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Making LIfe Changes

Excerpt From: Doreen Virtue

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tive prayers make a statement as if the prayer has already been granted such as, "Thank you God for the wonderful new home we live in that we love so much and easily afford."

4. Surrender the situation. Once you've asked for help, give the entire situation to the Creator and the angels. How do you do this? Simply say, "Here God. I'm sick and tired of this pattern in my life. I'm giving it to you." Then exhale.

5. Be very alert to Divine guidance. After you've surrendered the problem, you'll be given a set of instructions so that you can co-create the solution with Heaven's help. These instructions will come as feelings, inner words, thoughts and ideas, visions, or dreams. If you're unsure of their validity, ask your angels to give you clear signs to help you trust your guidance.

6. Take action upon this guidance, even if it seems unrelated to your prayer. Have a strong hunch to make a phone call, take a certain class, or read a particular book? Don't question the hunch. Follow it! Don't try to force anything to happen, easy does it. Forcing comes from fear, which lowers your energy and creates unwanted results. The energy gates open for you one by one as you follow your Divine guidance, and you'll be supported by the flow.

7. Be flexible and open to surprising solutions. I read and hear hundreds of angel stories each month. These stories always have a surprising way in which prayers are answered. So, expect your prayer to be answer! ed in an ingenious and unusual way! It's a waste of your time and energy to try to guess how your prayer will be answered, or how you should best make a change. Leave the details up to the infinite wisdom and creativity of the Divine Mind.

As Within, So Without......let us create from the heart and.... Let Love, Truth and Peace