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Effects Of The Harmonic Concordance

By Karen Bishop

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phenomenal shift. Just as much of this shift can be accredited to our summoning, wanting of it, and our devotion to a higher way of being, as to the location of our planet in the cosmos. As in all creation, we are converging in a perfect alignment of all things at once. And this is what makes this event so powerful. It took all aspects from every direction, inner and outer. Things are feeling unbelievably different. Generally speaking, the "lid is off", the veil is gone. I can feel it in every fiber of my being. We are entering a space of "no time", of the space between the thoughts in a meditation, of the moment of "now".

The solar flares lifted us much higher in frequency. I am personally, still recovering from them. There is a time during the individual readings that I give, when an unusual amount of energy pours forth while a window opens, and I find it difficult to breathe and accommodate this frequency. This is the same energy that we have just experienced. A gateway to the other side. I have been walking around all week trying to catch my breath and run this steady on-going energy in a comfortable way! Computers and electronics have been malfunctioning in mass as well as our bodies. I recently muscle tested for massive amounts of chlorophyll (to assist in receiving more light?) and my acupuncturist said my energy system had completely gone haywire! Everything has been trying to acclimate to this new, powerful energy. Thank goodness our planet and its inhabitants have been purifying and restructuring in stages so that we could accommodate this energy now. When these shifts occur, we are literally stretched to the maximum. The plan, as always, is perfect. At the same time, it seems that if we focus on our love for one another, we can very easily access incredibly high states of "love". Appreciation, gratitude and love have reached a great intensity of feeling as well.....if we choose to focus on them.

Massive windows are opening. MASSIVE. Yes, MASSIVE. This is manifesting in many different ways. The nature of portals, vortexes and planetary energy hot spots around the planet is changing. There is so much opening now, that it is easy to create a portal most anywhere. In the very near future, all of the planet will be a portal. The energy is present. It is just up to us to be the anchors at the other end. It is not as necessary then, to go to or live in those incredible vortexes that have always felt so much more like home. Much moving and relocating will be going on for us. We can go ANYWHERE now, and experience these deeper and higher levels of feeling and connection. And again, we will be gravitating to our more closely vibrationally aligned spots.

At the same time, we are now open to much visitation from the higher realms (not that we weren't before). The difference being, that all will be known. The "cloaks" so to speak, will be removed. We will be able to see all. The density, the "amnesia", the "fog" will be gone. Great clarity and awareness is just around the corner. The stage is set for open communication with beings and visitors from other worlds. Eventually, it will be common place. Do you remember the ways of other worlds? Do you remember interplanetary visitation as a way of life? I have had the great excitement and pleasure to meet so many incredible beings from other worlds who are in human form and have requested readings. We will finally actively remember who we are. We will begin to REMEMBER everything, and be surprised at some of the "spiritual" misconceptions we have had! All of this is the same as the "death" experience, or making our transition, but we are doing it in a radically different way.

Many other things have become clear. This unusual time that is arriving is a once in an existence occurrence. Everything is happening HERE, on the planet Earth. It has become evident that we are all HERE to experience and embody this shift, this event. It is profound. This shift, opening or awakening we are about to experience affects the ENTIRE universe, and that is why there is so much representation in human form on the planet now. Beings from countless other "worlds", "stars" or "homes" were birthed into human form to embody this energetic experience, in order to transform the whole of the universe. It has been such great fun to see where each of us is from. What fascinating energy and "themes" everyone brings from their "home" and all are so very unique. Back in January of 2003, it appeared that we were beginning to accelerate a process of what looked like "returning to source". I mentioned it once at that time, but it seemed too much of an experience to believe. Viewing it back then, and experiencing it now, are certainly very different occurrences, but now here it actually is. It is really happening. I believe we never really knew how the process would unfold, as we were always the ultimate creators.

It appears that we are now at a pivotal point for condensing and re- uniting all our multidimensional selves for this "return to source". Can you imagine what a time this is! Can you wrap your mind around it? I feel a little embarrassed about the times I was so discouraged and wanted to go back home! As in most instances of energetic shifts, it usually takes a bit of time for these changes to manifest in form. I become discouraged myself at times, when I see and feel these changes so intensely, and yet they seem to take so long to arrive in form. But in looking back with hindsight, have any of you experienced great change in the past year? Are you in a new and different space now? As with all energy, the more summoning and allowing we do seems to correspond to the more change we feel and experience.

Some visions continue to remain the same and are worth mentioning. It appears that the "first wave" of lightworkers have set up the planet so to speak. Many of us are experiencing unusual "flukes" of financial manifestations, or situations that enable us to be "set" or taken care of. We are completing the remainder of this "setting ourselves up" phase through the end of the year. This is so that we will be secure and situated for the next phase. It appears that beginning more intensely around January, there will be much more activity involving the placement of the New and the falling away of the Old. There will be much movement and change, and much more rapidly. The power and the energy will be of the light. To say that we are predominantly embodying light now, would be an understatement. We ARE a planet of light now. I continue to see Dennis Kucinich picking up steam as a presidential candidate, as he most closely matches our new planetary vibration. I cannot wait to see what we choose to create around this next election.

What will you choose to do with this new window of opportunity arriving in November? Will you consciously pass through? Will you anchor it within?

Which world will you choose to be in? Which world will you create?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the new evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). There is no charge (if you've benefited from What's Up On Planet Earth? and are inspired to make a contribution, see link below). And know that although many of us are having similar experiences, I believe we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through this energy alert, giving soul readings, and as a custom design fabric artist for home interiors.

To make an electronic contribution click here Or send your contribution to: Karen Bishop, P.O. Box 19612, Asheville, NC 28815

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