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Everything Is In Place

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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g this six-month process, the Company of Heaven has intervened in miraculous ways, and in spite of the power and might of the cleansing that has taken place all over the world, Humanity has experienced a gentler, more merciful purging than we have earned.

The influx of Light that took place during the seventeenth celebration of Harmonic Convergence in August cleared the way for the activation of the twelvefold Fifth-Dimensional Solar Spine in every man, woman and child evolving on Earth. This event allowed the God Self of each person to accelerate the vibration of the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of each one at a cellular level.

Under the guidance of each person's God Self, the twelve Fifth-Dimensional Solar Chakras and the twelve corresponding Fifth-Dimensional Solar Meridians are now bathing the cells and organs of every person with higher frequencies of Light than we have experienced since we first volunteered to embody in a physical reality aeons ago. This influx of Light has created the perfect environment for the opening of Humanity's Fifth-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras.

In an act of merciful Divine Grace, our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God-All That Is-granted a Cosmic Dispensation that allowed Humanity's God Selves to open our Fifth-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras to full breadth. This unprecedented act of Divine Intervention opened the portal of Divine Love within Humanity's hearts and right-brain hemispheres once again and paved the way for the return of our Mother God.

Since our newly-opened Heart Chakras are pulsating within the frequencies of the Fifth Dimension, our God Selves have full dominion over them and our fear-based human egos cannot manipulate us into closing our Heart Chakras ever again.

Our Mother God has at long last returned and reclaimed the Earth to be the Love-centered world it is destined to be. The Love of our Mother God is now bringing Humanity's right-brain hemispheres into balance with our left-brain hemispheres. This is enhancing our God Selves' ability to reactivate our spiritual brain centers.

As Humanity's pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brains return to full function, our Fifth-Dimensional Solar Crown Chakras of Enlightenment are opening. Humanity en masse is now on the verge of awakening to Fifth-Dimensional Solar Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is our Divine Birthright, and it was our natural state of Being prior to our fall from Grace millions of years ago.

The Love of our Mother God is lifting every person on Earth into a higher level of awareness. After aeons of abuse, our power is finally being balanced with the wisdom of love and the reverence for all life.

This shift of consciousness is already beginning to manifest in the outer world. As I write this article Laura Bush, the First Lady of the United States of America, is on a goodwill tour in Europe. If we acknowledge this event as a metaphor that reflects what is actually happening on Earth, we will know just how profound her trip is.

Laura Bush is the First Lady of the most powerful country in the world so, in this instance, her mission symbolically represents the most powerful female reaching out to those who are in conflict. Her love and elegant feminine presence is healing the aggression and abuse of power that has been inflicted on the world by the masculine community. She is a Peace Commanding Presence, and she is bringing respect and nurturing to children and their families through education and literacy. She is unifying people through acceptance and mutual goals.

When Laura Bush paid a visit to the French President Jacques Chirac, he kissed her hand and said their two countries should put differences over Iraq behind them, and let bygones be bygones. He sent his best wishes to the people of the United States and said that he was looking forward to attending the G-8 Summit next June on Sea Island, on the U. S. southeast coast.

At a separate function, Laura Bush told the Paris meeting of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that the United States promises to be a full, active and enthusiastic participant. She raised the U.S. flag at the organizations headquarters in Paris and said that the partnership between the USA and UNESCO was crucial in the war against the ideology of hate and violence which has produced the terror attacks around the globe.

Earlier this year, the U.N. named Laura Bush its honorary ambassador for the U.N. Decade of Literacy, which addresses the 860 million adults and the 113 million children in the world who cannot read or write. The First Lady said that UNESCO, an institution born of a yearning for peace that survived years of war, can now help achieve peace by spreading the values that will help defeat terror and lead to a safer and better world.

Laura Bush then traveled to Russia where she met with President Vladimir Putin. She brought American children's books with her as a way to teach values that people in our country share and people around the world share. She explained that these are values that have to do with living a good life and being a good person.

She spoke at the Kremlin during a discussion of children's literature with Russian First Lady Lyudmila Putin and their counterparts from Armenia and Bulgaria. In her address, Laura Bush said that education and literacy were vital to improve people's lives and to promote peace and security. Lyudmila Putin said that a key Russian goal is to use reading and books to strengthen family bonds.

While the world focused on the First Lady of the United States of America and the feminine nature of her love and compassion, the schools in Iraq reopened.

For the first time since the war began, the international news coverage focused on the smiling faces of women and children in Iraq. The anticipation, joy and excitement on the faces of the children was glorious to witness. Interestingly, even though there were both boys and girls attending school, the interviews being shown on television involved predominately mothers and their daughters.

The mothers expressed a sense of elation that the oppressive political agenda of the masculine power base would no longer be forced upon their children. They reveled in the fact that their girls were going to be allowed a "normal" education.

A beautiful little girl was chosen to cut the ribbon to initiate the opening of the school. When the head schoolmaster greeted the children, he said, "Welcome to your new school. Hopefully, you will work hard and be good students, so you can raise your level of education to serve your country and Humanity."

