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The Truth in God's Love

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seen and known in a higher way. What God sees is beyond what humanity sees and knows as the love of God.

When you know the love of God you allow that to exist in all things that you do and what you find in your experience is simply another reflection of that same love of God in you for all others.

Now when that is not the case, it is because you have not learned the truth in God’s love for you and you do not even begin to trust so that you can know. It is only in God’s love that you find the rich source of ALL love and can then have the love you want in your love with God and the Mate given you to live and enjoy your existence with.

Today we are having a discussion of how we see God’s love.

We are having a discussion of how we know God’s love to be in our lives.

There will be an added discussion of the way we want to know God in our relationships with all others.

Learning about the truth in God’s love will teach you about the truth in your love and what you are missing in your acceptance as the truth of your love in life.

Take a look at these words for they hold the greatest intrigue of the greatest test of truth there is, yours and yours in God.

Now let us have this discussion and walk into the light deeper.

It is important for all to know the love of God and the way the love of God works.

Too many people are operating under a limited power of the love of God in their thought for they think they know that they know God’s love and God and they do not as they do not show it fully in how they live. They blame being human as the reason why they do not live and love as they see and know God’s love to be in their mind.

Mind you, most people love God and see God as a human self when God is not even human and is way so beyond human that one would be surprised if they really truly did know God.

You must get right with yourself before telling someone else the way and making yourself think that you know what you are doing so you mislead them too and go on with your business knowing you are not straight.

Fight the contrast within you and get yourself real and filling over the brim of love and let your true light shine forth knowing you are what you are meant to be.

Listen to this lesson today for it is yours to keep. Written is one thing but the words of God spoke here today will rivet your mind in the way you think.

St. John Chapter 4, Verse 24 says: God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

This is the greatest wisdom there is. Enjoy it and honor it too.

Love always,

The Imperial Queen Empress Omian

The One of God

The Imperial Queen Empress Omian

"The One of God"

Feel the Love