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Working With The Archangels, Part 2

By Janice Olson

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inful burdens of the past. He helps turn our worst disappointments into our greatest blessings. Uriel assists us in releasing unforgiveness and resentment. When called on, Uriel and his legions rush to bring you peace.

Uriel's goal is to assist you in anchoring yourself in love that is strong enough to withstand negativity. Invite him into your life to assist you in becoming a master of your energies. He is a fiery angel and associated with absolute justice and remorse. When he is around, you may see sparkles of violet, indigo, lavender and silver.

In Christian tradition, Uriel is the Angel of Music, The Angel of Poetry and the Angel of Prophecy. Accepted as an archangel by the Church for many centuries, he was finally removed from the records in 745 AD as the Church became increasingly concerned with the prominence the public was placing upon angels.

Sometimes described as the Archangel of Salvation, Uriel teaches the path of the heart, the fire of pure Love. Ask Uriel to take your pain of the past, he will ease your heart and mind of old unforgiveness, towards yourself and others. Uriel's symbol of an open hand holding a flame depicts a great gift to humanity. It is the flame of Love to ignite the heart in service to God. Uriel holds out the flame of Love towards all souls. The soul by filling with the flame of Love becomes devoted to serving The Creator's plan. Uriel's flame of Love, the fire of God, the Light of God, purifies emotional and mental understanding transmuting the lower vibrations into frequencies that can assimilate Spiritual Understanding. The planet that Uriel is associated with is Venus, the planet symbolizing love.

Uriel is the master of bringing harmony into chaotic situations. He helps to center you in a place of inner peace during a crisis. He is also credited with helping to prevent and minimize danger in natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornados and floods. He will guide you to a safe area during these times.

Ask Uriel to assist you whenever your life seems so chaotic you feel overwhelmed. Say, Uriel, please help me to experience harmony and peace in this situation. I ask that you help to undo the effects of any mistakes that have been made.

Let Uriel soothe your mind and help you keep a cool head when things are going crazy. For instance, if your finances or love relationship feel as if they are falling apart, Uriel can help you think straight so you can find a solution to your problems with a calm, clear, collected mind.

When you are going through a turbulent life change, ask Uriel to smooth the path.

If you are having trouble with bosses, coworkers, or customers, ask Archangel Uriel to help you. He will guide you in miraculous ways. Everyone will soon forget why they were angry in the first place.

Sometimes we create our own problems Uriel can rescue us from these self-imposed crises. He is instrumental in helping us fulfill our goals and dreams.Ask Uriel to be your partner on anything you are working on.He will inspire you with ideas, keep you encouraged and motivated and help to manifest the material supplies that needed for projects.

The Archangel Uriel is traditionally considered the Angel of the Earth and assists in communicating with nature. He can be called on to assist with material and earthly matters. Uriel is the angel of Ecology, the science of the whole Earth and the inter-relationship of all life upon it.

He also supervises the Nature Spirits, those fairies and sprites who inhabit the elements of earth, air, fire and water, and who add so much to the beauty of nature.

Prayer to the Archangel Uriel Glory to God and his deeds,for everything is good and wonderful. Holy Archangel Uriel,protect and look after rivers,their waters we drink,life springs up from them; make vegetation sprout to feed Earth's creatures,make humans yield bread out of the land,wine to enliven his heart,oil and food to give him force.Encourage humans to honor Mother Earth and ALL the creatures that inhabit this planet. Help them to return this planet to its pure state. Thank you for intervening Archangel Uriel.

Releasing Guilt and Forgiving People

Guilt, regret and sorrow can completely hinder you. Forgiveness is very powerful, and not only just forgiving others, but for ourselves. Guilt is very unconstructive and causes negativity and frustration. Make sure you forgive yourself for all mistakes, incomplete promises and unfulfilled commitments.

Forgiveness fosters growth in mind and in spirit. We have all been wounded during our life, just as we have, at one time or another, hurt someone else. Since we're only human, we constantly make snap judgments and decisions that later we live to regret. It's important that everyone tries to do the best they can at the time, even though it may not seem so.

