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Earthwork Shift Report, Sept. 28, 2003 New Openings Transpiring

New Openings Transpiring

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Beloved friends,

We are on the cusp of opening to a very beautiful experience. I can feel and sense it in the air. The energy on the planet is peaceful and wondrous. There are openings happening all over the planet, throughout the solar system, the galaxy and the universe. There is much new needed energy entering our experience. I can sense this so easily. Grids are coming into manifestation all the time. They are blanketing the planet creating a protective sheath and are all throughout the planet's central core.

The input from the higher dimensions is only monumentous. Again its like the higher dimensions are coming more directly into our experience. This can be clearly felt at all levels. There has been a partial rise in the frequency of all over the past few days and there is so much activity taking place it would leave one dizzy. I don’t actually sense the veil anymore. I think it has pretty much left. It does still exist in the lower vibrations of the third and fourth dimensions but it is not readily experienced by the planet anymore now.

The galaxy is in a state of relative peace. Much of the war energy has now faded; there are only small remnants of this once gigantic energy. I can sense a lot of decisions being made in the higher dimensions regarding the earth and the universe happening now. The shifting that is happening at this time is going to affect deeply the outcome of our ascension process. At times Ican sense the new earth very clearly but over the past few days it's as though I cannot sense it as clearly. I do think we have a certain way to go yet before we start to graduate consciously to the new Earth.

What I am sensing is that the shift to the new experience is going to be relatively painless for all involved and a lot of energy shifting is going to have happened first before we do start to feel our energies resonating strongly with that of the new planet. I think there is a lot more work to be done first. With that said Ifeel that we are right on course and Ifeel a very good energy about our shift. Its as though there are new scenarios coming into play as to how our process is unfolding. The divine plan sees all and knows all. Spirit are saying that we are bang on target.

The Earthwork is most successful at this time. I should say that it always is as Source is most abundant. The energy structures i request come easily and effortlessly into play and begin moving the energy on planetary and universal levels. The energy is really this expansive. I am mostly guided to create energy grids and structures that benefit the planet; it’s like a huge ongoing repair job at all levels. The grids that come into play stimulate much needed shifting into play also. It truly is an ongoing process.

Blessings, Mark.

Creating the New Earth;
