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Big Changes Starting June 1st According to Mayan Calendar

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d it was very compelling. It said, ³Deeper truths, my friend, deeper truths to look into. For the last two years we have been helping to uncover this and much more information on the workings of corporations, the laws concerning commerce, buying and selling and the truth behind the concept of death. Get ready, like it or not, here comes the truth.² Ian Xel Lungold welcome to the show.

Ian Xel Lungold (IXL):Hello there.

RM: Nice talking to you, Ian

. IXL: Iım glad you guys caught up to me.

RM: We are glad the aliens let you go.

IXL: (laughter)

RM: Ian, the email was very compelling. Could you tell us about it.

IXL: Well did you look up the link.

RM: I want you to share this.

IXL: Well, basically, essentially what weıre all involved with, what we uncovered through the Mayan Calendar is we are all involved with the evolution of consciousness. The way that we are aware, the way that weıve perceived our world and our reality is currently changing, and itıs changing faster than it ever has at any point in history. There is more business done, there is more information passed from one point to another in a day then there were in centuries of business and human enterprise. We are in a massive acceleration about every single thing, not just about spiritual aspects or hopes or endeavors but everything - financial, advertising, corporate organizations, aspirations - everything is changing at a tremendously rapid rate and a very fundamental part of our interpersonal dealings as human beings is our ideas or agreements concerning economy, and that too has gone through dramatic changes.

RM: I guess it only stands to reason that we are evolving into a highly technological society.

IXL: Certainly is, now where is all that technological ability or divisiveness coming from? Where is this breakthrough coming from? It is all a product of an expanding and ever effervescing consciousness, and enveloped in all of that has come new enlightenment, new development and new understanding concerning our positions as individuals in a sea of commerce. There is a complete ocean of buying and selling thatıs going on over your head over the horizon below your feet, everywhere you look, everything is for sale and in every way you can conceive it. And it is happening in an ever more accelerating rate as well. While there are certain laws and certain principles that we as humans have agreed to concerning this activity of commerce, and when you study in depth the laws, there are certain truths these laws are built on, just like an ocean is built on bed rock there are certain things that are there. And those are basically good solid rules for doing business. The problem is that a lot of these basic rules arenıt ever taught to anyone, the basic laws, the basic principles concerning commerce. Instead we are fed a whole tale of C R A P- P- P P, about the nature of doing business, and the true rules are held from our consciousness by those who want to be able to break the rules with impunity. And that is all the credit card companies, banks, financial institutions and all corporations, every and all corporations are set up as false entities and on their face, they are a lie and it goes from there that on their face, they are a front. Then the running of the corporation goes from that point, and in many cases it does not go in a good direction. So the laws that we have been looking into, the discoveries are not anything new. It's just what has been obscured, and now has been brought forward. So in the link that I gave you, that I have provided, and provided on our website, this link when you open it takes you to the proof that the United States government is not a government, and it hasnıt been for a quite while, it's a corporation, a for profit corporation, and who is on the board no one knows.

RM: I thought all corporations have to submit who the directors on the board are?

IXL: We thought a lot of things. Actually there are laws that state that this is suppose to happen but most people are not cognizant of them. Nobody checks up on it ever, everyone goes about just believing what they are told, and they are banking on that. This is not new, itıs only getting exposed as there is more consciousness looking deeper into the cracks here and there. The IRS is a for-profit organization and we have copies of their filing in Delaware. Itıs really pretty incredible. Now a lot of people are not going to care about this, so what? Well, the so what is the product of where their life is going.

RM: The IRS is a Delaware corporation, now thatıs got to have people saying WHAT?!

IXL: Oh yeah, thereıs lots to learn.

RM: So letıs get scratching beyond the surface, letıs get the dirty stuff.

IXL: (Laughter) In general, in order to really get a grounding in this information, I suggest people go and download a 90-page PDF file for free, at our web page. The book is called, "How I clobbered every Bureaucratic CASH Confiscatory Agency Known to Man," by Mary Croft. Itıs ninety pages and will introduce people to this deeper level of understanding of our situation concerning our economy and politics and the powers that be and whatıs actually going on behind the scenes. Itıs quite fascinating and culpable and has everything to do with money in your pocket.

RM: or lack of.

IXL: or lack of, exactly, there is no actual money, itıs just a trust.

