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About the Spiritual Mission of Russia

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very days in the meeting of the Karmic Board that is taking place now.

I am in a hurry to bring you good news! You are aware that I am patroness of Russia and are aware that since ancient times the people of this country spend time in their prayers to me. I help in the healing, my icons have a miraculous effect, and they protect and cure the people in need of protection and help.

I put my presence into many images of mine in the form of icons and from the expression of my face and eyes you can always learn the answers to the questions that are of concern to you. I aim at communicating with you and give you all the help that I can, my beloved children.

I have just come from the session of the Karmic Board. And the good news I would like to tell you about concerns my beloved Russia. You know that a big mission - to lead the peoples on the spiritual Path, is destined to this country. And at last, the Path is open and Russia has come to this place of its Path, where the future mission is seen from, the place of its Path, which presupposes revelation of the mission.

You know that a lot of prophets of the past were talking about the great role and mission of this country. However, in practice, everything was happening just to the contrary and the image of Russia that was created in the west during the last tens of years was not too attractive.

We have been carefully following the development of the individuals whose destiny is connected with Russia and who incarnate in Russia during hundreds of years. And, you know, we reached the conclusion that due to its best representatives, Russia has deserved the right to step on the Path of the spiritual leadership of the world. I beg you not to confuse this role and mission with the role, which the whole world not long ago was attributing to Russia, or as it was called then, the Soviet Union.

Today’s role in a way is completely opposite to the mission, which Russia took over itself earlier. And this difference is connected with this that Russia is called upon to become a highly spiritual country.

Exactly now, despite the whole apparent loss of spirituality, the foundations of the new spiritual country are being laid. Exactly now the people of Russia, tired of the deadlock and the unbelief, is ready to orientate towards the Source of the Divine blessing, to kneel and say in its heart:

”God, forgive me, God, forgive us, Holy Father. We did not know what we were doing. We were relying upon our fleshly mind and power and caused due to our foolishness a lot of misfortunes. Please, God, hear our prayer. Forgive us, God, for everything that we have done, for all troubles and misfortunes, which we brought to the world. God, if it is under Your Will, come to our country, bring us to reason and help us to walk on Your Path”.

And exactly, after the people of Russia through its best sons and daughters are capable of repenting in their heart, unprecedented Divine opportunity for this country will reveal itself.

Very soon, you will become witnesses of a huge blast of the spirituality in Russia. And it will not matter for you to which temple you are going and in which temple you are praying. For in your consciousness you will ascend to this Divine top, from which the previous contradictions between the different beliefs and religions are not seen. Your hearts will fill in with such a Divine blessing and grace that you will stop having any negative reactions in relation to the people close to you who are not like you. It is necessary for you to unite in the undivided impulse of your hearts. It is necessary for you to unite under the slogan of spiritual unity of the nation. Only after repenting the spiritual union is possible and only after its spiritual union, Russia will be capable of precipitating on the physical plane those patterns of spiritual creative work of the best representatives of the humankind, which have been already created in the fine plane and are ready for the precipitation.

I have to tell you that the future of Russia is not connected with the attachment to a particular religion but with a tolerance to religions, towards every real manifestation of the paying homage to God. I am not talking of the expressions of religious intolerance that existed in the past. I am talking of a new, qualitatively new level of consciousness, which will comprise in it the Divinity and will settle all contradictions, which the roguish human mind has aggravated on purpose during the last thousands of years.

I have come to you this day, in order to bring to your consciousness the need of realizing the mission of Russia. I haven’t come for you to be proud but in order for you to regain your spirit and be able to ascend to a new level of the development.

The night, the dark night is over for Russia. Come out at dawn and watch how the sun is rising. In the same way, the sun of the Divine consciousness starts to light up the people of Russia.

Stop watching towards the West. Stop using models that are not only useless but are also harmful. Your mission is to carry the new patterns. Very soon, the peoples all over the globe will be listening about and watching towards the changes that take place in Russia with a surprise. The changes in this country will come not from the authorities, not from the politicians and the economists, the changes in this country will come from the hearts of the people and it will be impossible not to notice these changes.

Every time when you look in the eyes of the coming again in incarnation small people, try to understand the message that these eyes carry in them.

An obligation of yours is to help the new generation not only to receive everything necessary in the material plane; your task is to give help to everyone who incarnates now in fulfilling of his/her Divine mission.

Exactly now, the individuals who will make Russia a spiritual capital of the world have started to incarnate. Don’t miss your chance of serving to the whole world. Give help to these children of the Earth, the representatives of the new race.

Now, I am ready to proceed with the Blessing. I have come this day in order to give a little part of my heart, heavenly grace to you who are reading my message. I have come in order to give you the whole momentum of my Love, Faith and Hope.

I am asking you for one thing: - never forget, being busy with your current affairs of the day, your Divine origin and your Divine mission.

I love you with all my heart and I am ready to come under the first call of yours in order to give you help.

I AM Mother Mary have been with you this day.