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Daily Quado: A Vision Given To Carrie, Sept. 30. 2003

By Carrie Hart

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efer to it easily in the future.

Love & peace, Carrie


This morning, about 8:00 AM, I went down to the garden to meditate. I sat and breathed deeply, and suddenly had this vision, in my mind. At various times I wanted to stop and question and analyze, but I was directed to just observe and experience, to feel and to know.

I saw a level higher than we are, where I existed only as a great ball of light and energy. And with me, close by me, were all of the other people I have ever been close to, as well as others I was close to in past lives and others I have yet to meet in this life. There were people I have brushed by in this life, liked immediately, but we didn’t really pursue the relationship. There were old lovers and friends. There were the people I might have had as children in this life, but did not. And we were all connected in great joy and love.

My father was there, right next to me, and his love was so strong. My mother was there on the other side of me, and her love was equally as strong. And I cried, deeply, to feel it, to know that my father is still with me, and to know that my mother and I truly love each other, even though we did not show it in this life.

And I could feel so strongly that nothing is lost, ever. It doesn’t matter that a love affair or friendship ended badly. On this level, you are still together in love. All is love, and nothing is ever lost.

And we were all up there watching the action down here, with great love but also with detachment. Oh, look, you actually just walked right by me and out of my life. Oh, well, maybe next life we’ll finally get it right!

We had no regret, because nothing is ever lost. We had no worry, because there is no end to time, no end to the number of chances.

And I sensed that we created ourselves, from up there as what I will call the soul self, down into this existence here, into the physical self. And there was a strand of light that reached down from each of us into our physical selves below, that was our life energy and connection. And the space through which the strand ran was misty, shadowy and obscure, and the strands were sometimes tangled and twisted, so that the light and energy reaching the physical person was sometimes slight. The people in pain and confusion had very little light flowing down to them; the people in joy and happiness had a strong flow of energy.

And I sensed that what we need to do is to strengthen that connection, make it as strong and straight as possible. And that this, then, is self-love. Self-love is that connection to your soul self that is all joy and love. And healing other people is helping them to straighten out their connections to their own soul selves. And that if everyone had a perfect connection, we would all be as full of joy and love as our soul selves above.

And then I was back up with the soul selves, and suddenly went up a level higher, where everything was one bright light, without any individual differentiation. And I felt that we are all existing on all of these levels at once: in the blended universal light, the great oneness; as separate soul selves of light and energy a level below; and as people here in the physical level, with bodies, minds and personalities.

And from this perspective, it doesn’t matter at all exactly what you do in this physical life, if you choose to be a dancer or a janitor or an accountant. If you’re rich or poor. There was no right or wrong or judgment about our physical activities at all.

And the psychic powers made sense, because up at that higher level, you are one with everyone, and know everything. So psychic powers are a by-product of strengthening your attachment to that higher self that is one with all else.

And manifestation made sense, because I sensed that my physical self is the creation of my soul self. I am truly my own creation. And the closer and stronger I can make my connection with my soul self, which is pure power, the more I can manifest my life. Because at some level, I am in the process of creating this life as it unfolds. I am my own god.

And then, I saw more. Then I saw that my soul self was not only creating this physical life, but many lives simultaneously, and at that level there is no linear time, and the so-called past lives are all playing out at once. And some of the tangling of the strands is caused by this, and karma is really just an untangling and straightening out.


Tuesday, September 30, 2003 (9:12 AM)

Quado, do you have anything you wish to add to this? Yes, yes. I wish to add the caveat which I always add: this is metaphor. It is a beautiful metaphor, it is a valid metaphor, but it is not literal truth. There is no literal truth that you will receive, from me or anyone else, for things go far beyond your ability to understand them.

This is a wonderful metaphor to help you understand how to live your life. Live it with compassion, knowing that not all are receiving the great flow of light as clearly as you may be. Life it with love for yourself, knowing that in your soul essence you are love, light, joy, and a great, great peace. Live it with responsibility, knowing that you are creating yourself in every moment of every day.

Try to help others see their own light, not yours, for this is how happiness is found. All healing is done from the inside out. All connection must first be a connection up into your own soul self. And all love begins with love for yourself.

Your first and most important job is that, to heal yourself, to love yourself, to open up the flow and connection with your soul self. To shine a light so brightly that it helps light up the darkness all around you. To shine so brightly with love and joy, that the darkness of fear and doubt have no choice but to recede. And then, to reach all the way up, to the very top level, where you can feel the great oneness, the great silence, and know that in the end, at the highest and widest, you and I are the same, one and the same.

Do not ask why, for there will be no answer forthcoming. Do not focus on the details and particulars. Instead, focus on strengthening your connection, on bringing joy and love and peace down into your life, every moment of every day. Focus on the oneness, focus on the joy, reach up and lighten your burdens through that joyous connection.

This is the answer to all of your questions.

Go to to learn how Carrie Hart became a spiritual healer, and what services she is now offering, including personal messages from Quado, shaman power animal retrieval and full spiritual healing sessions. ***** Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie's CDs of original music, as well as daily messages by Quado are available on