RM: Isnıt that what is says on the back of the US dollar, In God We Trust?

IXL: Yeah, actually it literally means you trust your government who supposedly is backed by God, Godıs on our side or so thatıs the premise.

RM: Ian, is there any estimates to say how much money is in limbo because of the auto-tronic transfers given at any time?

IXL: Actually, the amount of money that has been issued is 280 billion dollars, thatıs a lot of money. But that's just money that has been printed and issued. That's the green stuff. The economy runs, or portions of the economy like the FCC, are doing in the trillions of dollars of business every day. The amount of debt that has been created out of nothing, out of just a promise to pay, that's with no delivery or service. Thereıs nothing there except a supposed promise to pay and it creates money, it becomes a financial instrument, and those things are flying everywhere all over the place through the electronic medium. The economy is not on the ground, the economy does not exist at your store or at the bank. 80 to 90% percent on any given day of the economy, the transfer of funds for goods and services and all that, happens through the electronic medium. The electronic medium is transferred between the surface of the planet and seven miles up, thatıs where the economy is. Itıs not even on the planet and has nothing to do with money or what we think of it as commodity or gold or silver. It only happens through imagination. So money is not solid.

RM: Does that mean if everyone went to the bank throughout the US and demanded their money that they could actually topple the banking system and the economic structure?

IXL: Yeah, within six hours it would be all over.

RM: We donıt need terrorism to do that, we could do that ourselves.

IXL: All you need is a lack of confidence (in the system).

RM: And this was shown throughout the ninety's when a number of trust companies and independently owned banks went under because everyone went to the bank and demanded their money.

IXL: Right and there was a bail-out. Fortunately they had the printing presses available and printed up more money and bailed out the banks and that's exactly what they did. Now they donıt have any available as they are printing 24-7 as fast as they can and canıt keep up with how much new money is being created.

RM: But whereıs the money going if it's all electronic?

IXL: It is actually not money anymore. The whole economy has shifted based on goods, commodityıs and exchange, those kinds of positive, solid objects, to where all economy is based on debt and debt only. If someone owes you, you own them, thatıs why you guys are all going to work everyday cause you owe somebody and they own you to that degree that's why you have to work. That's happening to everybody in the name of commerce. Now the whole scheme is, the more debt you control the more you control everything.

RM: Ian, is there anyway we could print enough money or make this national debt disappear?

IXL: Hmm, that's a complicated question to answer in the time we've got left. But basically no and we don't have the time to do it anyway.

RM: Really?

IXL: Yeah, the Mayan Calendar is a schedule of the shifting of consciousness, and basically there's a shift right now from power to ethics and integrity, and consciousness will always have it's way, it doesn't care much how it goes about igetting it, it always gets it. So, ethics and integrity are going to overcome power, and there's a particular time on the schedule when this is most likely to happen. And that is on June 1st of this year. There will come a point on the part schedule of the shifting of consciousness to where there will be no allowance on the part of consciousness, where there will be no allowance for dominating type power grabs. It will not be tolerated and will not be shoved under the rug anymore at all. And there probably will be a little wrestling match about then all over the world.

RM: Between who?

IXL: Between any force that is willing to dominate other people and that's a whole lot of people. This is the corporations, the whole military industrial complex, the whole mind think games, all people involved with that, all the people working for its defense contractors, and all those people who live and will die by the sword. All those kind of guys will be under the gun from June 1st on but not under the gun of any particular person or persons but by consciousness itself. It will not tolerate that kind of viewpoint. So whatıs going to happen to these people is either they are going to change their viewpoint or they are going to go extinct just like the dinosaurs did, just like the Neanderthal did, except its going to happen really, really quick. Cause everything is going to happen really fast.

RM:. We have many questions about the date June 1st and the Mayan Calendar. Before we get to answering our callers questions, and as you are talking about the consciousness, could you tell us what this consciousness is?

IXL: Well, Physicists tell us consciousness is everything. It's the space between you and me right now and everything in between. Consciousness is our whole concept or experience of time and space and material. It is absolutely everything, so everything is patterned after consciousness.

RM: So that means whatever isn't in our reality is consciousness.

IXL: Whatever isnıt in our reality is possible to become part of our consciousness, it is still consciousness somewhere else just not ours.

RM: You've also given us the date of June 1, 2005 where did you get this date from?