Forgiveness of others isn't easy, but necessary. Forgiveness enables us to be released from the pain of the past. It's is an act of the spirit, a way to let go of the bitterness and indignation we' ve carried for too long.

Forgiving someone who's hurt us doesn't mean we're excusing what he or she has done or let him or her hurt us again. It does mean that no matter how much we have suffered, we're stopping the cycle of pain and guilt with forgiveness and release.

Uriel can help to release emotional toxins that can be healed by forgiving someone. You must be willing to exchange your pain for peace. He has been known to deal out karmic debts to teach us to learn from our mistakes. He helps with issues of stability, ancestral heritage, and prophecy.

Before you go to sleep at night you can say, Uriel, please visit me in my sleep tonight to release this toxic situation.

Forgiveness Exercise People carry way too much metaphysical baggage with them through life. The guilt and hurt doesn't serve you or the person you have an issue with. Don't be self-righteous and wait for an apology that's never going to come. By holding onto the anger and disappointment, you're putting your peace of mind in someone else's hands.

To get rid of any guilt or forgiveness issues you haven't had the courage to deal with, here's a great tool! It takes about an hour or two but is very powerful.

Write a list of EVERYONE [and I mean everyone!] who's ever hurt you in any way. Go all the way back to nursery school until today (your list can never be too long!). Don't forget to add yourself to the list!

Special note for people who don't think they are ready to forgive. Even people that love us very much can sometimes hurt and betray us. Does that mean you have to hold a grudge and carry the bitterness with you for the remainder of your life? I hope not! If you do, think about how you felt when you were forgiven by someone. It's much more painful to look at our own faults and failings than to look at what others have done to us. It's much easier to blame problem on someone else, and who better than someone who has hurt us! But let's face it, we're all human, we all make mistakes.

Then list everyone you have hurt in your life, intentionally or unintentionally (this isn't a blame game).

After you are done, go through the list, name by name. For each person say, I forgive you and release all karmic energy we have together in all directions of time. I send you love and bless you on your way. Ask for Archangel Uriel's help to release the disappointments, unforgivenss and resentment you are feeling.

This takes a while but is very powerful. Free yourself and move on! If you feel like there was someone you still have trouble forgiving, go to Releasing Stubborn Negativity and Issues below.

Releasing Stubborn Negativity and Issues Go out into nature and ask a stone, leaf or nature object if it will take on your negative situation or issue. You will get a yes or no answer.

When you get a yes, thank the spirit of the object and set the object next to your bed and pray for the object to take the doubt,pain, sadness, addiction, whatever your issue, while you sleep.

In the morning, do not touch the object, take Kleenex and wrap it and take to a nearby ocean, lake, pond or stream and say, I release [issue] to nature to be cleansed and obliterated for eternity. Throw the rock into the water.

Thank nature for taking the issue and it will be done!

Meditation to Release Guilt and Forgive Others

This will be a difficult meditation for some people; however, the peace of mind it will bring you will make it worth your time. If you find it difficult to let go of painful memories, you may want to do only parts at a time. Start with asking for forgiveness from others, then during another meditation, ask for self-forgiveness then the next time, forgive others.

Find a quiet place and sit or lie down comfortably. Don't cross your legs or arms. Close your eyes and breathe in for a count of four. Hold it in for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and hold for a count of four (this is called the four fold breath). As you do this, visualize all of the stress is leaving your body. Know that relaxation is very much a natural part of your being. If a distracting thought comes into your mind, just release it. Don't strain to keep thoughts from entering your mind; just release them on the next exhalation. Repeat this breathing technique 3 times then unconsciously continue breathing this way throughout the meditation.

