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The Yogi of Tibet

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higher self and life purpose. When things are going bad, we cry out for help. Then we acknowledge that there is a higher power and eternal life that needs attention. Then we look for ways to ascend, sometimes switching from extreme low to extreme high dimensions, and often getting out of balance when the switch is going too fast.

So maybe the only way we would be willing to ascend is when we start feeling desperate, when we feel that we are losing control, when we see that our lives are in danger and that we see no normal way out anymore. There will be people who believe that they can regain their control by all kind of measurements and fighting, but they will see that its like they are walking on quicksand. The harder they fight the quicker they lose control. And then of course there are the people who believe that the only way out is to ascend, like the Yogi of Tibet did.

Just ask yourself: to which group you belong? This is what it means when we talk about the old and the new world. It doesn’t make any sense to argue about that. We all choose in which world we want to live, but soon we will not be together anymore. I really can’t comprehend this, but I feel it, I experience it. These worlds are just splitting apart.

For the ones that choose to stay in the old world I would say: Goodbye and have a good life!! I really mean that, no sarcasm. For the ones that choose to ascend I say Welcome to the new world. Let’s walk this path together and enjoy the journey.

