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2005 - The Year of Great Creations

By John Hall

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ings will be happening soon? Because we are part of the creation team. Our visualizations and energy help create the Golden Age on Earth. If the ascended masters and space friends had told us that NESARA and the Golden Age would be several years away, how excited would you have been and how much daily attention would you put on the process? We are involved in the process, the more involved the better. For many of us, our contribution is excitement, expectation and energy. This is vitally important from a large number of Earth’s people. The Golden Age of Earth is not a contract job. We are all involved. Angels can not help unless you ask. Your words, thoughts and intentions are you asking for assistance. Then our higher frequency friends can do wonders. But collectively our energy and intentions perform wonders also. It is absolutely necessary to the process. You are contributing more than you realize.

2005 is a year that we expect many changes to become visible and known by all. Some people will be in shock. They are not prepared like we are. Some are deeply invested, mentally and emotionally, in the old way of doing things. They may have fully supported separation, judgment, war and the world run “my way.” As the truth is presented about many things in government, leaders, religions and financial controls, many will feel as if all of society is falling apart. Their world is ending. These people need your help. Some will ask questions and listen, some will not. Your job, if you chose to accept it, is to provide love and knowledge to those who can accept it. Some people cannot change very fast and maybe not in this lifetime, but many will listen and you can help them. They are all around you and most do not know who to turn to.

Be available, be loving and be helpful.

In recent months many people are noticing that what they think and intend happens very quickly. This is because the energies are rising higher in dimensional frequencies. They will advance a lot during this year. Our space friends tell us of how beautiful the Earth is already from the light of our collective desires and awareness. Many, many people in all countries are desiring peace, prosperity and a better world. They may have never heard of NESARA or a golden age but they are major contributors to the advancement of Earth also. These beings will be seeking knowledge and classes concerning the visible changes that will soon be happening on Earth.

There are many souls that so love the Earth that they have made the supreme sacrifice, their lives. All the people who died at 9-11 and in the recent tsunami disaster volunteered at their soul level to die as a group in order to jump start the rest of Earth’s people into a consciousness of oneness, compassion, service and personal introspection. Do you see how what we call disasters of great multitude bring the whole world together?

Those who lost their lives are now in supreme bliss and are looking forward to returning to a Golden Age of Earth.

What will your year be like in 2005? It is up to you? What are your passions, what are your intentions? Skip over the words “want” and “desire.” They are not that productive. Use the word “intentions.” That is much stronger. Have personal intentions but also group intentions with all the people of love and light on this planet. Fill out your intentions with details and feelings. Consistent thoughts create feelings and deep feelings of a passionate level create physical manifestations. The process takes a lot less time now than it use to. Use your imagination often. Enjoy it, play with it. Expand your imagination, not to extreme limits but without limits. That is your destiny, to live without limits. Then you are being the creator that God intended you to be.

God does not do all the designing or creating. Part of it is our function. Individually and collectively we create. We are creators. Decide what pleases you and go for it. You will create not only physical items but a way of life that benefits all. You can even attract your ideal mate. List whatever you desire in a mate. List what he/she may be looking for in you. What areas do you need to improve?

There are many areas on Mother Earth that need improving. We as humans have caused much damage to the body of Mother Earth. It is God’s desire that this planet be a fantastic garden that we not only enjoy but will supply our total nourishment. Remember that it will be 5th dimensional so all creations, colors, vibrations and air quality will be far superior to what we know at present. We will start by loving the Earth and Mother Earth. We will start by cleaning up the Earth. Our space friends will be of great assistance in this. We will plant many, many trees, some brought to us from other planets or from civilizations within the Earth. There will be new relationships between humans and all other species of Earth. Again, new species will come to live here, and all will be in great harmony. This will take more than one year but we can start in 2005.

What picture do you have of yourself? God holds a perfect picture of you. Can you match that perfection? I believe you can. At present, you are an unfinished masterpiece. You are a master and you can put the pieces together, for yourself and this Earth. Earth is destined to be a unique creation. Earth has more variety than any other planet. Earth will become a planetary model for beings from all over the universes to visit. Many of them are here watching now. What we do now will influence the many universes for eons to come. We will become their mentor. Earth has a greater destiny than anyone on Earth can visualize at present. You are part of the Planning Committee. What you do this year of 2005 may have great influence on an entire universe at some future date. It is up to you. Do you choose to go up, higher in service and frequency? There is no limit. Follow your passions and intentions to the highest level of creation. Thank you Creator, it is done.

John Hall –