Tell your Ego-self to move toward your left shoulder. Let the Ego-self know that it's only an observer during the meditation and know this is so. Ask your Angels, Guides and all that you desire to accompany you on this quest to release and forgive now.Ê Ask The Creator to send down a beam of protective white light. The Creator hears your request and in your mind's eye you can immediately envision a beam of light coming down from the universe. Watch it surround you in a protective glow.

Now you are ready to release. Mentally say, "Archangel Uriel please come to me now and release me of all guilt and resentment and help me forgive anyone I feel has wronged me." Archangel Uriel is instantly by your side ready to assist.

Begin breathing gently into your heart, feel all the barriers and pain that you that you have carried because you have not forgiven, not yourself, not others. Feel the constricting feelings of the closed heart.

Mentally ask Archangel Uriel to help you open your heart. Feel your heart center opening to forgiveness.

Prepare to ask others for forgiveness. Tell Archangel Uriel, There are many things I have done or said that have hurt and harmed others, betrayed or abandoned them, caused them suffering, purposely or accidentally, out of my own pain, fear,anger, and confusion. Show me, one by one, the ways I have hurt others.

Let Uriel show you, in your mind's eye, how you have hurt others. See and feel the pain you have caused others because of your own fear and confusion. Feel and own your grief and remorse. Watch Uriel bring the image of each person in front of you and then say to them, "For anything I may have done, either purposely or accidentally, that caused you pain, I ask for your forgiveness. For any words that were said out of thoughtlessness, anger, fear or confusion, I ask your forgiveness." Repeat for each person Uriel brings to you, one by one. After you have asked for forgiveness, bring everyone together and feel Uriel shower everyone in God's cleansing, sparkling white light. Watch any lingering issues float up to the light and disappear to be cleansed and transformed.

Your body may have tensed up during this remembering, focus on it again. Then take a few moments to feel your emotions and to let them go. Then focus on relaxing and being comfortable. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly. Ask Archangel Uriel to heal any tense or sore areas connected to these memories.

After relaxing for a few moments focus again on breathing into your heart.

Prepare to forgive yourself. Say, Archangel Uriel there are many ways that I have betrayed, harmed, or abandoned myself through thought, word, or deed, knowingly or unknowingly. Show me, one by one, the ways I have hurt myself.

Let Archangel Uriel show you the ways you ve hurt or harmed yourself. Remember these times. Feel the unhappiness you have carried from these actions, and know that you can release these burdens, extending forgiveness to them one by one. Say, "I forgive myself. I forgive myself." After releasing all the burdens say, For every time I have hurt myself through action or inaction, from fear, pain, and confusion. I now extend a full and heartfelt forgiveness. I forgive myself, I forgive myself. Now see and feel Archangel Uriel shower you in white, sparkly, cleansing light. Watch any lingering issues float up to the light and disappear to be cleansed and transformed.

Your body may have tensed up during this remembering, focus on it again. Then take a few moments to feel your emotions and to let them go. Then focus on relaxing and being comfortable. Ask Archangel Uriel to heal any tense or sore areas connected to these memories.

After relaxing for a few moments focus again on breathing softly into your heart.

Prepare to forgive others. Say to Archangel Uriel, There are many ways I have been wounded and hurt, abused and abandoned, by others in thought, word, or deed, knowingly or unknowingly. Archangel Uriel will show you images, one by one. Feel the sorrow you have carried from this past wrong doing and know that you can release yourself from this burden by extending forgiveness if your heart is ready.

Watch Uriel bring the image of each person you can ask for forgiveness in front of you and say, I realize you have hurt or harmed me, out of fear, pain, thoughtlessness, confusion or anger, I see this now. To the extent that I am ready, I offer you forgiveness. I have carried this pain in my heart too long. For this reason, I offer you my forgiveness. I forgive you and release all karmic energy we have together in all directions of time. Repeat for each person Uriel brings to you, one by one.After you have forgiven, bring everyone together and watch Uriel shower you in cleansing, sparkling white light. Watch any lingering issues float up to the light and disappear to be cleansed and transformed.

