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Relay Relay Relay - November 13, 2006

Spirit Eagle

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Gather with those of like heart and Have a Party! Dance, Sing, Create, Make Music, Listen to Music, Play with Crystals, Talk to the Animal Kingdoms, Thank Your Mother Earth! Be in Gratitude! From this place of Joy you will more easily Create all of your heart's desires!

Joyful Laughter creates healing in the body and soul; it is one of the many gifts from Creator! KNOW that your most cherished Dream is about to be fulfilled! Walk in Confidence of this Knowing! We are looking forward to that cup of tea with fudge! Yes, we have been watching you create this delicacy!

That leads me into a related subject. Food, Water, Air; the necessities to sustain life in your dimensional form. Remember that YOU CAN TRANSMUTE ANYTHING! ALL on your Earth Mother is fouled by pollutants. This does not mean you have to continue to suffer the consequences of this disrespect and selfishness on the part of humankind.

Visualize and Bless your Earth Mother! See her whole and clean again. Bless your water and food; Transmute it into pristine purity and nourishment. This is something you can ALL do Everyday and YOU WILL MAKE IT SO! This does not mean that it is fine to pollute your air, water and soils or to go out and buy a....Hummer? Strange name, that! You are Ascended Masters and you Can transmute anything.

From where I sit (or stand) I see you waking up by the millions! You are on your way to the stars! Your long road in the darkness is at an end! We await you on the other side of your dimensional shift! I will see about making myself visible to you and your Paschat again! Many Blessing of Joy and Laughter to All of you!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle Monday November 13, 2006 7:26 pm