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New Moon Ceremony

Conducted By Dhyana Markle

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from Sage still lingers in the air from my Purification Ritual to the Eight Directions, North, South, East, West, Above, Below, Within and Without. Three Flames is in our center tonight. Two Eagle Feathers lay beside. The Talking Stick sits slightly below.

I take a deep breath and wait for the guests to arrive. Saint Germaine now sits to my right. White Crow is in the South; Spider Woman and her niece in the Southwest; Standing Bear, Bear, Porpoise, Whale and Wolverine sit in the West.

In the Northwest are Sananda, Lady Nada, Hilarion, Kuthumi, Eeon and a contingent from Inner Earth, Darji, Peddar Zaskq, WahZ, Fubbi, Rebazar, Rumi and Lai Tsi. Behind me in the North are Miracle, the Sacred White Buffalo, and the Five Horses. At my feet are Rabbit, Chipmunk, Turtle, RattleSnake and Grasshopper.

In the East are Man Who Walks With Wolves, Wolf, The Great Purifier, his Son, Coyote, Golden Eagle, Hawk and Owl, who sits almost over Three Flames. In the Southeast are three Eagle Eye Adepts and slightly to the West of them, next to White Crow, are the Four Lakota Medicine Women.

Raccoon waddles in to sit and scratch in front of White Crow then moves on East to settle before Man Who Walks With Wolves.

I wait a moment to see if any others will arrive. I hear Golden Eagle cry as he flutters from his place in the East and sits on Saint Germaine's right shoulder. Crow flies in from the Northwest to sit on my left shoulder.

"Thank you for coming and welcome. Welcome to our New Moon Ceremony which celebrates new beginnings. Tonight the energies flowing to our dear Mother Earth are changing once again. New, clean, clear energies of freedom and hope. We welcome these energies and fix them to our new crystalline grid."

"Aho!" responds the group.

"In the past two weeks since our last ceremony, more important ceremonies have been held. One was to welcome and fix new balanced feminine energies into our new grid. This ceremony was attended and performed by power women around the world. In September of this year, the power men of the world will have a ceremony to anchor the new balanced masculine energies. In November of this year, united both sexes will have a short ceremony to anchor the union of these male and female energies. When the final united energy is anchored, I am told there will be a 3 degree shift to the grid and this will allow peace to come between the sexes."


"On July 25th there were ceremonies all over the world to give love and gratitude to water. Although I have not heard any reports of its success so far, I know this too was successful and as Light workers remember to daily give their thanks to water, it will grow in its success.

"As most of you know, July 26th was the beginning of the Galactic New Year. Many ceremonies and celebrations were performed in honor of this special day. I wish all of you a very happy Galactic New Year."


"Now, does anyone else have something they would like to share with the group this evening?"

Sananda and Lady Nada step forward. Sananda picks up the Talking Stick and slaps it lightly several times on his left palm. "Beloved Brothers and Sisters, Lady Nada and I would like to announce our willingness to act as counselors to those of the Lighted Realms so that the transition from the old vibration to the new might manifest more smoothly. We know there will be many questions, many unusual situations that some have not experienced before. We would like to offer our services."

"Aho!" Everyone claps.

Turtle says, "We have had some questions and no one knew who to ask. Now we know. Thank you."

Sananda graciously bows his head. Lady Nada smiles and nods.

There seems to be a buzz of activity as attendees formulate their questions.

Owl is the first to speak, "How do you see where we will be most the beginning, that is?"

Sananda pauses only a moment before answering, "Many, perhaps even millions, will be frightened when they first hear the announcement about N.E.S.A.R.A. (the National Economic Security And Reformation Act), which is the main tool or vehicle that Creator is using to truly usher in the Golden Age here on Earth. We are asking that you, as leaders of our various communities, do everything in your power, everything you can, to dispel these fears."


Owl says, "Thank you."

Sananda asks, "Does anyone else have a question?"

White Crow rises and bows his respect to Sananda and Lady Nada. "Are there any ceremonies that you can recommend to connect not only those of us in attendance tonight but that would connect others to the new crystalline and magnetic grids or do you have another suggestion?" White Crow sits back down to await an answer.

"May I suggest that those wishing to connect to the grids find a quiet spot to meditate, either indoor or out; take three or six deep breaths to relax the body and quiet the mind; then with a loving desire, form the intent to connect to first the crystalline grid and then second to the magnetic grid.

"May I also suggest that one picture their own Light Body hooking up with other Light workers already connected to the grid, with Light and Sound flowing from your hands to and from those on either side of you; connecting or linking your heart with Light workers in front and behind you; allowing the Light and Sound from Creator to enter your Crown Chakra, flow down through your whole body, through your feet to ground in the Heart of Mother Earth. Lady Nada, do you have anything further to add?"

Lady Nada answers, "To me one of the most important things to remember is benevolence. A benevolent, loving intent to be a clear and pure instrument for Divine Love. All can do this. The more individuals acting with intent as instruments for Divine Love, the easier the transition into the Golden Age will be."


Lady Nada steps back a bit. Sananda asks again, "Does anyone else have any questions for us?"

Rabbit speaks up, "I don't have any questions now, but if I come up with one tomorrow or the next day, how can I reach you?"

"Just call our names, Sananda or Lady Nada, which ever one of us you feel most comfortable with." He looks about to see if anyone else wants to speak up. When there are no more questions, he returns the Talking Stick to the group center and he and Lady Nada step back to stand once again in the Northwest.

"Are there any other questions?" I ask.

"When's the wedding?" I turn to see it is Wolverine who asks. "I just heard."

"It is planned for sometime next year and you are all invited," I answer. "Are there anymore questions or would someone else like to speak?"

Saint Germaine rises and takes the Talking Stick. He encircles the Three Flames, slapping the Talking Stick on the palm of his left hand. "Creator is amongst us now, more involved than he has been for millions of years. This is a time when His vision, His Grand Plan, is to be fulfilled. I am happy to announce that each and everyone of us, every part of our great Creator, can be felt and experienced.

"Open your hearts and feel the joy of a job well done and the gratitude that Creator has for each and every individual who participated in this grand experiment. We have already started the Thousand Years of Peace, the Golden Age, and Creator is and will always be with us to enjoy this well earned gift. I thank you." Saint Germaine returns the Talking Stick to its place and sits back down.

"Aho!" "Aho!" "Aho!" "Aho!" Everyone shouts.

I look around, "Would anyone else like to speak?" When there are no more questions or comments, I close our ceremony. "My heartfelt thanks to all of you who joined us tonight. We'll see you next time. Thank you for coming. Goodnight."

When the last guest is gone, I blow out the candles and head to bed. Aho!
