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What Should We Anticipate?

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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We are standing on the threshold of what is being called THE SHIFT OF THE AGES. This involves a rare astrological configuration that takes place during a Lunar Eclipse. It also includes a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence when cosmic cycles within cycles within cycles involving hundreds of thousands of years are spiraling into one Universal Heartbeat. This rare event is opening a multidimensional doorway into the Divine Heart and Mind of God, thus creating a unique moment in time when the focused attention and positive expectations of millions of people around the world will have the potential of changing the course of history.

This unprecedented opportunity, coined Harmonic Concordance, is going to take place during a two week period that will be embraced by the Lunar Eclipse on November 8/9, 2003, and the Solar Eclipse on November 23, 2003.

People everywhere are becoming aware of this impending astrological and global phenomenon, and anticipation abounds. People are asking, What will happen? How will this personally affect me and my family? Will this event change who I am or how I live? Will it result in peace and abundance in the world? Will there be cataclysmic earth changes? Will it change the way people think and feel about each other? What will this event actually mean in the overall scheme of things on Planet Earth?

As usual, there is a plethora of speculation. People are predicting everything ranging from the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth to the catastrophic end of the world. The Truth is, this is a unique experiment that has never been attempted in any system of worlds, and not even our Father-Mother God or the Company of Heaven know exactly how this shift of consciousness will physically manifest on Earth. The outcome will be determined by Humanity and how we choose to use our free will and our creative faculties of thought and feeling to integrate the patterns of perfection from the Heart and Mind of God.

One thing is assured, however. This monumental influx of Light and Divine Consciousness will have ONLY POSITIVE RESULTS. This unique experiment is being orchestrated through the unified efforts of both Heaven and Earth in an attempt to accelerate Humanity's awakening process and Earth's Ascension into the 5th Dimension. Our Father-Mother God would not allow this experiment to occur if it was going to cause more harm than good.

The important thing for Humanity to remember is that we are ALL Sons and Daughters of God, and it is our Divine Birthright, our responsibility and our obligation to cocreate this physical reality. WE are the ones who will determine the results of this incredible experiment.

Through the Divine Intervention of our Father-Mother God, and an act of amazing Grace that took place during the seventeenth celebration of Harmonic Convergence in August, Humanity's 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras were opened to full breadth. Our God Selves are now in the process of integrating the new frequencies of Love from our Mother God, and our right-brain hemispheres are being brought into balance with our left-brain hemispheres. This is creating the perfect environment for the activation of our spiritual brain centers. As this process unfolds, our 5th-Dimensional Solar Crown Chakras of Enlightenment are beginning to stir open.

From the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in May, up to this very moment, the Elemental Kingdom has been cleansing and purging the effluvia and human miscreations from the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Earth. This purification has triggered an intensified purging within the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of Humanity as well. The end result of all of this preparation is that every man, woman and child on Earth is now pulsating at a higher frequency of vibration. Consequently, every evolving soul has the potential of taking a quantum leap forward in the Light when the doorway into new levels of Divine Consciousness is open in November.

In order for us to fully understand how this event will affect us personally and collectively, we must remember that we are all multidimensional Beings, and we function in various dimensions of existence simultaneously. This is true even though, on a conscious level, we are usually unaware of anything but the dense physical plane.

Normally, we judge everything by what we perceive to be happening in the outer world. The problem with that is that the physical plane of Earth is the most illusive and the least real of all the dimensions we abide in. Our perceptions and our interpretations of what is really going on are usually very distorted and many times totally inaccurate.

When major events such as the one we will be experiencing in November take place, they occur first and foremost in the Realms of Cause. Then our God Selves assimilate the newly-formed patterns of perfection and gently project them through the various dimensions into our conscious minds. >From our conscious minds, the accumulated gifts from our Father-Mother God and all of the Divine Potential associated with them are gradually reflected into the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flames of Divinity pulsating in our hearts.

Once the patterns of perfection are secured in our Heart Flames, we know that we know that we know the Truth of their existence on a tangible level. We then have the ability to cocreate the new patterns in the world of effects by projecting them into the physical plane through our thoughts, words, actions and feelings. If we choose to do this, the patterns become part of our new reality, and we joyously experience them as they manifest in our daily lives. This motivates us to keep on keeping on, and day by day our lives are transformed into expressions of harmony, abundance, happiness and peace.

This process takes place for every person on the planet each time changes of this nature occur in the Realms of Cause, but it unfolds in Divine Timing for each one, and no two people are the same. That is why these events never result in instantaneous global transformation. Instead, they unfold gradually according to each person's Divine Plan, each person's conscious participation in the process and each person's willingness to be the Open Door through which the Light of God will flow to cocreate the new patterns of perfection on Earth.

