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What's Up on Planet Earth? Turning The Corner

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ts, our most joyous dreams and desires.

As the Concordance brought in a higher vibration of light, here to stay, and permeating our entire beingness, it activated a deep cleansing and removal of lower vibrational patterns within us. Every nook and cranny was filled with light, and what didn't resonate with and match the light was magnified. This created a sort of "clash" or turbulence within us, and is manifesting without as well. This is the "falling away". With all this clashing of energies, many of us are feeling it as stress or great pressure.

Yes, we are turning a corner and embodying more light than ever before. For some, part of the purification and releasing process occurred in our dream state, with wild, vivid and sometimes violent dreams. Many are now reporting having wonderful dreams. After a period of anxiety and panic attacks, along with rapid images flying through my dream state, I began a phase of beautiful dreams, depicting my fondest desires and wishes. I believe that this was part of a process of bringing them into form. I had gone from releasing to creating the New. My three year old granddaughter Amayah, recently asked her mother if she remembered being in her dream last night. "Don't you remember, Mama?" she said. "A white boogie man opened my back with long claws (wings?) and then we went into the white light. You were there too, in a beautiful white room!" In addition, while trying to get some relief from the panic attacks (which are now gone), I began using an EFT process I had used 18 months ago, to assist in releasing old patterns. Very, very strongly I received the message NOT to focus on or activate the Old, but to implant and imprint the New. It was a very strong message not to go anywhere near the was as if it was dead and gone and only a higher vibratory New could now exist.

I have also been feeling a sense of buoyancy in my physicality. It is as if I have shed some density, some heavy burden. I don't have to wade through so many thought processes.....there is a new simplicity to being. The New surrounding energy is speaking in many ways that a time has gone by, never to return. My furniture and my car seem to belong to someone else. For me, this world of the New is manifesting as a fun and substantial redecorating process. I seem to want everything upholstery, new paint, new image. The Old is gone forever, and the New is feeling wonderful!

As we go through this process and the New becomes predominant, it will manifest in different ways and at different times for everyone. And yes, we are still releasing the Old. Many have recently reported a loss of interest in eating. Some are having increased pressure around their hearts (our hearts are opening wide now as we integrate this New feminine energy). I have found that limiting many of my activities and getting much rest, substantially reduces the "overload" to my system, as the New energy doesn't add on, then, to any already existing stress. Also, letting go and allowing this New energy to complete its process has been a great help as well. My resistance to what was happening and to the changes occurring was creating more discomfort than the process!

As we now have turned the corner and are on the upswing in critical mass, the changes we will see will be more rapid. As the New is now predominating, the remaining Old energies will disappear very rapidly. Now embodying a predominance of light, as much (but certainly not all) of the lower vibrations have moved out, we are in rapid speed, or rapid manifestation. Energetically, it looks like there is very little density. We will soon begin to move ahead rapidly in our evolutionary process. Some are already reporting telepathic experiences. Our imagination and intent can create wonders, but we aren't used to using them and having such an immediate result. We are like children behind the wheel of a Concord jet and only driving it as a bicycle. We are going to be needing lessons. Those who are already experimenting and having fun with these New energies and possibilities will step forth as teachers. It will be a new curriculum for sure!

Creativity will abound. There will soon be great creativity everywhere. And great freedom. There will be new ideas, new creativity at a higher level, and new inventions. It will be a time of great excitement and wonderment. The "lid" has been lifted. Our imaginations will run free with an unlimited theme. When we begin to realize our powers of creativity, there will be much joy and more happiness in the air. Problems will be easily solved......we will not have the controls of the past. Out of habit, we may be waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it won't. This will get our attention.....something has changed. We will now begin experiencing the wonder of the New 5th dimensional energies.....we just had to get through the purification phase that these New energies created upon their arrival. And know, that each individual will experience the New energies at a time and in a way that is relevant to them. Some may not feel or notice a thing. I believe we will experience them according to what we are about......according to how we vibrate. I remember reading about Dr. Christianne Northrup, an incredible doctor who assisted so many of us women through supporting our bodies through alternative remedies and powerful explanations of our process. As she focused on the feminine, the womb, and its states of imbalances, and even though she was also focusing on the remedies, she herself developed a large abdominal tumor. This is how she vibrated, this is what she was about. As Erin Brockovitch focused on assisting those with toxic environments, she found herself living in a new home of her dreams that was ravaged by toxic mold. What is our dominant vibration? What are we about? What do we focus our energies and thoughts upon? What are our beliefs? I believe this will all have some affect upon how we experience the ascension process. What if we focused on our dreams and exciting new outlets for our creativity? From my recent experience, this focus has the ability to override all else. Our creativity and our open hearts are the doorway to the New World. As each of us arrives in the New World at his/her own special time, those of us that have chosen to be the "first wavers" will be ready and eager to assist in showing the way.

Yes, the New World is here. Lately I have been blessed to be surrounded by an unusual amount of new little ones due to arrive in the upcoming months. The new ones are eager to be part of this New World. Last week my daughter's sister-in-law had a new baby girl. They named her "Heaven". I believe that says it all.

Which world will you choose to be in? Which world will you create?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,

Karen Bishop

What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the new evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). There is no charge (if you've benefited from What's Up On Planet Earth? and are inspired to make a contribution, see link below). And know that although many of us are having similar experiences, I believe we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through this energy alert, giving soul readings, and as a custom design fabric artist for home interiors.

To make an electronic contribution click here Or send your contribution to: Karen Bishop, P.O. Box 19612, Asheville, NC 28815

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