IXL: Well, it's from the Mayan Calendar. The June 1, 2005 is the middle point of this current consciousness cycle which last for 12.8 years, which started in 1999 and ends in 2011. It is the absolute middle point. Take a ruler or pencil and set it at the edge of the table at a 45 degree angle. Now push it pass the middle point and that pencil or ruler will fall down flat. That is what is happening now to power, with ethics now looming higher and higher over the shoulders of those people in power. And then what happens on June 1st, the center of the cycle, is the consciousness of ethics will move solidly down on top of power. It happens every cycle that the next level of consciousness comes down on the previous one. It happened last time in the period between 1873 and 1893, so it was in 1883. That is when the most prominent corporations in the world were being incorporated. What happened right then was when power overcame law as a consciousness.

RM: Ian, our listener from Akron, Ohio says: I would like to ask a culture question. What did the Mayan mushroom stones mean to the Mayans and why did they make these strange faced stones?

IXL: I donıt know.

RM: OK. Letıs go on to the next part of the question. What are your

personal views of the final day of the Mayan 2012 long count calendar? IXL: The general thing we can see is that more and more is happening in less and less time as we move forward. The Mayan calendar explains that there is a schedule of the unfolding of consciousness, and that the schedule has an acceleration factor built into it, and it's going to keep on accelerating right up to the very end of the Mayan Calendar, which is when absolutely everything that is infinitely possible will all happen at the same time. Or consciousness becomes totally aware of it's own infinity, and thereby consciousness has by-passed any possible consideration of time or space as any kind of limitation or measurable influence whatsoever, and so there would be no purpose whatsoever for a calendar. Thatıs what 2012 is about. It is the absolute end of limit or the consideration of time and space. Your spirit will be free from the third dimension as a limit, and you will be able to experience other dimensions and form, experience exactly who you are all along that path. And by the way, it's not an all or nothing thing, it's all AND nothing. We are in the midst of this acceleration towards that time right now. This is what is happening to your consciousness, this is why you are not satisfied in a lot of ways with your experience because you are supposed to be changing quicker and quicker and quicker, and you see this happening around you. Other people are going through it, and we are all being challenged to evolve with this motion or get out of the way. And there is going to be plenty of people getting out of the way. That's partly what's going on with the whole planet. I happen to be sitting just north of Vancouver in Canada where there is quite a bit of stuff going on. Thereıs been 3,000 earthquakes off the coast recently and we must ride the flows.

RM: You might say we have to ride the shock waves.

IXL: Yes.

RM: Ian, these are very changing times, very exciting times. The economy is going to fail?

IXL: Well, the economy has already failed. It's complete fallacy. The only reason people continue to count money is they cannot confront the lie that they are telling one another, and all the major economists around the world totally understand that we are 15 years past what should have been a complete collapse.

RM: We are on the brink of global bankruptcy.

IXL: No, we are not on the brink, no, no, no, we are way past.

RM: So we just donıt realize it?

IXL: Thatıs right, no one wants to. I mean the people who are absolutely in charge are the ones who instrumented it, they built the system so it would go bankrupt periodically and end in a diabolical failure, which then delivers everything that's been loaned against into their hands. That's what the contracts are all there for.

RM: Pretty cunning. Ian, we have an email with a question from Myrtle Beach, California. It says: You are the best paranormal talk show, thanks so much. Ian, do you think the sacred Mayan Codex books were really burned by the Spanish church leaders, or were they returned to the Vatican archives.

IXL: There are records of 450 volumes, two crates of codexes that were shipped to the Vatican.

RM: Wow.

IXL: No, not all of them were burned.

RM: Why would these be of such great interest to the Vatican?

IXL: Well, Iım not sure but the Vatican knew that knowledge was power and they were looking for all of it. So just on that it was worth getting it. When Bishop Lander went back and bragged to the Pope about what he had done, as he was very proud of how he had massacred shaman and burned books, they threatened his life and told him you go back and get everything that you can salvage from that culture and you bring it back, or you're a dead man. Bishop Lander had to get his hinee back over to the new world and scrape up whatever you can find.

RM: What does that tell you of the Vatican when they actually condoned the massive killings of people who may have had a little bit of knowledge?

IXL: It was all commerce, and based on power. Power is based on secrets [psychology]. What you know and nobody else knows gives you power. So thatıs what they were after.

