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Message From Valerie Donner--"Return To Straight From The Heart"

By Valerie Donner

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There was a total lunar eclipse at the same time. From my understanding the Star of David represents ascension.

I had a gathering of 11 women at my house for the Harmonic Concordance. We meditated and prayed amidst flowers, candles and music. We did nine minutes of Oming during the peak of the event. At one point I could feel the Earth’s ecstasy that so many around the world were Oming simultaneously. She was ecstatic! I feel that she was able to take a big breath and that she received with our assistance a huge influx of Light. Since that time I feel there is more Light on the planet. Our Light work was impressive and effective.

Astrologers and many others speculate about the significance of this celestial event. It is certainly a sign from the heavens that we are in the ascension process. One of my clients called me the other day asking what would happen after the 8th. She informed me that many people she knows are having difficult challenges right now. Is this true for you?

My sense of it is that we are being pressed to find deeper connections with God. If you are challenged at this time it could be because your God Self (Higher Self or whatever your choose to call it) is beckoning you home. For eons of time we lost our God focus. We forgot who we are, divine sparks of Prime Creator’s heart. We were created out of the energy of this love. With the impending events and those that have been activating humanity’s consciousness since the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987, we are being called back into the heart of Creation.

If your challenges relate to money, ask yourself what better way could God get your attention than to allow you to address your survival issues? You may be doing this to find the real truth. What is that truth? Your survival depends upon God. Purely and simply everything comes from God. If you know this intellectually you may now need to shift this belief to the core of your DNA so that you will never have to address this concern again. Prime Creator wants you to remember how you are so that you may instantly manifest whatever you need in your lives. Remember you are not loving your self if you worry about money. It is time for a big shift so if this is the issue please move through it so you may trust Prime Source to provide on all levels.

Many seem to be feeling an overall anxiety. If this is your situation use this anxiety to find truth again and again. Remember that as Lightworkers you are always working exponentially to shift and heal many others on the planet. You are also at the forefront of change so if others around you are not feeling some of the intensity that you are feeling, honor that their time may come. We are often put through various lessons prior to the rest of humanity so that we can assist them when the ensuing events occur. It is part of our jobs. Let go of stress worry and concern. Give it to God.

If your focus is relationships think about this—This planetary alignment was about ascension. If you are in a relationship that needs alignment this is the perfect opportunity to bring out integrity and truth. Transformation must occur or else how can you bring in balance? How can you create new beginnings if you are hanging on to old ways of being? You can make new choices. You do not need to change the other person. Change yourself. Anything that is not in alignment will be intensified for transformation.

What is your body telling you? Have you noticed any physical pain associated with your fears? The body is connected to the Earth. All is one. When the fears are not cleared the body may intensify pain within so that you can clear them. Lean on Prime Creator, ground crew, or the pain may lean on you. If you are having physical challenges please go deeply within to the pain or other concerns to learn the wisdom. See how quickly the discomfort shifts after you do your emotional clearing.

Another major issue may be work. Are you doing what you came here to do? If you are challenged with your work you may need to re-examine what you are doing. Where are your energies going? Your plan for doing your Light work in the future may not be God’s plan. Perhaps you got laid off because you have more important work to do. Trust in the divine plan.

The other day I wrote the following job description for Lightworkers.

A Lightworker’s Job Description

Description of job: One who is here to serve humanity and the Earth at this time of planetary transformation.

Reports to: Prime Creator, God, Prime Source, whatever names you choose to call our Creator.

Special requirements:

Must be available and on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Must be willing to connect with God at all times.

Must work for the highest good for all.

Must be dedicated to the Light.

Must be willing to give up everything that one might deem important like relationships, money, material things to do one’s work. This may not be necessary but it is possible.

Must not worry about what others think of you. Your friends and family may think you are weird or discount you.

Requires that one do their inner work.

A desire to be a change agent.

Acknowledgement that you are an angel, part of the ground crew.

Familiarity with prayer and meditation.

Desire to use special talents and abilities to co-create with God.

Must learn discernment.

Desire for service and your own enlightenment.

Requires a commitment to one’s spiritual path.

Necessitates compassion and an open heart.

Must be willing to release judgment and contempt of self and others.

Must be willing to learn right use of power.

May possess strength and courage only seen in someone like Superman.

Job duties:

Follow your heart in whatever capacity is possible in order to do your work and to use your gifts

Serve God to the best of your abilities.

Be willing to go where angels fear to tread.

Lightworkers serve in every aspect of life—government, business, politics, education, research, home, school, healthcare, even in the military, as artists, musicians, healers, teachers, counselors, writers, performers, and every where. They are everywhere present because God is everywhere present.

May be strategically placed to be a system buster.

Other duties as may be assigned.

From my experience Lightworkers are loving people. Most of them have not had easy lives. They are prone to self-reflection and are focused on their spiritual growth. They are a small percentage of this wide world. Many have never felt they belonged here and have been waiting for this time of transformation. They are not well understood by most of society. Many have strong intuitive abilities and are powerful beings. They may feel other worldly connections. They have had to become generalists to fit into society. They are sensitive to foods they eat and gravitate more toward natural healing.

There is more that could be said but let us simply intention that we are being called into service and that we are eager to serve.