It is important for us to not let our unrealistic expectations determine what we perceive to be the success or failure of Harmonic Concordance. The only thing we have experienced in this lifetime that even remotely compares to this impending event is Harmonic Convergence, which took place August 15-17, 1987. During that event, people all over the world were expecting all sorts of miraculous changes too. When people woke up on August 18, 1987, and things seemed the same, many people lost faith and classified the event as a New Age hoax. In reality, nothing could be further from the Truth.

Harmonic Convergence resulted in the greatest influx of Light the Earth had ever experienced up to that point. It paved the way for Earth's Ascension off the Wheel of Karma and back onto the Spiral of Evolution. It began the initial reactivation of the Earth's Crystal Grid System and created the environment for the activation of Humanity's 12-fold 4th-Dimensional Solar Spines. The Light that poured into the planet during Harmonic Convergence awakened a full range of capacities within Humanity and moved us a quantum leap toward our global awakening.

If you have any doubts about that, just observe your own personal growth, and see how you have matured spiritually and how your heart, your thoughts and your life have changed since 1987. Observe how many awakened people you know now compared to the number you knew back then. Pay attention to how your own direction has changed since that time, and see how you have moved closer to the fulfillment of your Divine Plan, your purpose and reason for being.

HARMONIC CONCORDANCE WILL BE INFINITELY MORE POWERFUL, MORE LIFE CHANGING AND MORE GLOBALLY TRANSFORMING THAT HARMONIC CONVERGENCE. Because of the acceleration of time, and because there are millions more people awake now than there were in 1987, this upcoming shift into Divine Consciousness will manifest much more quickly than the changes that took place after Harmonic Convergence.

With that KNOWING, ask your God Self and the entire Company of Heaven to guide you carefully, step by step through this process, so you will be the most effective Instrument of God you are capable of being during this unique experiment. Together we will change the world.

During the time leading up to, including and following Harmonic Concordance, allow your thoughts and feelings to be filled with an alertness, enthusiasm and a Divine Intelligence that is forever open and pliable. Do not allow your thinking to become fossilized, stagnant or obsolete. Know that your heart and mind are continual miracles of advancement and spiritual development.

The new path of Divine Consciousness that will open during Harmonic Concordance will lead Humanity to deep and previously unknown possibilities within the human mind and will open each of us to complete spiritual development.

Stay focused on the present and glorify your every breath, thought, word, action and feeling. Live your visions, and empower them with love and a deep reverence for life. Live each moment as you desire the future to be, and KNOW that the future will fulfill your desires.

With courage and faith we are going to meet this great destiny, and our Divine Purpose will become our every thought, word and deed. We are embarking on a new day of Divine Consciousness, which will result in our full mental and spiritual attainment.

Through our visions and spiritual desires in the present, we will cocreate the future and release the shadows of the past. Our desires and visions of Heaven on Earth will bring astounding results through our newly-activated Divine Consciousness.

During this momentous time, we must daily and hourly fill our minds so full of visions and desires for Heaven on Earth and so full of prayers, hope and love for Humanity that there will be no room for anything else.

During Harmonic Concordance, our super conscious minds and our conscious minds will become One, opening us to full awareness and giving us the potential of mastery in any field of achievement.

When we attain that level of Divine Consciousness, we will experience a majestic calmness and control over our lives. We will revel in a joy and glory beyond anything we ever imagined. We will have confidence that the glory of our Divine Plans will continue forever and ever, and our discordant thoughts of the past will be no more. Our new Divine Consciousness will create our destiny.

Divine Consciousness opens us to God and brings us in tune with the Universe. Through Divine Consciousness, we can reach into Eternity and gather from the Universe the unformed primal Light substance that will fulfill our desires and visions.

The more we empower our visions, thoughts and feelings with Divine Consciousness and our heart desires, the faster they will manifest in our lives. Remember, intense desire carries within it the power of fulfillment. Everything that has blocked us in the past from attaining our goals, every impossible, insurmountable barrier. will crumble before the Light of Divine Consciousness and our intense heart desires.

Nothing is impossible within the Light of Divine Consciousness, the key to progress and eternal power.

Through the victory of Harmonic Concordance we will be able to tap our full Divine Power and Potential. Our hearts and minds will be aflame with inspiration and love, and we will know that the power to overcome all adversity pulsates within us.

Stay focused and be here NOW!
