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The Violet Consuming Blue Flame

Rod Remelin

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ut the rising flame within mankind -- a flame which burns hotter by the day with ever more clarifying results. This flame is now and will continue to burn until there is nothing left absent the dross of man, a version of man more closely aligned and in cooperation with his within, as opposed to having been defined up until now, by his deluded without.

The flame is both Violet and Blue, and is the only true power in this Universe, the source of mans animation and we are here only because it is. Whether by consent or by conquest, the Violet Flame is now pusing to the surface, lifetimes of secrecy based on dark perversions and deception for one and all, where horrific discord, mass fear and hate have taken root. There is no stopping this raging fire from within, and there is no retardant that can put it out --- it resides where most never bother to look --- in the heart, the center of mans being. . . not the brain.

Its been said that 'if God wanted to hide from man , the place where man would never think to look, would be inside him'. I agree with this statement whole heartedly, which is why there are 100's of religions, and belief systems, all touting that they have found God, and if you want to be a benefactor to such a grandiose find, you need to join our group, or congregation , or temple, or synagogue, and you too can walk with him, talk with him, and benefit enormously by his hands on approach. I tend to like a more individualistic approach towards getting to know God; like asking him directly what he thinks, where he eats out at, what radio shows he listens to, what kind of car he drives, or what his favorite types of music are? Oops I said 'he drives' and what 'he listens to', didn't I -- is God a he , or is God non-genderized ? I'm probably getting a bit off the track here now, but stay with me a bit longer, there is a point to where I'm taking you the reader.

The continuous and ongoing devolving of mankind can be sourced to one of misidentification, meaning, he doesn't know who he is. . . not really, and hasn't for quite sometime. Men have it about themselves that they are miserable creatures owing to a God of brimstone, unyielding judgment and wrath. So they rebel against such a God, and inadvertently betray themselves over to a lesser version of who they are, settling instead for the human or the man which is hued -- a watered down version of the real thing, coke for gods sake. "Is it any wonder that nowadays folks seem sort of lost, hurt or angry -- maybe they feel they got a raw deal, and their just tired of being chaffed all the time". Such is the world we have all helped to create around us, where the individual must acquiesce to the pack or be stricken from the herd, left alone in a cold, unfamiliar and impersonal world. As an aside, 'conclusions about God become evermore tenuous and misanthropic after being thrown to the wolves, time after time again.

"Ok, let's get back on track here". What exactly is this Violet Blue Flame, the lunatic keeps talking about ? "Good question, and I'll try and answer it as best I can."

As I have come to understand it, the Violet Flame consist largely of those qualities best described as 'energy purification agent', meaning that its sole purpose is to clean the place up -- distill, refine, make simple, and less busy so some sense can be made of things again. I'm all for that, and also a big fan of the Violet Consuming Flame, if for no other reason, that we will finally be getting a break from our own limitations, such as they are, long enough to absorb a much needed clearer perspective on where we might want to go from this point forward.

In past times it has been mans stubbornness, and arrogant conceit, which has defined his world, and relationship to whatever God or Gods he imagined. Thus, his world, our world, has been comprised of self prophetic behavior and mores of the day, those in which the laws of Cause and Effect are very polarized and unrelenting. So what separates this time from times past ? Are we actually entering a time period where mankind's freewill is being taken away ? Where he is no longer being given free rein with it, as has been the case in the past ?

One of the telltale signs of big changes afoot is that folks just aren't good liars anymore, maybe that's because deep down inside they know that they no longer have an audience. You see, for someone to be a good liar they need to first feed on the unquestioning attention of those around them, thereby drawing the requisite energy from their host -- used to supply temporary, thus artificial fuel for the engines of deception, roles which we have all played, some more than others, with much better success in the past, but not now, not anymore.

In closing I'd like to add these final thoughts. There are times, and then there are TIMES which come, that find many without knowing that the great cosmic wheel has come full circle again, presenting once again, the same set of circumstances, only in this time and in this place. The difference this time being that heaven above has decreed it will not start over again, as the Violet Consuming Flame continues to burn its way through the hearts and minds of the people.

You can run but you can't hide from love forever, sooner or later, it's gonna getcha.