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Message From Sweet Song

Through "Standing Elk"

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d Healing Powers of the Starlit Devas. Call that we can teach you about the Devic Natures within you. The Sacred Word is the Word of Life which does evolve that Mystery Nature that is Within you.

The sounds which you make are the sounds that generate from the source of your Within. The Mind simply opens the doorway for the sweetness to arise.

The Devic Kingdom is very busy constructing the New Reality at this time. And you, Peoples of the Earth, do your part by healing yourselves. May you understand that by going within, through the Powers of Light and Sound and Vibration, you may awaken the Temple which you are.

Let us share of the six levels within. For understand in the Great Wheel of Life of the Within Path, six levels you can comprehend at this time.

There is complete balance in both directions, you see? Yet, we get further into the Mysteries than we have prepared. Therefore, we speak to you, that Within you there are six levels of the growth which you have already become.

There is that Within you which is known as Organ Consciousness. We speak particularly of those organs, perhaps you know as the stomach, the liver, the heart, the lungs. There are many in the human understanding. Each of these is a living being Within you, a complete realm Within your existence.

Let it be known that going deeper - into that second level of reality of which we have spoken - is to go directly to organic workings, to that Tissue. And, Within the tissues, you do have your feelings and you do have your understandings. Can you feel the Roots of Life?

And each of those organs are made up of many very powerful and holy tissues, understand.

Let it be understood that deeper Within the Well of Word, the Sound of Life - that sound which springs forth from the within - are Cells. These are smaller kingdoms of you. Are you beginning to see, O People, that within you, indeed, are Many Mansions?

For, it is from the within, that dost the Holy Word of your Song come forth. And understand deeper into the Well of Word, we do come unto that Molecule. It is that fourth dimension Within. Can you not understand now the Relationships deep within yourself are the Over-shadowing you?

They are that sound from Mystery that does resonate your being, does cause your actions to Come Forth, and thought and speech to reflect the Mirrors of your Spirit.

So within Molecule we dost come unto the Fifth Reality, reality of Atom. And dost we not see a whole Solar System there? This is the electronic, magnetic, vibratory level of your being, understand. It is where you chose who you are. (But, much later for this.)

Going into that Sixth Level of your understanding, you may perceive the particles-- electrons, neutrons, protons - and Within them, the Quark.

So, understand, Beloved Ones, that Within you are many levels of life. As a Whole Being, O Two Legged Walking Ones, with sweet voices you may purify yourselves and add your Songs to the Devas¹. Thus, bring about a healing for Mother Earth.

Indeed, you may serve us, you may serve Mother Earth and the Cosmos unfolding by healing yourselves.

We would suggest that those musics which sweetly resonate with your heart, daily bathe in them. Do let that Song of Purity sing forth. Allow the creativity of your soul to sing the notes of Celestial Dance and Song.

Know that by becoming Conscious of each of these dimensions Within you, purifying and ordering yourself in the Light of your Sacred Rainbow Path will create Within you that Ascension Song. This song will lift you unto the Heavens as part of Mother Earth¹s great expansion in the Light.

We, the of Earth Star, do send many blessings to the human beings. Let it be known, that your songs, each and every one of you, are precious unto Creator. Sing your song with joy for the Creator and the Relations every day.

For this is the power which dost realign yourself with the Balance of Universe.

This is the Universal Law of Sound - the Universal Law of Light and Sound and Vibration--that each should sing their Song during the actions of their day.

Let that song be a sweet song unto the Spirit and unto the Mystery. Indeed, that which sings is Voice coming forth from the Void - a new created Being - flowing through the levels of yourself.

From Within the Cosmic Mother doth all sound emerge; traveling through waves of Being it dost come forth as the Heart Song of Power and Peace. This is the Sacred Language of the Seven Stars. It is song.

Understand, the frequencies of song reach round the Circle of Universe as well. There are many circles within circles in the Great Universe of Being. The Within Path - the Well of Life and Waters of Being - through the Sacred Song dost touch the ears of Sirius and the depths of the Ocean Whale and dost resonate a Song of Peace and of Sacred Fire unto the Relations of the Great Cosmic Sea of Life.

Grandmother Universe, Grandfather Light, we Devas of our Mother Earth Star do speak to the Peoples to purify their Within. Be they Particles or Atoms, be they molecules or Cells, be they Tissues or Organs, all are strings on the same violin.

Thus, you must play the levels of yourself, with the complexity of notes of Harp. Dost thou understand that healing thyself is tuning a fine-made instrument? The Masters are here to help you and to Love you and to assist.

Do call upon the Devas. Place before you this Sacred Symbol calling for the atonement of the Self. And, the Word of Archangels shall speak Within you. They be Grandmother¹s emissary and wilst align you with Sacred Law - the Law of Inner Symmetry - that is the WellSpring of Sacred Song.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Standing Elk / Golden Eagle

Canku Woksape Wicasa

Mazaska Wicahpi Waste Win