RM: I would also like to know what your comments are about Mayan co-researchers Jose Arguilles and Terrance McKenna.

IXL: Terrance McKenna, I didnıt look into his material very much. I do understand we have some similar concepts about this especially the acceleration. I think he called it the novelty affect. But he knew there was an acceleration about consciousness. I do need to sit down and read him more thoroughly. Now, Jose Arguilles was a pioneer of the Mayan Calendar and opened up the subject matter to the rest of the whole world. He came up with his own understanding and interpretation of the calendar at the time and there has been more evolution, more discovery, more understanding of what the calendar is about since then and augments what Jose brought forward. It doesn't exclude anyone but adds to it.

RM: How did you get so interested in the Mayan Calendar and what started you on this quest?

IXL: OK. I was a jeweler and sculptor and I started to fashion the Mayan calendar with my hands into pieces of jewelry, and I started looking up the meanings of those symbols as I started to get these ideas, as I was making these pieces. I wanted to know if the thoughts that came matched up with what the archeologist actually said. And I found out in many cases it actually did, and that what I was getting was filling in more than what was in the books. I thought, isn't that interesting, so I kept on going and that's when I started studying more about the Mayan calendar. I was the one that came up with the charts that do the conversion from the Gregorian Calendar to the Mayan Calendar. That's where I sort of got introduced to everyone else who was doing the Mayan Calendar.

RM: A listener would like to know if they could have the step by step mechanism of this consciousness thing you are talking about. And if this consciousness you are talking about is that powerful, can the consciousness stop what you are anticipating is going to happen on June 1st?

IXL: There is no way to stop it. There is only understanding it so you don't take it so hard. Life is going to change here on this planet and it's changed many, many times before. In America and Canada, with our way of life or standard of living, it's probably going to take some bruises, letıs put it that way.

RM: Where do you see the biggest bruises coming from?

IXL: From ah, .when the trust evaporates on the money, because there is no value there. So when the trust evaporates, then what you see is an absolute runaway inflation, then a complete total collapse where no amount of money will get you anything and no credit card will work. So you tell me what's going to happen?

RM: Mass panic

IXL: That's right and pretty much in the cities. I've been telling people about that for the last four years anyway. People donıt want to hear it. I don't want to hear it myself. I don't want to even say it, but itıs my responsibility to report what I know. Not just what I feel and think, its what I see in the pattern first of all, and then I see it all over the internet from responsible international marketers and economists who are saying it's over. The economies of the world cannot be sustained. If you don't believe or understand that, then you deserve whatever befalls you on it. The warning signs are everywhere out there.

RM: The writing is on the walls.

IXL: It's everywhere and if you donıt see it, aahh, Iım sorry, I guess.

RM: So how are we going to recover from this?

IXL: I guess like Argentina did in the last three years. The people still farm and are happy. The Americans are going to take it hardest as we are spoiled.

RM: What is that going to do to the global status of the US.

IXL: It's already happening. What happens when you fall down the stairs. You go all the way to the bottom.

RM: Itıs not the fall that hurts you, it's the sudden stop.

IXL: Yes

RM: Reality setting in.

IXL: It's the sort of thing happening to America right now, we've fallen off the top stair.

RM: Will that make America vulnerable to her enemies? IXL: Well, yeah. I'd say so. I'd say she has done that on purpose. That that's the plan is to remember George Bush and company are fundamentalists. I grew up with the Southern Baptist. I know what they believe from my perspective. My Mother would pray for Armageddon at the dinner table. Because that's when Christians are raised up, that is when they are victorious over all the devils that are here on this planet. If you look carefully at all that the Bush's have orchestrated, it makes no sense until you realize he is willing to tear it down and cause people to rise up against each other in what could be called Armageddon. He's building it as fast as he can and he's doing a great job, all on the part of consciousness. We've got big, big changes everywhere happening around us.

NOTE from Gudrun: The above paragraph is a complete lack of spiritual Understanding coming from someone still stuck in the 3rd dimension.

RM: Strange times.

IXL: Really strange times. I would suggest for people to start getting a grip on some of these changes and why. First of all understand the situation you are in, in as much detail as possible. It seems to me that most people are interested in their time and their money and where those things seems to be going.

RM: OK, what can people do to prepare themselves for this massive economical failure that is already here, but we are apparently like a bunch of ostriches with our heads in the sand with our butts sticking out.