This week the Governor of Arizona, Janet Napolitano, also focused the attention of the people in Arizona on the need to expand our motherly love and compassion to the children. In spite of a very tight state budget, she has made the improvement of Child Protective Services a number one priority. She asked the state representatives for $35,000,000 more to help curb child abuse. This will be added to the $150.2 million dollars already allotted to CPS.

Day by day, under the direction and supervision of our God Selves, the Love of our Mother God is flowing through our newly-opened Heart Chakras. With every breath we take, this gift from our Mother God is integrating into every facet of our lives. If we pay close attention, we will see tangible evidence of a balancing and a shifting toward harmony taking place all around us.

Old patterns of anger and frustration are no longer able to pull us off center the way they once did, and our egos cannot manipulate us through fear the way they used to. These are just the beginning signs of what will occur with the monumental shift of consciousness that is on the horizon.

The Spiritual Hierarchy assisting Humanity from the Realms of Illumined Truth have said that the upcoming alignment in November has the potential of having the same dramatic effect on a person's awakening process that near-death experiences have had on literally millions of people. Those experiences have been life transforming and have catapulted people into new levels of knowing and enlightenment beyond anything they ever dreamed possible.

For us to fully understand the magnitude of what this shift of consciousness can mean to all life on Earth, we must remember that everything manifesting on the planet is a result of what somebody is holding in their consciousness. No matter what the situation is, in order for something to manifest in the world of form, someone has to be holding that idea or thought in their consciousness.

Things seem to be getting worse because we have been trying to change the outer-world situations without changing the consciousness of the people who are creating the situations. That is like trying to change the image in the mirror without changing the object that is causing the reflection in the mirror. This is a futile effort.

For instance, in order to try and correct the gross imbalances in the distribution of wealth, we could take all of the money in the world and divide it evenly amongst all of the people. The problem with that is, without a shift of consciousness in five years all of the rich people would be rich again, and all of the poor people would be poor again. That would happen because the people who are motivated by a consciousness of greed and selfishness would find a way to beg, borrow, cheat and steel the money away from all of the people who are trapped in poverty consciousness and feelings of unworthiness.

Without a shift of consciousness, we could eliminate all of the guns in the world, but the people who are filled with fear, hatred and violence would simply find another way to harm and kill one another.

It is impossible for us to truly comprehend the potential for change an upward shift of consciousness of this magnatude will have on Earth. Just contemplate for a moment what a difference it will make when every evolving soul remembers the Oneness of ALL Life and the profound Truth that all life is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. Imagine how people will interact with each other once they truly KNOW that they cannot harm another person, place, condition or thing without harming themselves.

Think of the difference it will make when people everywhere know and accept the Divine Truth that the flow of God's Abundance is limitless, and AS THEY GIVE, SO SHALL THEY RECEIVE.

People everywhere are beginning to awaken to the Truth of who they are and why they are here. The shift of consciousness in November is destined to accelerate that awakening process by leaps and bounds. This shift of consciousness will lift Humanity into the Realms of Truth where each soul will be able to clearly perceive that we are not just fragmented, dysfunctional facets of our fear-based human egos. Instead, every Human Being will realize that we are ALL Beloved Sons and Daughters of God, and that everything our Father-Mother God has is ours. By remembering this Sacred Knowledge, Humanity will change the course of history.

As Children of God, we have the responsibility of cocreating our physical reality. Through lifetimes of misunderstandings, we have developed the erroneous belief that we are just powerless victims of circumstance. With the shift of consciousness, we will understand and know that, in fact, we are powerful cocreators of circumstance.

As we lift up in consciousness, we will realize that our God Presence is the all-encompassing part of us that is created in God's Image. This aspect of our Being is a radiant Sun, which resonates with the full perfection of our Father-Mother God. When it is time for us to embody on Earth, our God Presence projects one minuscule ray of Light into this physical plane to sustain our Earthly bodies. Our human egos have manipulated us into believing that the single ray of Light is the totality of who we are.

When we believe that illusion, it is easy for us to feel limited and inadequate. We accept the erroneous belief that we are just victims being buffeted about by life's circumstances without any options or choices. Nothing could be further from the Truth.

The physical plane is merely a reflection of our consciousness. No matter how real our life challenges seem or how entrapped we are in the human miscreations of poverty, disease, low self-esteem, loveless relationships, hatred, corruption, ignorance, war, etc., those distorted expressions of life can manifest in our lives ONLY if we hold them in our consciousness.

As we rise up in consciousness and empower the Light and all of the patterns of perfection contained in the Light instead of choosing to empower the things that cause our pain and suffering, our Earthly experiences will be transformed in "the twinkling of an eye."

We are standing on the threshold of the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted in any System of Worlds. This is a unique experiment of unfathomable proportions and through our unified efforts...OUR VICTORY IS ASSURED!

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

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PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

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