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The Fat Shall Inherit The Earth

By Linda Johnson

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ho found willpower alone didn't stop the natural urge to eat and resorted to diet pills and all sorts of weird diets for that stick thin appearance.

Why? Did you ever wonder who are the 'fat police'? Why are women driven to be thinner and thinner? For what purpose? How many of the 'fat police' sitting in their television and magazine production offices starve themselves over their three hour lunches, or is this something they just impose on others? Not only women, but now men have to have hairless bodies with 'six pack' abs to be cool.

All these fashions to be perfect, plastic and fake have got so bad that even the airbrushed models themselves can't live up to the look demanded of them. Who would get a job on TV these days without the acrylic whitened teeth, enhanced breasts, plumped lips, nose job, fake nails, dyed hair and the under-30 appearance? Have you noticed how they all look like clones? Where are the real people?

Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with wanting to look nice and one doesn't need to be ugly to ascend. But think about how much of your self-judgement and judgement of others is based upon a false set of 'rules' that has been imposed upon you through the media - those womens magazines, the TV programs and movies. Are they saying that to be loved/happy/rich/successful you have to be thin and beautiful? Yes they are saying that... but who said you have to play by their rules?

I know it's a hairy old cliche, but beauty really only is skin deep.... outer beauty that is. Once you start feeling loved and nurtured from within your internal beauty starts to shine. Do others care about your internal beauty? Other ascending people do! They will be drawn to you because they feel the vibration you are giving off, not the designer clothes. Not only that, but as you ascend, your body cells start to regenerate so you really will start to look younger and more beautiful on the outside too.


As you ascend in vibration, your non phyisical bodies, gridwork and lightbody will expand. Eventually this will happen in the physical too. What does this mean? You will start to put on weight. If you don't realise you are ascending you will be putting on weight for no apparent reason. You will crave weird 'hormonal' foods and all the fatty and salty things you've been avoiding for years. You will want to eat. Your body needs fuel to start regenerating and repairing. Your body needs to get larger as the organs expand, especially around the diaphragm and belly.

At this point, many ascending people start fighting the weight gain (especially those who have always been thin). If they are conscious of their ascension, one part of them says, yes I know if I want to ascend I must put on weight and eat. The other part says I have to stay thin because thin is good. My friends, family and society in general expect me to be thin or else I have a weight 'problem' (actually they have the problem because you're ascending!). If people are not conscious of their ascension they can't understand why they are putting on weight and go to great lengths to diet and exercise it off - often without much success.

What about people who are already fat before they start ascending? Well they already have a head start, so they usually don't have to add any more. But you should check with your guidance how much of the gridwork you are carrying is your own. Some people carry extra weight because they carry gridwork for others. Start by 'intending' that you release and return all gridwork that is not your own and to recall any missing gridwork of your own. This may cause you to lose weight if you were carrying too much for somebody else, or add weight if you were missing gridwork.

Another thing that happens as one starts ascending is the balancing out of parallel lives. Often if one is fat in this life they are thin in a parallel life or vice versa. So the thin person in this life who judges a fat person, is really only judging themselves on another plane. As one ascends one starts to balance and integrate the parallel lives one becomes medium sized rather than very fat or thin. So larger people may lose some weight as they ascend and the thin ones must expand.

It is difficult in the society we live in to allow yourself to gain weight on purpose. One will notice most of the weight gain to be around the diaphragm and stomach as one starts to develop a 'buddah belly'. Yes this is why Buddah was fat - he was ascending. Fortunately most of us won't need to put on that much weight but you will notice a definate belly happening.

I was amused to see 'judgement in reverse' when I attended a Conclave - a gathering of ascending people. These people were proud to have a belly. It was like a badge of honour. If you mentioned someone had put on weight they were very pleased. But as they all went home their friends and families commented about how much weight they had put on trying to make them feel ashamed - everything's relative isn't it? So why not change your friends to ascending, non-judgemental ones?

I had always been thin before I started ascending in the physical. At first I put weight gain down to giving up smoking and sitting too long at the computer. While this didn't help my fitness, subsequent exercise didn't change my growing diaphragm. I have gone from a size 10-12 to a 16 (Australian). Most of the weight is around the belly and diaphragm. I got very frustrated that my clothes didn't fit me and worried about what other people thought. My family has always been pretty 'fat phobic' and I pick up the judgemental vibe from some of them.

However, much of how one feels is based on the thoughts of other people hanging around your field. I studied under ascension teachers who were much bigger than me and they didn't seem to care what other people thought. They were proud to be ascending. As I started to feel more proud at what I was doing and understood the physical changes I stopped feeling so judgemental about myself. If other people started sending me the judgemental vibe, I just sent it back to them. Instead of fretting that I couldn't fit into my slinky clothes, I bought looser more comfortable clothes - yeah, fat clothes - but you can let it all hang out. And to top it off, instead of exercising in a gym and worrying about having tight abs, I took up belly dancing where a belly is an asset.

So give your body what it craves. Learn to muscle test or pendulum so you can ask your body what foods and vitamins to eat. Eat when you're hungry - and it will be often. Do some gentle exercise to keep the chi moving and to help detox what you will be releasing every day - walking, swimming, dancing, yoga, tai chi. Pamper your body with long baths, oils and scrubs. Learn to love the shape you're in and your beauty will flow from both inside and out.

Here's some 'food' for thought: Because the ascending people are regenerating their bodies, they will outlive the non-ascending ones. As the vibration of Earth continues to rise, only ascending people will be living and reproducing in future years. This means ALL the people on earth will have big bellies. The ones with the big bellies now are just leading the way for the others! The 'fat' indeed shall inherit the Earth!

Now if only some ascending clothes designer would make some nice clothes....

Find out more about body changes in

Symptoms of Ascension

by Karen Danrich