Your body may have tensed up bringing these memories up, focus on your physical body again, breathing very slowly and deeply. Take a few moments to feel your emotions and to let them go. Then focus on relaxing and being comfortable. Ask Archangel Uriel to heal any tense or sore areas connected to these memories. After relaxing for a few moments focus again on breathing into your heart.

Feel the release and ask Archangel Uriel to fill up those empty spaces within yourself with God's loving white light. Feel yourself filing up with this positive, radiant energy. Leave no open, empty spaces for the old angers and pain to return.

Now, in your mind's eye, see Archangel Uriel, holding a heart-shaped gift box. This gift is etherically installed in your heart, serving as a reminder of his connection with you. The heart is a major portal for the flow of beauty and creativity, both outward and inward. This angelic "gift box" in your heart is where you will hold Uriel's energies of forgiveness, beauty, appreciation and creative expression.

Focus on grounding and centering yourself by picturing the roots from your feet into Mother Earth and breathing deeply and slowly.

Then slowly and gradually allow yourself to return to consciousness. Open your eyes.

Archangel Raphael

The name means "God Heals." Archangel Raphael is the archangel that supervises healers and healing for all Earth's population. It's sensible for everyone to call upon Archangel Raphael for his help in healing.

Ask Raphael for help when you are in any kind of pain, whether it be physical, emotional romantic, intellectual or spiritual. He will somehow inspire you with sudden ideas and thoughts giving you just the right information to help the healing. Pay attention to and then follow these angelic answers to your prayers.

When asked for healing assistance, Raphael surrounds and nurtures people with the emerald green light of his halo. Green is the color of healing and clairvoyant people may see emerald green sparkles when Raphael is around.

Except for situations where the person's death or illness is part of their overall divine plan, Archangel Raphael will energetically supply whatever is needed to promote healing. It's important to note He will not always swoop in and heal everything right away. He could let you know that your negative thoughts have created this illness and to get rid of it, you must change your thinking. Hand over old anger to him for cleansing in the light.When this anger is gone, you will feel much more at peace and the effects of rage and anger in your body can be healed.

Raphael coaches and motivates healers whispering instructions into the ears of doctors, surgeons, psychologists, nurses and other caregivers including scientists. His intervention helps scientists in making breakthroughs in medical cures.

Ask for Raphael's participation to promote healing in rocky marriages, addiction, grief and loss, family relationships and stressful lifestyles. Simply say his name or make a specific request: Archangel Raphael, please come to my side and help me feel better about [issue]. Please surround me in your healing energy and guide my actions and thoughts so that I am healed.

Raphael is also the archangel in charge of travel. As you check in at the airport, ask Raphael watch over your luggage, the plane and your travels. Raphael and the traveler angels and can control airplane turbulence, give you directions when you're lost, keep a leaky tire inflated and prevent your car from running out of gas (for a while anyway!).

Ask Raphael to smooth the way in all your travels. Don't forget to thank Archangel Raphael and the angels for their help!

Healing Meditation with Archangel Raphael

You can work with Archangel Raphael and his healing energy using meditation.

To prepare say a prayer to God/dess, to please help you be as open to the healing as possible and to join in the healing work and support you through your healing process.

Sit comfortably where you will not be disturbed. Begin by grounding and centering yourself. Close your eyes and imagining roots growing from your feet into Mother Earth. Then follow this simple breathing exercise to relax your physical body: breathe in through your nose, hold it for 7 seconds, and release it very slowly through your mouth. Repeat 3 times then unconsciously continue breathing this way throughout the meditation. Tell your Ego-self to move toward your left shoulder. Let the Ego-self know that it's only an observer during the healing and know this is so. Ask God/dess to send down a beam of protective white light. God/dess hears your request and in your mind's eye you immediately envision a beam of light coming down from the universe. Watch it surround you in a protective glow.

Call Archangel Raphael, either mentally or out loud and ask.

Archangel Raphael please come to me now and assist me in my healing. If you like, also invite in your Higher Self and your own Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels. You don't need to know their names, just say "Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels, please join Archangel Raphael in my healing session."

