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Edna G. Frankel: Brotherhood of Light "2005 ­ The Year of Integration"

Karen Parker

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egration, following 2004 - the Year of Action, and 2003 - the Year of Change. Do you see how the desire to change must precede action, and that once you begin to take steps towards finding a better balance in your life, you must integrate those changes as you go? Yes, in order to gracefully control and manage the future occurrences you wish to draw to you, you must constantly be finding a new balance, day in, day out, in which to function as best you can.

For indeed, the energies are growing higher, denser, and thicker. Many of you who are already doing the Circle of Grace clearing exercise will find that your limbs will fill with pressure, forcing you to lie down and release it. Dear ones, we beg you to incorporate some form of clearing, of meditation, of daily practice, into your lives - it will become truly essential in order to ground the energies and rise with them!

Yes, for you must do both at once. It must be done with all layers of your total Be-ing, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual (PEMS). It is time to clear and polish your vehicles, if you wish to make graceful, dignified progress up the metaphysical path. Awakening to the true human potential that anything is possible is the first step. Becoming aware of your dual nature, realizing that you are more than just a physical body, is the next step towards self-realization. What is self-realization? Realization that you are always connected to your own Higher Self! Learning to tap into, to clear, and to use all PEMS layers of your total Be-ing in harmony is your goal in this current time frame of December 2004 and beyond.

We speak here, dear ones, of balance. Find your own Divine Flame, learn that you are indeed divine, and seek peace in the integration of all aspects of your being. Once you have committed to changing your lives for the better, then the appropriate actions will become clear. Once you are walking in divine strength and creating active change in your daily lives, you will need to find a new balance in your daily activities, and in your perspective on life. We give you a big key here - the entire purpose of the Millennium Shift is what we just described - clearing yourselves, achieving new goals and new purpose, and creating a higher moral comfort zone in which to live, by integrating all that you have learned at all PEMS levels.

In the last twenty years or so, the human race has made quick progress in becoming awakened and aware of all the energetic changes occurring on planet Earth. Studying and learning new concepts, new modalities, new perspectives is all well and definitely good, but will not take you fully up the seeking path until you incorporate all that you have learned at the physical level - until you gather it all into your heart, and live through your heart.

What do we mean by living through your heart? Simply put, you will find your best solutions through loving thoughts and deeds, rather than fear. Once you begin to treat all human beings the way you would like to be treated, good things will start to happen for you as well. Can you step back from an angry scene and just witness? Can you wait until those harsh emotions have run their course, while holding a loving perspective of that person's potential, without getting caught up in their momentary drama? Can you stand fast in the belief that you are divine? That whatever course of action you choose, you will be guided and led by Spirit in all appropriateness? Yes, once all of your aspects (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) are cleared, healed and balanced, all that we described above will become a natural state of being for you.

Once you have defined the changes you need to make in order to bring more happiness into your lives, you strike out on this new, higher path - you take action, to bring in the changes. Once you begin doing that, what will happen? Lots of amazing things! But you will also find a need to pace yourselves, to act in divine guidance, not from mental fear or doubt. After you actively start to make changes in your lives, the first thing you will encounter is fear. Fear and doubt walk hand in hand, a half step ahead of your feet, waiting to trip you and halt your progress. Why?

In the old-energy paradigm, fear keeps you well-entrenched in your comfort zone. Stray too far from the tribal laws, and fear of retribution drags you back into the tribe. Now that you have conquered most of the basic survival needs, and your intellectual progress in science and medicine has granted you an easier, longer life, those old tribal rules, and the fear that bound you to them, are diminishing in their power and hold over you. "Being in this world but not of it" is a new, higher perception, a new comfort zone that will afford no room for fear, doubt, and limiting judgments.

When presented with a terminal diagnosis, why do some people succumb to imminent death, and others not? Your body's health follows the direction of your belief systems. These belief systems are ingrained within you at the cellular level, which is why it is so hard to overcome illness, to achieve and maintain a higher, loving perspective of life all around you. If you truly, fully believe that you are eternal beings, that each temporary lifetime in body is just that - a temporary sojourn into a different reality structure - then whatever happens to you is tempered by joy, is healed by love, and is balanced by your faith into a positive experience.

We would like to take a moment here to focus on the word "duality" (we so love to play with your language!). It literally means something which is dual in nature, comprised of half this and half that. Male and female, life and death, black and white, breathe in and breathe out. Every aspect of your old, limited 3D reality is broken into halves, and must come together in order to work as a whole. The word "duality" is also a combination of two words - dual and reality. (Chuckles). For most of you, it is a new concept that you are actually living in a dual reality - one level, one dense level of physical reality squished in between all the other dimensions, the totality of which form the One vibration of All that is Divine. When we say, you are living a shadow life, we mean that one small part of you is down there, seemingly cut off from the much larger you, the eternal You that inhabits the planes of our True Reality.

