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Take Back Your Power

By Doreen Virtue

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st times, the collective power of lightworkers threatened those who held power in religious and government institutions. Over time, these institutions developed ways to make lightworkers become afraid of their own God-given power. Through devices such as inquisitions and death penalties and religious rules, lightworkers had second thoughts about being powerful. Whenever you introduce doubt, your faith is lowered, and therefore your miracle abilities are lowered.

The institutions knew other ways to shut down lightworkers, including holding worship sessions indoors away from nature; introducing guilt (which is the lowest emotional energy of all, and one which clips the wings of lightworkers); paring joy with fear (when joy is the highest energy of all, and one which supports miracle making); and teaching that only religious leaders could talk to heaven.

The plan worked. Many lightworkers are still afraid to fully reclaim their spiritual power. They allow themselves to suffer in unhealthy and unfulfilling situations, instead of taking charge through spiritual avenues such as prayer, meditation, healing, visualization, and manifestation.

The Archangel Michael, who oversees lightworkers, asks you, and all lightworkers, to reclaim your full spiritual power, NOW! There is no more time to procrastinate, or play small. Now is the time to allow your spiritual wisdom to operate in the world. You are a leader, a teacher, and a healer. You will never be more prepared to lead, teach, and heal than you are today.

Before going to sleep tonight, invite Archangel Michael into your sleep to activate your dormant spiritual power and abilities. He will awaken hybernating DNA connections, which will make you more aware of energies. You will be more aware of your manifesting power. This will require you to gain some control over your thoughts, instead of allowing them to run amok with fears and doubts. By training your mind to stay centered upon your desires, instead of upon your fears, you will feel your power.

The Archangel Jophiel (whose name means Beauty of God) helps us to beautify our thoughts. If you find yourself swamped with stressful or unloving thoughts or feelings, mentally say to Jophiel, "Help Jophiel! I am in my ego! I need your assistance to recenter my thoughts to my higher self!" You will receive instant emergency aid, and will soon feel recentered and powerfully peaceful.

You can also ask Archangel Michael for directions about which step to next take in your life, or to help you with decisions about life changes. Be assured that the angels will guide you through changes in a gentle way, supporting you and your loved ones during transitions, endings, and beginnings.

Remember: you are powerful, you are loved, and you are very needed in this world right now.
