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What More Can We Do?

John Rabideau

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The first option is the "Go Gratitude Experiment" at this link may be worth considering for some.

The second is from a personal daily practice I find quite powerful (formerly presented as a prayer in Novermber 2003, with some additions:

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The Song Of 144,000 (Children Of LIght)

From: John I

We thank you Father,

that you have revealed to us your protective universal light,

that within this light is complete protection from all destructive forces,

that the Holy Spirit of your presence permeates us in this light,

and where ever we will the light to descend.

We thank you Father,

that you fill us with your protective fires of love,

that within this love is complete protection from all destructive thoughts and feelings,

that the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this love,

and where ever we will the love to be enflamed.

We thank you Father that you are in us and we are in you,

that through us your will is sent forth on wings of power,

that your purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven,

that through us yoiur light and love and pwer is manifest to all the sons and daughters of mankind.

Then I visualize.....

After repeating this prayer three times I visulaize the plaent earth (Mother Gaia) surrounded by a golden 5th dimensional grid and see the grid energized by a white, rose gold, silver violet orb.

Where the lay lines of the grid intersect there is a multi-taceted diamond with 144 facets representing each of us on this beautiful planet shining more brilliantly than we have ever shone before.

I then express my personal gratitude to Gaia(Mother Earth) by first beaming a ray of golden light from the brilliant diamond I am to the core of the earth as healing energy so that we can complete our group Ascension with the minimum of chaos and catastrophy for Gaia and all the Sons and Daughters of Mankind...then I see all of us doing the same.

Sometimes I weep as I am overcome with the joy of seeing us all ascended and once again in full knowledge that we have accomplished our mission of returning to Oneness which is our heritage. The "forgotten Gods who volunteered for the mission" have created theri own remembrance of who they really are.

During the day I repeat frequently a variation of Saint Germain's mantra:

Transmute, transmute by white, rose gold, silver violet fire,

all causes and cares not of God's desire,

I am a being of cause alone,

That cause is Love the sacred tone.

That is my prayer for NESARA.

I am always fulfilled that simple exercise.

Light, love and power to you;

John R.
