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A Powerful Message For All Of Us Give yourself the gift of listening to the music and viewing the powerful message on this website. It is very Healing.

Give yourself the gift of listening to the music and viewing the powerful message on this website. It is very Healing.

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a reminder of what we can do when we feel helpless in the face of such disaster I'm resending part of what I sent out on Christmas:

The Book of Bricks is written in three parts. Each is equal unto the other, and none is greater or lesser in value. The first text is of Blessings. This part deals with emotional training. The second is the text of Giving. This part trains the mind. The third text is of Deeds. This part is to train the body. The three stand as separate legs of a tripod. Each is planted firmly on a solid spot. They rise upwards toward a center that holds the platform. On the platform is mounted a transom-the soul-to make sure your direction is straight and level.

The Scroll of Blessings

So that this leg may stand on solid ground, and your blessings begin, once-blessed are you who take this leg to heart. Some will find it the easiest to set, while others will find it almost impossible. Yet, set it firmly and you will be giving your first blessing to yourself: 'Bless my soul for I am a child of God,. Bless my heart for it beats to serve you, my God, and your children. God has made me perfect, whole and complete for I am in God's own image and likeness. With this knowledge I am all I need to be. I set this leg as the foundation of God's will for me and all others.'

The deep feeling of infinite compassion is not just an emotion. This oneness with God sets in motion an uncontrollable desire. Your soul wishes only love and well-being for a person, place, or thing. When this happens, you make a brick by saying, 'Bless its heart.' There is no blessing so small that it does not make a brick. Saying a blessing only so a brick will be added to your mansion is done in vain, for no brick is made.

Should you see a child crying, for whatever reason, know they are in pain, and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you tears in the eyes of a man or woman, know they are in pain or joy, and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is in anger or rage, know they are in pain for some reason, and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is blind-they see not the wonders you do-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is deaf -they hear not the music of nature-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who cannot speak-their voice sings not the language you share-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is lame-they shuffle with difficulty in the dance of life-and bless their heart, a brick is made

See you someone who is disfigured-they are ugly on in the eyes that hold them so-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is poor-they know not the abundance that is theirs-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is hungry-they have forgotten how to feed themselves-and bless their heart, a brick is made

. See you someone who is naked or in rags-they know not how to clothe themselves-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is homeless-they have forgotten how to shelter themselves-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is a drunkard or an addict-what they take to numb their pain is now its cause-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is slow of wit-their mind is in a cloud of darkness, struggling to be free0-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is a criminal-they have lost their faith-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who steals a childhood-they had their childhood stolen-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who take a place before you-they take from you only that which has been taken from them-bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who respects you not-they have no respect for themselves-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who has taken a life-they know not what they have truly done-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who is with disease-they know not that they could be well-and bless their heart, a brick is made

. See you someone who belittles others-they see themselves as unimportant-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who robs others-they only rob bricks from themselves -and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who cheats others-they only cheat themselves out of bricks-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who hollers at others-they want to be heard but know not how-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you someone who lays a hand on others-they only stick bricks from their own walls-and bless their heart, a brick is made.

See you a sick or injured animal, bless its heart, a brick is made.

See you any animal that has died, bless its heart, a brick is made.

See you the meat on your table, know you that the animal gave up its life that you may be fed. Ask forgiveness, and bless its heart, a brick is made.

Let not one day go by that you have not given blessings. Open your heart to the world around you. Find in all things a reason to give blessings.

Your God has blessed you and all else. God's blessings come as easily as the rising and setting of the sun. Should not yours be given with the l ove you hold in your heart? Should you not bless all things around you that have been given to you? Think not that it makes no difference and is but a small and unimportant thing to do. For I tell you truly, there is no blessing that you can give that is insignificant. Any blessing you give is a brick, and will be given by God back to you unto the nth degree.

That this leg may stand on solid ground, and your giving begin, twice blessed are you who take this second leg to heart. So you may give to others, you must give to yourself. Forgive yourself all that keeps you from greatness. 'I am a child of God and from my soul I give. My heart beats to give to you, my God, and your children. I give myself the knowledge that I am made in God's image and likeness, to be perfect, whole, and complete. I am all I need to be to set the second leg as the foundation of God's will for me and all others.'

