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Report on the Star Knowledge Conference at Nine Mile Forest-Rib Mountain, Wausau, Wisconsin, April 22, 2006, Earth Day.

Dr. Richared Boylan

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d in providing reports such as mine here, because it is the occasion for some people to sit back and not participate in these conferences and ceremonies, because of feeling "no need; I'll just wait for the report." But no report can do justice to what went on or was conveyed at such conferences and ceremonies. Further, the energy there cannot be conveyed in words. And by not attending, the stay-at-homer subtracts his/her energy from the gathering that they could have brought in attending.

Nine Mile State Park Lodge was filled with an audience of Euro-American and Native people. They had come to listen to Chief Golden Eagle/Standing Elk, Blue Thunder/ Bennie LeBeau, Anishanabe teacher Dan Hull, Maria Zephier (Golden Eagle's wife), BlackfootTurtle Woman/Wendi Powers, Councillor Meata, and myself present important information.

The Conference opened with wonderful Native American music by Dan Hull's Anishanabe People men's singing and drumming group

Chief Golden Eagle spoke at length on the origin and meaning of the 11 Universal Laws and the 11 Spiritual Laws as recognized and observed by the Star Nations. He pointed out connections and corrolaries, brought forth in consultation with various ascended masters.

Eastern Shoshone Elder Blue Thunder talked about the imperative need to heal Mother Earth, and his work to restore energetic balance and connections of 19 traditional sacred energy places in the West in May of 2004. He spoke of remaining unaccomplished Earth-healing work, including nearby Rib Mountain, an eight-mile-long mile of solid rose quartz, which Benny said operated as the heart of Mother Earth. He explained a healing ceremony that would take place at the peak of that mountain the next day, and invited all to come and participate.

Dan Hull spoke humbly of the challenges of growing up Native American amidst a non-Native overculture that is not appreciative of Native ways. He spoke with pride of his Anishanabe (Chippewa/Ojibway) people who called that area home long before the white man called it Wisconsin.

I spoke about the various star races, and how they are federated into a Star Nations, which has taken on Earth as a long-term assistance project long before Homo Sapiens, and later Homo Sapiens Sapiens, were formed. I talked about the Star Kids, and adult Star Seeds, who are the most recent upgrading, Homo Alterios Spatialis. In the presentation of the marvelous advanced attributes of Star Kids, I was ably assisted by three charming young Star Kid volunteers, Iris, Meghan and Allie, (ages 5-9), who bravely stood in front with me and spoke up to the audience about their personal experiences with using various psychic abilities. I also shared about the Star Nations' need to negotiate an agreement with four Earth governments to stop firing on starcraft, how this agreement was violated by various Earth governments, and how Star Nations is now declaring that agreement invalid, and proceeding to outreach to Humans globally to determine the basis for a new agreement with all Humans that will foster open contact in a climate of mutual respect.

Wendi Powers followed, lending her body as a communication conduit or Star Nations High Council member Asheoma te ka Meata. Councillor Meata noted that the Star Nations wish to interact openly and publicly with Humans. He also noted that Humans must attend to their responsibilities to be responsible stewards of Earth Being, and to treat each other with justice and love.

Maria Zephier spoke about the Spider medicine, and her interpretation of additional symbols from the Roswell crashed starcraft, below the 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws symbols. These she interpreted as additional principles which she characterized as Spider Medicine.

The Conference was videotaped by Ryan Elliott, who intends to go home and transfer the videotape to two DVDs of the Conference and make those CDs available to the public. Persons interested in placing an order may contact Ryan at: or (800) 421-2717.

in the light,

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC: Behavioral scientist, educator, researcher, Councillor

President, Star Kids Project, LTD

Author: "Star Kids: the Emerging Cosmic Generation"

P.O. Box 22310

Sacramento, CA 95822, USA


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