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Indian in the Machine

Dieter Braun

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Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine) is a free spirit currently living
in the fictional country called canada. He has photographed an
Angel and regularly photographs Thunderbirds (also known as sylphs), and cloudships. Dieter has created 13 CDs of original music and has given thousands of copies of music as gifts, on the internet. Indian has posted hundreds of articles on the internet as gifts to assist humanity in this phase of planetary and personal ascension.

It truly is no exaggeration to say that Indian photographs some of the
more remarkable images ever taken with 35mm and digital (moving
pictures and still images). Witness the Universe visiting Indian
on numerous occassional throughout the years, luckily he carries his camera wherever he goes. See images of cloudships, sylphs (also known as "Thunderbirds"), a few orbs, and many more unexplained yet no less Amazing  sky images. Read more about Sylphs at educate-yourself.

Snoedel photo album #1
Snoedel photo album #2
Tribe photo album

Indian in the machine at (over 190 million visits)

Top 10 Censored Canadian Stories of 2007

The best of Youtube

Ascension; to increase one's frequency.  To move from the third vibratory dimensional frequency of duality (Light and dark), to the fifth vibratory dimensional frequency of love. 

An Angel appeared in the Saskatchewan sky at Cranberry Flats

in August 2004. To date, no mainstream media has ever printed the image even though the image brings hope, peace and Universal awareness to our community. The Angel, photographed by Dieter Braun may be Archangel Michael, since he is known for his sword of Truth, which may be represented as the white cloud with the straight line.  Incredibly Dieter photographed the  Angel forming in probably one of the most awe inspiring moments ever captured by any human technology.  These images have been seen by tens of thousands on the internet, particularly at the very popular internet site,

Snoedel  ( Dieter has created some “Angel in the sky” greeting cards for those who believe in the power and magnificent beauty of Angels. 

It’s true, the Saskatchewan sky is alive!


Indian in the machine cloudship videos
at Youtube. and Soundclick

TRIPPY BEER CAN YOUTUBE VIDEO:  See  what happens when three drummers meet three's like a beer commercial only better!

Dieter has made over 30 mp3s available for free download.   Dieter creates spirited experimental music with heart for the awakening God within.  Find out why songs like "This song may put you in a trance", "Heart open wide", and songs about the Galactic Federation of Light

embed their way into the hearts and minds of  Truthseekers and Lightworkers alike.

New song: "Accept your Godliness"

Read Dieter's important article "Aura Therapy", about connecting the power of one's aura with the notion of our bodies as being electrical magnetic wonders.  Ionic footbaths are truly
a wonderful way to detox from our chemical-based world, including chemtrails! Dieter distributes ionic foot bath plates at a very affordable price.

New Indian in the machine article at Snoedel:

Your aura is your energy signature

At Tribe, Dieter has authored over 300 articles as well as posting important messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, Archangel MichaelSnoedel, prison planet, and fourwinds.


Gea is a gifted woman friend from the Netherlands

who has co-created the popular internet website Snoedel with the rest of the Universe, and now Snoedel has become a worldwide Lighterworker phenomena.

Dieter may create a drum for you or perhaps you may wish to make your own during a drum making gathering (next one: November 18th $180)


Dieter performs music throughout Saskatchewan as well storytelling, inspirational public speaking gigs and AMAZING SASKATCHEWAN SKY photo slideshows.

For bookings

Dieter writes words expressing the passion of his heart.  Although I have never met Dieter, I have got to say that he is the most open, uncensored spirit of online sharing I have ever experienced!  Dieter, some of the things you say truly amaze me. Actually,most of what you say amazes me, but I love your free spirit!  Has anyone noticed how many responses Dieter usually receives with his contributions?  You make us react, Dieter.  Good man!!!  Jean

The changes to Earth are necessary to restore it, whilst at the same time removing all that is of the lower vibrations. It is a cleansing of the old so that in a relatively short time, only that which is of natural beauty and harmony will remain. You will be ready for your own upliftment, and the race of Man together with Mother Earth will move into yet higher dimensions. For the time being you cannot really imagine the beauty of the higher realms, but it will astound you and captivate you. It is the peace that has no ending that will thrill your soul, and you will recognize the godliness in each other. The purity of the Light and its wonderful range of scintillating colors will astound you. - Ela


A 500-year history of North American Indian Colonization: the chakra connection


A special CD release/meditation concert

Broadway Theatre

Oct 27th 3:00 (doors 2:30)

$15 ($10 advance tickets) available from Kathy Mahar 382-3363, Dieter Braun, Heavenly Health Quantum Healing Centre (Av I and 22nd st), and Witch's Brew.

Special at Heavenly Health, and Witch's Brew  "Drumbirth" CD and a concert ticket $20!

World economic reform soon

daily updates at Snoedel

Message to Canadians regarding

stephen harper's recent

treasonous behavour

Canadian prime minister (for now) stephen harper's evil plan


The Canadian government is hostile:  A blueprint for 2012 for North American Indians

I stand behind my words

Google images that will create permanent peace forever

Top 10 items of importance for the Indian communities of Saskatchewan

Your special gifts to humanity

What "thankfulness" sounds like

Weather modification in Canada
BREAKING NEWS!! 10 Open secrets that must be exposed

13 tips to achieve inner strength and beauty

LATEST NEWS! You are a master

Indian in the machine

Cds available at
Witch's Brew, Saskatoon
Heavenly Health, Saskatoon
North West Co., P.A. SK

or through the internet.


Indian has created over 13 Cds and has made some of them available worldwide from his humble bungelow on the outskirt of town. Sample the mp3s at Soundclick and give your ears a taste of one man's unique vision of what the music in his head sounds like.

Gather your gifts here.  Purchase Indian in the machine cds, drums, ionic foot bath plates, Angel cards and photo, Sylph cards. International shipping. Paypal.  Min. order $50.