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Politically Incorrect And Proud Offending With The Truth

By: Paula Devlin

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d, because we did not learn from history, we are in the process of repeating it.

The model these authors used in their stories was that of the Soviet Union, where the state replaced God and the serf got a new name: comrade. The murdered royal family and court were replaced by the self-appointed revolutionaries who moved into the void, taking the power and money. Communism is not a pretty socio-economic system. Attempting to deify man, it has dehumanized him.

Dark forces have conspired against the American Republic since the beginning of the nineteenth century. They have always had some influence on policy but in the twentieth century they came out of the closet.

An early symptom of the coming changes occurred when Lincoln suspended the Constitution to wage the Civil War. If he had read that excellent document (as we thought he might as a lawyer), he would have noticed that the Southern states were well within their rights to secede.

The next big shift away from the Constitution was the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank. This monster is not Federal, has no reserves and it is not a bank. It controls our nation’s credit exactly as the European do Europe’s. The Framers of the Constitution knew how the game was played and tried to protect us from the same fate. By controlling the money they control the nation, even more so than the political process does. Through the financing of government debt, these international bankers can put the screws on a nation and bankrupt it. The 1929 stock market crash, the calling in of physical gold (to replace it with paper) and the establishment of the social security system really ended our Constitutional government. Some were aware of these dramatic shifts but they were voices crying in the wilderness.

The later changes have been cultural and directed towards conditioning each person to be a state widget. Just as in Stalinist Russia, political correctness has replaced traditional morality. This left people confused, looking for direction, then finding it in Hollywood and other demoralizing media outlets. These new authority figures scorn the traditional family and the wisdom of the ages. Familial wisdom is ridiculed and senior citizens warehoused to prevent any of their common sense from having any influence on the young.

The well-woven fabrics of family, school and church were ripped apart in the "cultural revolution" that broke open with the assassination of Kennedy. Divorce became no-fault (thanks to the American Bar Association); the Pill hit the streets; free love was in; welfare moms were forced to move out from their parents’ homes; schools were integrated by forced bussing (good- bye neighborhood schools and parental control). Women were "emancipated" to serve the state as workers, effectively tossing their families to the wolves. Education came under the control of a federal bureaucracy with its socialist/communist agenda. Churches came under the thrall of socialism, cleverly masked as Christianity by the strategic omission of critical teachings of Scripture. Psychiatry replaced the confessional and drugs still guilty consciences.

Now we are faced with such a mess it will take the mythical Hercules to clean it up. The first step – and some are already taking it – is to speak out. The left has insidiously intimidated many with its inane political correctness, telling us that we cannot criticize certain actions, groups or people for doing things that every culture in history has held to be wrong. They are "off limits". We are supposed to accept emotion as reason; to deny the natural moral law. We are pushed to accept some groups as so superior to the rest of us that they are never to be criticized.

When people do speak out, they are labeled as "racist", "xenophobe", "right-wing nut", "radical Christian right", "paranoid", "anti-Semitic", "bigot", "homophobe" and/or "sexist" for openers. Rarely does the left present a cogent argument, based on facts and syllogistic reasoning, to refute a conservative or moral position. They play the race/victim/unconstitutional cards like a two-year old’s hissy fits.

Until and unless the left comes up with position-demolishing refutations, there is no point in being silent. In opposing the left, consider playing the needling, recalcitrant, obnoxious teenager. The message: we are not afraid of you and we will not be cowed into silence by your lies and bullying. A good start to a rousing argument is to define terms. Hold them to a dictionary definition. Do not let them slide by with their usual concoction of air-headed blather and half truths with which they try to talk their opponent under the table.

Speaking the truth has never been the ticket to popularity. A quick review of biblical heroes gives examples of those in power taking umbrage at justified criticism. Noah, Elijah. Ezekiel, Daniel, Paul and John the Baptist are just a few who risked life, property and family for speaking out for their beliefs. There is a short-term price to pay but that is nothing compared to what will be paid in the long term for failing to adhere to the Truth.

American tradition has always held that a man is entitled to his opinions and has the right, under the First Amendment, to express them. It is disingenuous for the judiciary to substitute pornography for political expression as if we were more concerned about prurient gratification than freedom from tyranny. Those who had pre-revisionist history know by heart the phrase, "I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it."

The goal of leftists of every stripe is to silence opposition. If they are unopposed, they will have unchallenged power to do evil. The persecution of those who defend the Constitution and morality continues. The politically incorrect are being murmured against as "unstable" or "mentally ill". Do not disappoint. Do not go gently into that dark night.

"Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."
