching each other and the tips of your fingers touching. Place your hands of your heart, creating a dome over the heart.

Thumbs- keter

pinkies- tiferet

pointers- chochmah and binah

middle- gevurah and chesed

ring- netzach and hod

palms- yesod and malkhut

While in this position picture all of the aspects coming together in oneness, polarity integration and the strengthening of the hand and feet chakras, then send love out to the world.

This has been quite long, but I would like to add one more thing, a gift of knowledge from the elementals. The month of Av is seen as the month of fire. Literally, Av means father. However, the letter aleph is for air and the letter bet is for earth. In order to feed fire, you must have air and earth. The word for fire is esh, aleph for air and shin for fire. And if you've read "The Return of the Twelfth Planet", or was raised Jewish, you might be familiar with the words, sham, shem,and shamaim, which connote coming fromt he heavens. So here you have shin, fire, coming together with mem, water, to create aether, the letter hey, the breathe of life. This leads to one of my favorite quotations from Sefer Yetzirah, "Everything begins and end with aleph." Aleph is the first letter of the alphabet, symbolizing oneness.

The first half of the month is about destruction, while the 2nd have is about creation. The holiday of Tu b'Av, 15th of Av, falls on the full moon, this begins sundown on the twelfth. This holiday symbolizes creation and love. 15 is tet vav (9+6). Tet symbolizes the womb and vav the spine. The letter yod is seen as the only true letter of the Hebrew alphabet, it's the one in my graphic. All other letters are derived from yod. Attached is a diagram of how to use these letters to activate the fire of Av. This can be done at anytime during the year, but will be the most intense around the full moon, this month. Tet encompases the 1st and 2nd chakras, vav extends the whole length of the spine. yud is in the heart. the four letter combination yhvh in the third eye, for beginning and ending with aleph place it above your head and bellow your feet. Then meditate on them all connected throughout your body, with the related intentions of the balance of destruction and creation of fire.

Much love to all,

Rachel Fischer