Each small step you make, each concept you integrate and actualize, draws you back to the awareness of your larger Be-ing, aligns you more and more with your eternal self, your higher self which is divine. So lovely, the circles within circles, the patterns that repeat and resolve, the potentials that you are beginning to see, understand and apply. But at each step, dear ones, you must pause and re-balance, gain a strong, sure foothold before making the next step. This will lead you with grace and ease up the path. So, see the need for change, act upon it, then balance yourself to integrate each change before you move forward. Then you move forward in strength and faith, not fear and doubt.

Even though we have labeled each year with a "momentum attribute" to guide you to be in resonance with the earth changes, we beseech you to constantly pause and integrate, then balance yourselves, your perspective, and the things that you are changing in your lives. As a musician tunes his or her instrument each time before playing, so must you, too, harmonize your lives in small increments so that you may stay in tune.

In tune with what, you ask? (Chuckle, dear readers, we sit beside you, can you not feel us yet?) In tune with your heart's desire, in tune with the earth's transformation, in tune with your own expanding senses which are opening a bit at a time, constantly re- tuning until you begin to refine your focus and see us through the Veil of Forgetfulness. Do you see, now, what this next year's vibratory rate will bring? Yes, a refinement, a tuning, a balancing of all that which you are feeling, thinking and doing. We put those words in that specific order, for we wish you to be primarily guided by what you feel is right for you, then synthesize your thoughts and beliefs to align with what you feel, and finally actualize those two through your physical activities.

This three-step process, feel, think, then do, will allow your spiritual layer (ah, yes, surely we didn't forget that one - chuckles) to be fully in charge. From where do you feel, think and do? From your highest perspective, from that state of Be-ing divine while being present in your physical form.ah yes, the dual nature of the human being must be resolved, be united, become one whole with All that is! Nurture your dual nature, heal and meld your masculine (right) and feminine (left) sides, become a balanced human being, and all of life around you will fall into balance. Why? At that level of mastery, dear one, you are so grounded and balanced within your selves that nothing or nobody can knock you off-balance! The brighter your light shines, the more the dark dissolves around you, canceled out by your light, which cannot be affected by the dark. Why? Light vibrates at a much higher rate than darkness, and the vibration of light transmutes any lower vibration around it!

Do you follow?

We hope you will.

How to do all of this? Well, the first thing to do is get out of your own way! Your Western societies are so linear, so left-brained, so logical, that feelings are treated as extra-curricular activities, pushed aside and ignored until you have time to indulge them expression. Yet you watch scary movies for that "rush" of adrenaline, and you cry over romantic music, movies and books that transport you into "feelings" of love. Rather than all of that stimuli coming from outside in, we ask you to find those feelings, those harmonious "chords" of your own inner music, and dance through each day to the music coming from your own heart, from your innermost heart that contains your divine flame. In order to reach it, tap into it and live from that level of alignment with God's will and energies, what do you need? Clear reception! A healthy vehicle! Clarity and harmonious balance at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Your need for meditation and relaxation will grow dramatically by next year. You will begin to recognize the needs of your body, and its limits, as well. All of your limitations will become apparent to you as you seek a higher balance. The limitations of your time, your energy and your money will become vital to honor, for going beyond your limits will lead to imbalance, to illness, to more lesson. Dear ones, just identifying and owning your limitations - i.e. taking responsibility for your present life - is fifty percent of the work! Once you begin to admit that, yes, this part of my life is out of balance, and that part causes me pain - you can then focus on how to change those things that need changing, and then settle into a higher resonance of being, feeling, thinking and doing. Yes, we added one - being! We would like to dredge up a small poem we have offered in prior material, a haiku that summarizes our teaching for the upcoming year:

Achieve a state of Be-ing, And from that Be-ing, do. Don't run around just doing, Or you'll forget to Be!

So we wish you love, peace and blessings through the holiday season and beyond. We ask you to take the meaning of the holidays, the celebration of Christmas, Chanukah, or whichever you hold to, and make that your springboard of action for the entire year. For indeed, as you each reach for that state of "Christ Consciousness", you will realize that donning the mantle of your divine birthright is much more than putting something on that you later take off. Once you don the mantle and begin to live from that higher level of expression, there will never be a need for you to sink down into density ever again.

Do you follow?

We hope you will!

- We are, in All Love, the Brotherhood of Light Copyright 2004 by Edna G. Frankel


Edna G. Frankel P.O. Box 62, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Phone: 215-653-0339 Email:
