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Devotional: When We're Falling

C. J. D.

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encounter on a day to day basis, as well as what I do to try to overcome them.

This message, may be different from the feel of many of my other messages, only in that I have grown to see things through different lenses recently. I have grown to understand the importance of family, and from a kid who has never had family, this means so much to me. L. and B., who I call my adopted parents, have shown me so much about life, love and what it truly means to be valued, loved and respected.

So to you, I thank you, and you will always be a part of my special family, the one that I never knew existed.

At the same time, I have continued to grow a relationship with a very special woman. S. and her son have shown me so much about the simple things in life, the value of words of encouragement and love, and the truth that innocence brings. After living in New York, Minneapolis, and Los Angeles, I thought that innocence died out. It is very much still alive. The purity of the love and respect that I have found with them is amazing. Even through the most difficult times, we still find a way to endure, encourage, and love. This, is difficult, but necessary.

There are many times that I question myself, "why do I deserve such a wonderful person, why do I deserve to be loved, why am I now capable of loving," but each time I ask this question of myself, I look deep down, and say "I know I’m good enough, I deserve her because she deserves me."

The snow has been falling here, and after a foot and a half of the white stuff, you seem to find yourself in a peaceful, serene setting. Snow has a way of making the ugly beautiful, the decrepit new, and the weak strong. Driving home yesterday morning, I found an interesting situation that reminded me of a childhood story.

The roads were icy, fortunately I have four wheel drive and was able to navigate them painlessly, but not everyone is so fortunate. I followed home an older woman who was driving an old Buick Skylark. The car was made sometime in the 70s and was void of front wheel drive. Her back end skidded from side to side as she slowly climbed the hill. I followed, not too closely, but close enough that I could be there if something horrible happened.

She spun up the hill, going less then five miles an hour. But she made it, and I was there to catch her if she fell. I was there to help.

This situation reminds me of the "Little Engine that Could." It also reminds me of many of you. During times in my life when I could have easily fallen, you were there to support me, carry me, and help me through it. You were there to "catch me, if I fell".

And so is God. He is always walking with us, even when we d on’t feel him near us. He is there, watching, and mindfully waiting for us to cry out. He…is there to break our fall.

Many things in my life are evolving that I know God is guiding. Things that I cant even describe are taking place, and as I take it all in, I remember…none of this is my doing. Everything is in the hands of our living God.

Grace to you and Peace from God our Father. May your day be filled with blessings, encouragement and hope. May your life be filled with love and mercy.

With Love,

C J. D