IXL: OK this is tough medicine.

RM: Tough love here we come

IXL: Tough love, tough medicine. Everybody out there, you are already creating your own situation in your own life. You are the person who is most responsible for the condition you are in, and that goes for me too. Iım going through a whole bunch too. Each of us is ultimately responsible for how we are in the world. Cause no matter what happens in front of your face, you had a choice of continuing or change and do something else. And that is getting more and more crucial as you come to realize this truth. Cause it's only after you have had that realization that you can start taking advantage of more and more of what is becoming possible. There are basically two different kinds of people who will go on from here. People who are creating their own experience of survival the way they want it, or those who are victims. There are basically those two viewpoints.

RM: How can a victim, in this circumstance, be a survivor?

IXL: Well, I donıt think so, and thatıs the problem, that's the point of being a victim - not making it.

RM: Iım sorry I misunderstood what you were saying.

IXL: From here on forward there will be two kinds of consciousness that go forward. There's the victims who will go forward on to extinction. And then there are people who are confident that they are actually creating their own experience and so many of the things that are prophesized, that befall people, things that would victimize, don't occur in their reality. They just don't occur because there are many more types of possibilities and realities now than there have been in the past. And every single day, more is possible to occur than ever has been in the past. Each one of us, we're all creating our own experiences. For instance, which movie do you want to go see this weekend. Well, youıve got 50 choices instead of like 25 years ago you had maybe 5 choices.

RM: And that was on a good weekend.

IXL: Yeah, so there's more and more choices of what you personally are going to experience in every single day. The key to being able to actually make that choice comes down to your own personal integrity. If you are being in your own integrity than you are actually clear enough, or open enough, to reach out to new possibilities. If our integrity is out, then you're too busy covering your own ass to reach out to new possibilities. It's really that simple. So, people who have been, for the most part, keeping it straight and living it right and feeling good about what they are doing, they are now blessed by consciousness itself, creation itself, with more possibilities. And those people who have been cutting themselves off by cheating others are getting more and more desperate, if you havenıt already noticed. That's whatıs going on. So there's this big division coming up.

RM: So it seems that the people who are really going to suffer are the people who are in the 9 to 5 work classes who are just basically robots. The banking industry is going to be non-existent. Major industry cannot exist without financial funding, so that will knock them out. Wouldn't this be an ideal time for a global war?

IXL: Wouldn't it be great for an Armageddon? RM: Yeah

IXL: That's exactly what is planned by Bush and company and all those guys. First of all, those plans don't match up with the pattern shown by the Mayan Calendar of the ultimate idea of the evolution of consciousness . It doesn't end here. It doesn't end up with a totalitarian government controlling everything. It ends up with people of a higher consciousness enjoying and helping co-create reality which goes higher and higher. These antique or non-functioning consciousness or methodologies that the power mongers are using are slated to go extinct. Just like other failed systems.

RM: You are talking about a type of global cleansing?

IXL: Yes, thatıs it.

RM: So we are burning the dead grass so the green grass beneath can live.

IXL: Thatıs right. And really, we are going to find out that the power elite, all those doing the oppressing, are less than one percent of the population, and it doesn't take much to do a lot of changing. You just have to be conscious of who those people are and where they are.

RM: And you have to accept the fact that the change is happening.

IXL: Right.

RM: Ian what can people do to get ready. Obviously putting away gold isn't going to do anyone any good.

IXL: Not much. We are giving a warning sign.

RM: With the stock crash in the early 1900s many people jumped and plummeted to their death. It's boggling my mind to think what people will do when you are looking at accepting the fact that we are in a global economic ruin and we ruined it.

IXL: We didnıt ruin it. Iit was ruined under our feet. There's a bibliography you can access. Go to click on articled, then go to the category called Deeper truth's files and right there near the top is a PDF file which is called, "How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic CASH Confiscatory Agency Known to Man," by Mary Croft. Download that book and read that book, and by the time you get half way through it, you'll be very angry but you will understand what was done to your grandfather, your father and now to you, and you'll understand the actual methodology that was used by corporations and lending institutions to bind us into slavery. There is also a way to reverse it, it is primarily by activating your consciousness of this state in the first place, then by rolling it backwards or playing it back. We donıt have enough time to go into this on the radio.

RM: No, we are out of time for tonight. Thanks very much for being on the show and we will have you again.
