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Take Heart. The Trumpet Call

By Kathryn Weldon

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y Dear Fellow Hearts,

During this time I urge you to take heart, your Universal heart. It is times like these where our hearts are full of compassion for those who are suffering and perhaps in our hearts there is also some fear and hopelessness that nothing is being done on the level we want or that not enough is being done. We can spend time being mad or sad or hopeless and then we can do something that we, in previous times, were not able to do. We can consciously choose the Light of the Creator Son and claim the Spark of Supreme Father that we are in the face of our highly charged emotions.

Some of us participated in the early happenings of this planet during seemingly dire times where our emotional bodies were much in the same state of activation as they are in today. I call forth for us to be a post in the emotional storm of today - our individual and collective storm. We did not understand then that our impression of reality and truth can be altered by our emotions. Now we have knowledge and understanding that we did not have previous times before and we have the marvelous internet to connect us so that we may uplift one another in times like these.

The emotional body paradigm still exists somewhat today, my dear ones, where our strong emotions color our perceptions and reception of truth. I can easily become overwhelmed with the happenings of what others are going through during these days and find that I have to limit my exposure to the images, stories, and recounting of tolls. I, like you, have a great love for all peoples, all beings everywhere and to see such suffering can be very disheartening.

Know that others understand our nature of defining our reality by our emotions very, very well and play to that in order to maintain the untruths and the control that we have so long allowed. It has been our misunderstanding of the true nature of our selves and how our various bodies work that has allowed this imbalance to continue. In fact, strong emotions that are not of a positive nature can perpetuate and reinforce this situation greatly.

I call to you dear ones as I call to myself. Let our compassion lead us to take action in Light rather than engaging in living in other people’s shoes for too long. Our suffering for the suffering of others compounds suffering rather than easing it. Let us call in the Light to our hearts and being and shine our light on others. Let us beam out Light and Love rather than more of what they've already experienced.

This is exactly why we chose to be here on the planet at this time, to rise to this very occasion, to be the posts, the lights in this final storm. We are magnificent beings of light who are here to uplift ourselves, our fellowman and our wondrous planet during this adversity.

Let us see Light along the coast of the U.S., in Iraq and in other parts of the planet. Let us see Light and Peace and Understanding for each being in need throughout the world. Let us see them experiencing the comfort of Love; let us bring Light and Hope to them so that they see a brighter day ahead of them with an unshakable inner Peace. Let us see them getting the assistance they need in all forms.

Let us see in our minds eye that the politicians, the soldiers, journalists, and all people everywhere who are doing what goes against their true self say; "I can't and won't do this anymore." See them in light with a strong inner conviction to act sooner than later.

Let us understand also the goodness that is arising from Katrina. Invading Iran is an impossibility at the moment. The true nature of the country's leadership is being demonstrated for all to see. The media and political controls are breaking down and more of the truth is becoming evident. Many countries and thousands of people on Earth are now aligned through their caring, compassion and willingness to help.

For those who hear the call, I sound the trumpet, the clarion call of the coming day. Take heart dear ones for the time is truly near. Let us usher in the coming tide of Light and Truth that is imminent. Let our hearts be open so that we may have a knowing of this imminence. Let us know in our hearts that we are part of this process. We are each beacons; we are each our Father's son (sun.) Each time that we can shift our thoughts to calling in Divine Light and/or sending Light for as little as 17 seconds, we have made a difference!

Each one of us is so dear and precious and we are all finding our way and learning so much every day. Just in this understanding and learning alone, we greatly assist this enlightenment process. Thank you for your kinship and for this opportunity to speak.

With much Love and JOY. We are One.

Kathryn Weldon

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----- Original Message -----

From: Kathryn Weldon


Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 5:11 PM

Subject: FYI Fwd: The Trumpet Call

Dear Patrick,

This is the email that I said I would forward for your reference in my previous email today.

Thank you and best wishes,


E-Mail to Friends - The Trumpet Call

Greetings Dear Friends,

Many of us have had some trying times over the last few weeks--some little things, some bigger things ranging anywhere from having trouble sleeping, greater irritations and upsets over small things, to weight gain, depression, crying spells, lack of interest in work or things that we usually care about. Know that these are transitionary symptoms that will not last. These symptoms and more are all part of an evolutionary, vibrational shift that we are going through collectively along with our wonderous planet. Along with the above symptoms, thankfully many of us are also experiencing leaps forward in successes, clarity, self awareness, discernment, fulfillment, appreciation, peace, and so on.

Many of us are noticing how much faster the things that we think about are drawn to us. This is true. This is because we are divine co-creators in our own right and as we become more aligned with our true nature during this evolutionary process, our thoughts manifest quicker. I am continually awed and overjoyed to observe this process unfolding faster and faster in my life and in the lives of my clients, family and others around me.

(I have observed that this especially happens very fast when the same intention is held with at least one other person. "When two or more are gathered....")

As you know, there is no discrimination in the process of creation so we will draw to us that which we are thinking about and feeling with the most fervor without fail! This means that when we allow ourselves to spiral about something less than positive for too long, guess what/ we quickly get more of the very thing we don't want!

This is a very important week in our history and I urge you over this next week to know that the Veil of untruths that we have been struggling with will be lifted very soon. Please assist in this unveiling process by keeping as centered as possible and being of kind heart for the week. For most of us, this means being of kind heart and generous in spirit to ourselves when we make mistakes or are less than we want to be. Let's be patient and gentle with ourselves and others and choose to let our upsets go sooner than later. Let us focus on harmonious relationships, harmonious resolutions, seeing peace and seeing great assistance going to all those in the U.S. and world that need help now. Know that just holding these harmonious thoughts for 17 seconds once this week will make a difference! The more that each of us can do this during this week, the more we assist ourselves and our fellow man in collectively lighting the way to the higher truths that we have so long awaited.

I sound the trumpet. I urge you to consider these words and remember them this week if you are drawn to do so. If not that is okay too! I joyously embrace Divine Free Will.

Much Love and JOY. We are One.

Kathryn Weldon