The gift of giving is more than the mental process of 'I think I should, therefore I give.' Be responsible in giving. If others benefit from your gift, and you or your family are left wanting, this is not responsible giving. This is suffering. Be you abundant so others may prosper, also. God has not meant for you to go hungry so others may eat. You are not to go naked so others may be clothed. You shall not lived in the streets that others may live in a mansion. There is no gift so small that it does not make a brick. But to give only so a brick is added to your mansion is done in vain, for no brick is made.

Be you loving to yourself as God loves you­a brick is made.

Give in return this love to all else around you­a brick is made.

Be you kind to yourself that you may know kindness­a brick is made.

Give this kindness to all around you­a brick is made.

Be you your life's work, for it is the cornerstone of life­a brick is made.

In return, see that others have a life's work to be done­a brick is made.

Be there food on your table so you will not go hungry ­ a brick is made.

Eat no more than you need to live, so there will be food for others­a brick is made.

Be you clothed so you will be protected from the heat or cold­a brick is made.

Give that which you do not use to those in rags ­ a brick is made.

Be you sheltered so you will be dry and warm­a brick is made.

Make it so all have shelter­a brick is made.

Be you receiving when someone gives to you­a brick is made.

That others may receive from what you give­a brick is made.

Be you filled in your basic requirements and that of your family­a brick is made.

Se then that others have the same­a brick is made.

Be you relieved of your pain­a brick is made.

Give relief to those in pain­a brick is made.

Be you of vision, though you are blind­a brick is made.

Give eyes to those who cannot see­a brick is made.

Be you listening, though you cannot hear­a brick is made.

Give ears to those who cannot hear­a brick is made.

Be you heard, though you cannot speak­a brick is made.

Hear those who cannot speak­a brick is made.

Be active, though you are lame­a brick is made.

Put those who cannot move into motion­a brick is made.

Be you beautiful though you appear disfigured­a brick is made.

See beauty in those who seem to be ugly­a brick is made.

Be you healthy, though you are ill­a brick is made.

Give health to those who are sick­a brick is made.

Be you not seduced to use drug or drink in ways which were not intended­a brick is made.

Give freedom from enslavement to those who are in bondage­a brick is made.

Be you quick in mind, though you are slow­a brick is made. Take time to understand those who wit is dim­a brick is made.

Be you honest, though

Be you caring of a child's well-being­a brick is made.

See that others are caring of children and their well-being­a brick is made.

Be you courteous to all, and assume no place that is not yours­a brick is made.

Allow the elderly, the lame, and children to go before you­a brick is made.

Be you respectful, though you may have been disrespected­a brick is made.

See that others respect one another­a brick is made.

Be one who does not take a life­a brick is made.

Give mercy to and, yet, hold responsible one who has taken a life­a brick is made.

Be you knowing that you are of greatness, though you may have been belittled­a brick is made.

Give in return greatness to those who have been belittled­a brick is made.

Be you trustworthy, taking not that which you have not been given or have not earned­a brick is made.

Give trust to others that they may be trustworthy­a brick is made.

Be you soft-spoken with respect in your voice, though you may have been hollered at­a brick is made.

Require others to speak softly, and with respect, speak to each other­a brick is made.

Be you gentle with your touch, though you have been made to smart by a heavy hand­a brick is made.

See you that no one is laid a hand to­a brick is made.

Be you loving of an animal that you made room for in your home for it­a brick is made. Give sanctuary to animals in need­a brick is made. Be you caring of animals, making them neither sick nor injured­a brick is made. Give health to those animals in need of it­a brick is made. Be you fed by that which has not red blood­a brick is made. Spare the life of an animals that you would otherwise use for food­a brick is made. Be you respectful of all life­a brick is made. Take not so much that there is no more to come­a brick is made.

Let not a day go by that you have not been giving. Find in all life a reason to give something. God gives life every second of every day. Should not you render with the same thoughtfulness the sparing of life? Should you not think that all life is as precious as your own? Think not that no difference is made by your giving, or that any gift you give in insignificant. For I tell you truly, no gift you give is too small that it will not be given back to you to the nth degree.