In your mind's eye, picture Raphael standing over you with his hands outstretched over your head. See the healing energy in the form of green light flowing from his hands down into your body through your crown chakra (the top of your head). Try to relax and feel the energy. You may not be able to feel the energy at first, but after doing this a few times (if needed), you will probably begin to become more sensitive to the energy. Most people feel the healing energy as warmth or tingling. Others feel a soft and loving stream running through their body. Whatever you feel is right for you. The first time, let this energy flow through you for a while,opening you to Archangel Raphael's curative energy and preparing you on all levels to accept the healing. This initial step can last for several minutes or until you feel that it is time to move on to the next step.

Now change the focus onto specific parts of your body. Picture Raphael's hands over these areas and feel and see the green light flowing through his hands to your injury or area of illness.

When you are through, thank Archangel Raphael, and ask him to protect you from negative thoughts and feelings that manifest into health problems. Also thank your Spirit Guides and Angels for assisting in the healing.

Focus on grounding and centering yourself. Again, picture the roots from your feet into Mother Earth.

Now open your eyes.

It does not matter if you are good at visualization, or whether or not you can physically feel the healing energy from Archangel Raphael and your intentions are what you are healed by. This method works with injuries and illnesses equally well.

You may repeat this work several times a day if necessary, or whenever you feel you need it.

Once you are used to healing work with Archangel Raphael, your Spirit Guides and Angels, you can ask them for quick relief and healing. This is especially helpful for chronic conditions they regularly work with you on such as pain relief.

Please remember to thank Archangel Raphael, your Guides and Angels for their help. It's not necessary but they really appreciate the acknowledgment that you know they are their working with you. You can also take the time and opportunity to talk with them, either telepathically in your mind or softly out loud. They do hear what you say and acknowledge in ways that they can, even if you can't hear their responses back to you in words.

Healing Others with Archangel Raphael's Energy

You can also work with Archangel Raphael to heal others. We are all beings of lightand anyone can work with the healing energy and assist in another person's healing. You do not need any special training to do this type of healing work. You just act as a channel for the healing energy. All that is needed is your intention to help the other person in their highest good.Archangel Raphael, your Higher Self and Spirit Guides, and the Higher Self and Spirit Guides of the person you are doing the healing work with are directing the healing being done. Your main job is support for the person, or receiver, and to facilitate the healing work.

Make the person you are going to work on comfortable by having them sit in a chair or lay down. Together, ask your ego-selves to move toward your left shoulders. Let the ego-selves know they are only observers during the healing and know this is so. Ask your Angels, Guides and the receiver's Angels and Guides to accompany you on this quest to heal now. Ask God/dess to send down a beam of protective white light. God/dess hears your request and in your mind's eye you can immediately envision a beam of light coming down from the universe. Watch it surround you and the receiver in a protective glow.

Both of you say, out loud, Archangel Raphael please come to us now and assist in the healing in [Healer]'s highest good and that [Receiver] accepts the healing in their own highest good.

Of course, all of this can be done silently. The person being healed doesn't have to participate in the prayers and invitation. But it is helpful if they do take an active role in the healing.

Place your hands on or above the person's head. Picture Archangel Raphael standing behind you and working through you. Try to envision or feel the healing green light energy flowing from Archangel Raphael into your hands and then into the crown chakra of the receiver. Your hands may become warm from the energy.

After several minutes of this, move on to specific areas of the body where it is needed the most. Trust your own feelings and guidance on the length of time to spend on each area and where to place your hands.

You could be guided to work on areas that have nothing to do with the areas of the symptoms, disease or injury. This could be underlying causes or just a separate need for healing in that area of the body. Just follow your intuition.

When you are through, don't forget to thank Archangel Raphael and the spirits involved.

Working with Archangel Raphael and his healing energy is very easy. The healing is done by your intention and willingness to work with the Beings of Light ministering to you and the people that you are working with.


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